Grand Prizes
1st place was awarded an Electronic Visa Gift Card (prize value in US dollars) ($3,000 value), 2nd place was awarded an Electronic Visa Gift Card (prize value in US dollars) ($2,000 value), and 3rd place was awarded an Electronic Visa Gift Card (prize value in US dollars) ($1,000 value)
Bonus Prizes
Each winner was awarded a Drone Accessories, Cash Cards and Complete Drone Kits ($100 value)
Special Awards
Each runner up was awarded an Electronic Visa Gift Card ($1,000 value)
Whether man-made or natural, fires are difficult to predict and control. Fires cause billions in damage, destroy entire towns and forests and put countless lives in danger, including first responders at the front line.
HOVERGAMES IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO HELPThe objective of this contest is to build a solution that enables your HoverGames drone to assist fire fighters in their duties – in any way you can imagine, from wildfires to urban fires. The NXP HoverGames drone development kit includes everything you need to get started on your flying robot.
What will you enable your HoverGames drone to do?
Does your drone help coordinate firefighting teams? Does it deliver supplies or extend communications or logistics networks to difficult-to-reach areas? Scan burning buildings to pinpoint hot spots? Or does it detect and prevent fires before they start?
To kick off your brainstorm, here are some ideas:
- Extend communications to difficult to reach areas
- Pinpoint hot spots
- Monitor emerging fires and potential restarts
- Track and monitor resources, animals, and people in danger
- Lead someone out of the wilderness
- Provide insights on situational awareness
- Deliver a resource to a trapped person, like a gas mask or a flare, or CB radio
- Allow only authorized access to the drone
- Identify and approve drone operators
- Identify other drones that should not be in the area
You'll use the HoverGames drone development kit. This modular, open development platform uses reliable automotive and industrial-grade components from NXP. You can experiment with additional hardware components from NXP and other providers – you are only bound by your own creativity. And your drone will be PX4-enabled, the largest commercially deployed open source flight stack worldwide with business-friendly licensing. The kit contains:
- Flight Management Unit (RDDRONE-FMUK66 FMU) that’s supported by the opensource PX4.org flight stack on top of NuttX RTOS.
- Strong, rigid lightweight carbon fiber quadcopter frame with platform, mounting rails, landing gear, motor controllers, motors and props
- Telemetry radio and remote control (RC) radio
Take your idea and apply for a hardware coupon, now until Jul 27, 2019 at 11:59 PM PT. The top 100 applications chosen will receive a coupons for the NXP HoverGames drone reference development kit that's priced at $300 USD. Plus, you'll receive these bonus components:
- PixyCam2,which is based on the NXP LPC MCU for simple vision applications
- Heat sensor
- Rapid IoT for fast prototyping of sensors and communication
- Rapid IoT drone adapter board (RDDRONE-IOT)
Rapid IoT is about more than hardware. It's designed tobe a flexible IoT node solution backed up by robust software including aweb-based IDE with GUI based programming which enables you to easily andquickly take your design idea to a proof-of-concept.
You will have access to multiple sensors, capacitivetouch and security. Also, add wireless connectivity over BLE, NFC, and Threadplus the ability to quickly create mobile and cloud apps.
The Rapid IoT Kit requires the use of NXP's new Rapid IoTStudio IDE, which is a streamlined way to create, deploy and run your design.
Click here to learn more about the Rapid IoT Prototyping kit and how you can enhance your drone’s capabilities.
YOUR FINAL SUBMISSIONFinal project submissions are due Feb 2, 2020 at 11:59 PM PT. See official rules for details on requirements and how to enter.
Participants must use the HoverGames Drone Development Kit (KIT-HGDRONEK66) and show how a small autonomous drone or system solution can solve a problem related to fire fighting.
Use the online project submission on Hackster. Your submission must include:
- Basic information, including the project title and one-sentence elevator pitch
- Bill of Materials, including all hardware, software OSs, apps, online services and other handtools and fabrication machines
- Full story on how your application project works, including videos and images
- Relevant resources, including code, schematics and CAD files (if relevant)
Your code must be published to a public code repository on GitHub licensed under the open-source 3-Clause BSD License using a "pull request." Further, your uploaded source code is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD license. (See “About Pull Requests” on GitHub.)
Specifically, using GitHub, you must:
- Fork all HoverGames repositories (copy repositories) to allow for experimental changes without affecting the original project. (See fork help article on GitHub.)
- Fork the PX4 Firmware repository
- Notify contests@hackster.io of your GitHub account with a list of the forks’ URLs and your team name
- Experiment with code on your fork
- When submitting your final project, create a pull request to the HoverGames repositories
- Pull request must include team name
- Pull request must include year of participation
- Create a pull request to the PX4 Firmware repository
- Send the link to the PX4 Firmware pull request to contests@hackster.io
- You may be asked for these notifications and URLs to be included in your hackster.io project page
Your project must be written in English.
Projects are judged on a 100-point scale. See the official rules for details.
LAST, BUT NOT LEAST ...HoverGames is intended to show hypothetical scenarios. Although this contest is about helping firefighters, the last thing we want is an open fire! Be sure to make use of other heat sources such as hotplates, hot water, hand warmers, hairdryer, or the opposite – dry ice as a substitute!
The HoverGames will award prizes to multiple winners through the duration of the program.
Grand Prizes

1st Place
1 winner
2nd Place
1 winner
3rd Place
1 winnerBonus Prizes
We want you to win! Have you done something really unique with the extra components, including the PixyCam2, Rapid IoT and/or heat sensor? Throughout the competition, more than 30 additional giveaways will be awarded. Many prizes, including additional drone accessories, $100 USD electronic Visa gift cards, and even additional drone kits will be given to participants who use the bonus components. NXP judges will select participants based on inventive and unique uses of these components. Follow the comments section closely for more details. 30 winners will get Drone Accessories, electronic Visa gift cards and complete drone kits ranging in value from $50 to $450.

Multiple bonus prizes! $50-$100-$450 values!
Special Awards
One winner for each of the special awards will each win an electronic Visa gift card (each valued at $1,000 USD). Special awards include:
"First Responders Award" for most impactful idea, determined by the Twain Harte Fire Department which covers Yosemite National Park, USA.
"Drone Coder Award" for a project, determined by DroneCode.org.
“PX4 Award” for best use of PX4 code and services," determined by Auterion.
"Unicorn Award" for most unusual, interesting, creative or environmental friendly idea, determined by Arm.

- NXP drone team
- Twain Harte Fire Department which covers Yosemite National Park, USA
- DroneCode.org
- Auterion
- Arm
About us
The NXP HoverGames series of hands-on virtual embedded hardware and coding challenges unite developers around the world to address some of the biggest challenges facing society using the HoverGames drove development platform. In every HoverGames challenge, we’ll confront universal issues like disaster management, health crises, environmental protection, wildlife conservation and more.
Contest Status
Competition begins
May 28, 2019 at 9:00 AM PDT
Applications for hardware close
July 27, 2019 at 11:59 PM PDT
Hardware recipients announced
August 15, 2019 at 11:59 PM PDT
Submissions close
February 2, 2020 at 11:59 PM PST
Winners announced by
Mar 2, 2020