- Categories:
- The Badge of All Badges
- The Badge of Hackster
- The Badge of Art
- The Badge of IoT
- The Badge of Hope
- The Badge of Add-On
- Judges Choice
The Badge of All Badges
The winner was awarded a Join our BadgeLove event in San Francisco: Flights, hotel, beer, all paid. ($2,000 value)
The Badge of Hackster
The winner was awarded a Make the baddest, blinkiest Hackster-inspired badge to win a Typhoon H Plus drone with Intel RealSense technology + t-shirt + blog post + socks + stickers and BIG SOCIAL promotion! ($1,500 value)
The Badge of Art
The winner was awarded a The most intricate and artistic badge takes home one of our limited edition skateboards! ($250 value)
The Badge of IoT
Each winner was awarded an All badges are born equal but the badge with the best networking capabilities, takes our socks, t-shirts and stickers! ($40 value)
The Badge of Hope
Each winner was awarded a Share badges that support a social cause like cancer awareness and STEM to win one of our newest t-shirts. ($30 value)
The Badge of Add-On
Each winner was awarded a Build the snappiest add-on, to make a lonely badge a happy badge to win one of our newest t-shirts. ($30 value)
Judges Choice
Each winner was awarded a Limited Edition T-Shirt ($30 value)
#BadgeLife is the new electronic graffiti. This form of art is in a league of its own, first popularized by DEFCON hackers, now boasts serious technical sophistication, a wicked artistic flair, peppered with political, cryptography, social, cultural and comical narratives, flashing LEDs and screens with add-ons galore.
You are invited to join our first, and certainly not last, BadgeLove challenge, sponsored by OSH Park, Autodesk EAGLE & Fusion 360, and Hackster.
Share your unique design with 700,000+ Hacksters and we will reward badge fanatics for their beautiful, weird, cool contributions.
Ready to Badge It?
- Share any badge, new or old with full instructions
- Provide design documentation. For example, PCB layout (native or Gerber plots), artwork, bill-of-materials, schematics, source code/firmware, and anything else you'd like to share!
- Written explanation describing your badge’s capabilities
- Optional video explaining what the badge does
- Want to score extra points? Celebrate our partner Autodesk and build with Autodesk EAGLE files and Fusion 360 CAD (check out the Autodesk prize)
- Don't want to share your complete Gerbers? Need to protect your invention? We totally understand. Share only what you feel comfortable with
- Got add-ons? Let's see them!
- Selling your badges? Share your links, we want to buy some!
- Need fab help? It's all about the one and only OSH Park!
- Using Altium, KiCad, other? You're good!
Need Inspiration?
- Daniel Oberhaus' "A History of Badgelife" on Motherboard
- #BadgeLife tweets
- Add-on dev board by ANDnXOR on OSH Park
- Alasdair Allan's "Post-Conference Life for This Year’s Open Hardware Summit Badge" blog post
Follow These Badgemakers:
- Official badge by the Toymakers: https://twitter.com/tymkrs
- Mr. Robot Badge by Brian Benchoff: https://twitter.com/mrrobotbadge/
- gameGame 4000 by Nate at All Hands Active: https://github.com/allhandsactive/gam.../
- DeLorean by Drew Alden et al: https://twitter.com/reanimationxp/
- Not A Camera by Chris Gammell: https://contextualelectronics.com/cou.../
- Mad Cat by TwinkleTwinkie: https://twitter.com/mrtwinkletwink/
- Latté by DC Zia: https://twitter.com/dczia505/
- Glow SAO: https://www.hackster.io/glowascii/design-a-sh-tty-add-on-in-kicad-06350f
The BadgeLove Event in San Francisco!
To celebrate your creations, we are planning a fun event in San Francisco that is ALL ABOUT YOU! Come in person, record a video or join via Skype, and show us what you built. One lucky person will be flown in for the event. We hope it's you.
Sponsored by OSH Park, Autodesk EAGLE & Fusion 360, and Hackster.
Awesome badges will be rewarded with fun prizes. This contest will be as inclusive, internationally friendly and blinky as ever!
The Badge of All Badges
Build your badge using Eagle, Fusion 360 and illustrate superior technical and artistic capabilities.

The Badge of Hackster

The Badge of Art

The Badge of IoT

The Badge of Hope

The Badge of Add-On

Judges Choice

Joe Grand (www.twitter.com/joegrand), also known as Kingpin, is a computer engineer, hardware hacker, teacher, advisor, runner, daddy, honorary doctor, and proprietor of Grand Idea Studio (www.grandideastudio.com). He was formerly a technological juvenile delinquent, member of legendary hacker group L0pht Heavy Industries (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L0pht), co-host of Discovery Channel's Prototype This and DEFCON's original electronic badge designer from 2006 to 2010.
Whitney Merrill is a privacy and information security attorney and technologist. She founded the Crypto & Privacy Village (CPV), which appears at the DEF CON each year and will make its first appearance at BsidesSF in March 2019. Whitney has been making badges with a team of great folks for the CPV over the past 5 years. She specializes in PCB art and fighting with Inscape and KiCad to translate her mind's eye into hardware. She also organizes and runs the #badgelife slack group and is trying to catalogue and document all the badges made over the past 10+ years
Andrew Sowa (AndrewSowa.com | Twitter @junesphd) is an Electronics Engineer who created a process to turn portraits into PCB art. Starting with the Benchoff Nickel, he has an ongoing series of maker coins that feature prominent members of the community. His work can be seen on various Hackerspace walls and most recently as the SOA for the Open Source Hardware Summit. You can learn more about his process by watching his Kicad tutorial with Alex Glow on Hackster TV.
Moheeb Zara. A long time Hackster friend, Evangelist at @Hologram. Hacks robots and art at @heatsynclabs. Co-founder of @asanspace and @SWMakerFest, great hair, clean code.
Matt Berggren runs the EAGLE & Fusion 360 platform teams at Autodesk. Prior to Autodesk, Matt worked for Supplyframe, the evil overlords that rule Hackaday. He’s been in electronics design and eCAD software since the days of PCAD / Accel EDA and was part of the core team at Altium which drove the transformation from Protel to Altium Designer. Matt’s background in electronics goes back 30+ years beginning with model rocket gear, radios and radio equipment, RC vehicles and a lot more dangerous stuff he’s reluctant to talk about. His career programming began with the Commodore PET. Professionally he’s designed all manner of consumer products, mil-spec / aerospace designs, wireless systems, and just about any sort of sensor / control module you can imagine.
Huge thanks to Master Drew Fustini for making us learn, love and hack badges!
Contest Status
Competition begins
November 29, 2018 at 10:00 PM PST
Submissions close
March 28, 2019 at 11:59 PM PDT
Winners announced by
Apr 11, 2019