- Categories:
- Best Alexa Skills Kit with Raspberry Pi
- Best Alexa Skills Kit with Raspberry Pi
- Best Alexa Skills Kit with Raspberry Pi
- Best Alexa Voice Service with Raspberry Pi
- Best Alexa Voice Service with Raspberry Pi
- Best Alexa Voice Service with Raspberry Pi
- Runner Up!
Best Alexa Skills Kit with Raspberry Pi
The winner was awarded a 1st Place: Trophy, Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, Amazon Tap, $1,500 Gift Card ($1,900 value)
Best Alexa Skills Kit with Raspberry Pi
The winner was awarded a 2nd Place: Trophy, Amazon Echo, $1,000 Gift Card ($1,180 value)
Best Alexa Skills Kit with Raspberry Pi
The winner was awarded a 3rd Place: Trophy, Amazon Echo, $500 Gift Card ($680 value)
Best Alexa Voice Service with Raspberry Pi
The winner was awarded a 1st Place: Trophy, Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, Amazon Tap, $1,500 gift card ($1,900 value)
Best Alexa Voice Service with Raspberry Pi
The winner was awarded a 2nd Place: Trophy, Amazon Echo, $1,000 gift card ($1,180 value)
Best Alexa Voice Service with Raspberry Pi
The winner was awarded a 3rd Place: Trophy, Amazon Echo, $500 gift card ($680 value)
Runner Up!
Each winner was awarded a First 50 people to publish skills get a $100 gift card! (Skill must be published between the contest start and end dates. Integration with Raspberry Pi not required) ($100 value)
UPDATE: We've extended the contest to August 31st 2016 to give you more time to build, learn and earn!
Raspberry Pi and Amazon Alexa are calling on the DIY artisans of the world to join our Internet of Voice Challenge! How will you use Alexa to add voice control to your Raspberry Pi project?
Raspberry Pi and cloud-based voice services like Amazon Alexa enable makers to populate and advance the Internet of Things. Accessibility is key: the Raspberry Pi’s powerful computing combined with the templates and self-service tools in the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) and Alexa Voice Service (AVS) enable voice control of just about any hardware.
The challenge:
Pick your favorite Rasberry Pi board, combine it with the Alexa ASK and/or AVS, and give life to a new voice-commanded hardware that was never seen before. We’d love to see how the community invents (and re-invents) voice-capable, connected devices.
There will be two prize categories: best Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) integration, and best Alexa Voice Service (AVS) integration.
Amazon will judge all entries and select winners based on the following criteria:
Best Use of the Alexa Skills Kit
- Use of a Raspberry Pi (20 points)
- Creativity (15 points)
- Use of Voice User Interface (VUI) best practices (15 points)
- Story/Instruction – Show how you created your project, including images, screenshots, and/or video (10 Points)
- Project Documentation including VUI diagram (10 Points)
- Code – Include working code with helpful comments (15 Points)
- Published Skill (20 Points) (read more about skill submission criteria)
Best Use of the Alexa Voice Service
- Use of a Raspberry Pi (20 points)
- Creativity (15 points)
- Use of Voice User Interface (VUI) best practices (15 points)
- Story/Instruction – Show how you created your project, including images, screenshots, and/or video (10 Points)
- Project Documentation including VUI diagram (10 Points)
- Code – Include working code with helpful comments (15 Points)
- BONUS - Published skill (10 points) (read more about skill submission criteria)
You are encouraged to build and submit more than one skill! We look forward to seeing what you create!
Here’s how to participate in the contest:
- Create a free Hackster account
- Register to participate in the contest
- Create an Amazon Developer account using the same email you used for your Hackster account
- Design, build, and submit your Amazon Alexa Skill
- Submit your project on this contest page
Project submissions should include:
- A link to your published Amazon Alexa Skill
- Story and high-quality images
- Clear project documentation including VUI diagram
- BoM (materials used)
- Source code
Alexa Skill Testing Tool
Now, can test your skills without a physical Echo from anywhere in the world.
The Amazon Skill Testing Tool (EchoSim.io) by iQuarius Media is browser-based interface to Alexa, the voice service that powers Amazon Echo. Echosim.io is intended to allow developers who are working with the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) to test skills in development
To use the Alexa Skill Testing Tool:
- Navigate to https://Echosim.io
- Log in with your Amazon account.
- Click and hold the microphone button and speak a command as you would on the Echo. For example, say, “Alexa, what's the weather today?”
- When you let go of the button, EchoSim processes and responds to your voice command.
- To speak your next command, simply click and hold the microphone button again.
- Some features of the hardware Amazon Echo, such as streaming music and far-field voice recognition, will not function with this tool.
Technical Resources:
Alexa Quick Start Guide (Python)
Alexa Quick Start Guide (Node.js)
Raspberry Pi + Alexa Voice Service
Alexa Voice Service Getting Started Guide
Alexa Voice Service API Overview
Alexa Voice Service Sample App
Community Projects
P.S. Devices will be shipped only to participants in the US. For winners living outside of the US, a gift card of equivalent value will be sent. When your skill is published, you may also be eligible to receive a free t-shirt from Amazon. See here for details.
P.S.S You can participate as a team, and we will ship the prize (should you win) to one designated person.
Best Alexa Skills Kit with Raspberry Pi

Best Alexa Skills Kit with Raspberry Pi

Best Alexa Skills Kit with Raspberry Pi

Best Alexa Voice Service with Raspberry Pi

Best Alexa Voice Service with Raspberry Pi

Best Alexa Voice Service with Raspberry Pi

Runner Up!

Free Tshirt

Contest Status
Competition begins
June 22, 2016 at 6:00 AM PDT
Submissions close
August 31, 2016 at 11:59 PM PDT
Winners announced by
Sep 16, 2016