First Prize
The winner was awarded a First Prize ($2,000 value)
Finalist Prizes
Each winner was awarded a Finalist Prize ($600 value)
We’re calling on developers across the globe to build cool embedded applications using the Ada and SPARK programming languages and are offering over $8000 in total prizes. Why? Well, the Ada programming language was designed from its inception to be used in applications where safety and security are of the utmost importance and with the increased need for trustworthy software, we want to encourage the use of Ada/SPARK.
We want you to demonstrate your inventiveness and build safe, secure and reliable software that matters. Need some inspiration? Check out previous contest submissions here.
The TechnologyThe goal is to design and implement an embedded software project where Ada and/or SPARK are the principal language technologies. Judges will refer to this definition of embedded software.
Our free GNAT Community compiler with IDE and comprehensive toolset is available for you to use but any compiler, language and board is acceptable in your project submission. See our Getting Started page for further platform and hardware support information.Still have questions about what you can use? Check out our submission requirements in the rules tab, our FAQ tab or post your question on the discussion tab.
We are giving away thousands of dollars in prizes to the top 11 projects! Our judges are going to pick the best qualifying projects based on the judging criteria outlined in the rules section.
First Prize
We are offering a first place prize to the competition winner.

Finalist Prizes
We are offering a prize to each project shortlisted as one of the 10 competition finalists.

Student Prize
In addition to the financial rewards, eligible students will compete for this reward.
Analog Discovery 2 Pro Bundle to verify and test your project.
Bill Wong
Bill Wong is Senior Content Director and Editor for Informa’s Electronic Design magazine where he has worked for twenty years. He has a BEE from the Georgia Institute of Technology and an MS in Computer Science from Rutgers University. He developed and sold a Fortran development environment in BASIC in high school and was a coop engineering with Burroughs Corporation. His first full time position was at RCA’s Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton, NJ. He has worked at numerous hardware and software development positions in addition to being the first PC Labs Director for PC Magazine.
Fabien Chouteau
Fabien joined AdaCore in 2010 after his engineering degree at the EPITA (Paris). He is an Embedded Software Engineer at AdaCore involved in real-time, embedded and hardware simulation technology. Maker/DIYer in his spare time, his projects include electronics, music and woodworking.
- We have recently launched a brand new interactive website for learning Ada and SPARK, here.
- For Ada and SPARK video tutorials, go here.
- Go here for general information on supported platforms, project ideas and where to get help.
- Download our GNAT Community edition, a robust and flexible Ada and SPARK development environment comprising a full compiler, an IDE, and a comprehensive tool suite here.
- Check out our Ada Drivers Library on GitHub for Ada source code and a complete sample of GNAT projects for selected bare-board platforms supported by GNAT here.
- Community forums: Ada on Stack Overflow , Ada on reddit and Ada on twitter - @adaprogrammers.
About us
Everything we do at AdaCore is centered around helping developers build safe, secure and reliable software. With over two decades of experience working with the most respected companies in industries such as aerospace, defense and railways, we build tools and provide services that ease the complex and often difficult process of developing high-integrity software. As the need for truly secure and reliable applications expands into industries such as automotive, medical, energy, and IoT, we’re excited to bring our time-tested technologies, expertise and services to help a whole new generation of developers.
Contest Status
Competition begins
September 10, 2019 at 9:00 AM PDT
Submissions close
January 31, 2020 at 2:59 PM PST
Winners announced by
Mar 6, 2020