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Disaster Management with Smart Circuit Breaker

Ensuring safety against electrical fire or shock during earthquake, flood, gas leakage & fire breakout by disconnecting mains with smart CB.

IntermediateFull instructions provided10 hours5,741

Things used in this project

Hardware components

BBC micro:bit board
BBC micro:bit board
Flame Sensor
Natural Gas Sensor
Water sensor
Photo transistor
Laser Module
DC-DC 3.7v to 5v boost converter module
LiPo Charger
LiPo Battery
onsemi TL431 Voltage Reference
SG90 Micro-servo motor
SG90 Micro-servo motor
MCB/Circuit Breaker
5V 2.5A Switching Power Supply
Digilent 5V 2.5A Switching Power Supply
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Green
5 mm LED: Green
5 mm LED: Yellow
5 mm LED: Yellow
Resistor 220 ohm
Resistor 220 ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 2.21k ohm
Resistor 2.21k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Male Header 40 Position 1 Row (0.1")
Female Header 20 Position 2 Row (0.1")
Female Header 20 Position 2 Row (0.1")
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)

Software apps and online services

GNAT Community
AdaCore GNAT Community

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)


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LED and Switch Tags



microbit smart cb with Ada
------------------------ edge connector pin mapping ------------------------------
-- See here : --------------------------

--  pin(code)      pin (edge connector pads)      hardware connected
--   0         --  large pad 0                   -- servo motor control pwm pin
--   1         --  large pad 1                   -- Flame Sense IR module
--   2         --  large pad 2                   -- Smoke Sense Photo diode
--   3         --  small pad/Display column 1    -- 2.5V  Sense reference TL431
--   4         --  small pad/Display column 2    -- NGas  Sense MQ-05
--   5         --  small pad/Button A            -- Reset Fault
--   6         --  small pad/Display column 9    -- NGas detected RED LED 3
--   7         --  small pad/Display column 8    -- Alarm Active YELLOW LED 3
--   8         --  small pad                     -- Flame detected RED LED 2
--   9         --  small pad/Display column 7    -- Equake detected YELLOW LED 1
--   10        --  small pad/Display column 3    -- Floof water Sense
--   11        --  small pad/Button B            -- Clear Alarm
--   12        --  small pad                     -- mains ok GREEN LED 1
--   13        --  small pad/SCK                 -- Smoke detected RED LED 1
--   14        --  small pad/MISO                -- Flood detected YELLOW LED 2
--   15        --  small pad/MOSI                -- Buzzer Alarm
--   16        --  small pad                     -- fault reset GREEN LED 2
--   19        --  small pad/SCL                 -- to Accelero Sensor onboard
--   20        --  small pad/SDA                 -- to Accelero Sensor onboard
------------------------- end of comment section ---------------------------------

 -- packages/drivers

with MicroBit.IOs;     use MicroBit.IOs;     -- includes microbit GPIO   
with MicroBit.Time;                          -- includes microbit time   
with MicroBit.Buttons; use MicroBit.Buttons; -- includes ubit button  
with MMA8653;          use MMA8653;          -- includes  acceleromete hal
with MicroBit.Accelerometer;                 -- includes acceleratometer 

 -- following part for variable declearation
procedure Main is
   Fault       : Boolean := False;
   Connected   : Boolean := True;
   Fault_Flag  : Integer := 0;
   ADCVal      : MicroBit.IOs.Analog_Value; -- variable type for ADC reading
   ADCtemp     : MicroBit.IOs.Analog_Value; -- ADC type temp variable

   RedLED1_Smoke    : constant MicroBit.IOs.Pin_Id := 13;
   RedLED2_Flame    : constant MicroBit.IOs.Pin_Id := 8;
   RedLED3_NGas     : constant MicroBit.IOs.Pin_Id := 6;
   YellowLED1_Quake : constant MicroBit.IOs.Pin_Id := 9;
   YellowLED2_Flood : constant MicroBit.IOs.Pin_Id := 14;
   YellowLED3_Alarm : constant MicroBit.IOs.Pin_Id := 7;
   GreenLED1_Mains  : constant MicroBit.IOs.Pin_Id := 12;
   GreenLED2_Reset  : constant MicroBit.IOs.Pin_Id := 16;
   Servo_Pin        : constant MicroBit.IOs.Pin_Id := 0;
   Buzzer_Pin       : constant MicroBit.IOs.Pin_Id := 15;

-- following part for initialization (one time run code)
   MicroBit.Accelerometer.Initialize; -- begin Accelerometer 
   -- set all status LEDs low (LEDs are CC, active low , see schematic)
   -- set all status LEDs low (LEDs are CC, active low , see schematic)
   -- set all status LEDs low (LEDs are CC, active low , see schematic)
   MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED1_Smoke, True);
   MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED2_Flame, True);
   MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED3_NGas, True);
   MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED1_Quake , True);
   MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED2_Flood , True);
   MicroBit.IOs.Set (GreenLED2_Reset , True);
   MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (500); -- ms delay function

   --  next part infinite loop (main loop run code)

      while Fault = False loop
         MicroBit.IOs.Set(GreenLED1_Mains, False);
         -- Analog voltage on ADC pin 3 is 2.5V reference
         -- detect smoke
      ADCtemp := MicroBit.IOs.Analog(3) - 300; -- adjust sensivity
      ADCVal := MicroBit.IOs.Analog (2); -- read ADC on pin 2 Photo Diode(smoke)

         if ADCVal >=ADCtemp then
         MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED1_Smoke, True); -- Write High to Disble LED
            Fault := True; Fault_Flag := 1;
            Connected := False;
         end if;

         -- detect flame
      ADCtemp := MicroBit.IOs.Analog(3) - 450 ; -- adjust sensivity
      ADCVal := MicroBit.IOs.Analog (1); -- read ADC on pin 1 Flame Sensor
         if ADCVal >=ADCtemp then
         MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED2_Flame , True); -- Write High to Disble LED
            Fault := True; Fault_Flag := 2;
            Connected := False;
         end if;

            -- detect gas
      ADCtemp := MicroBit.IOs.Analog(3)-420 ; -- adjust sensivity
      ADCVal := MicroBit.IOs.Analog (4); -- read ADC on pin 4 gas Sensor
         if ADCVal <=ADCtemp then
         MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED3_NGas , True); -- xWrite High to Disble LED
            Fault := True; Fault_Flag := 3;
            Connected := False;
         end if;

         -- detect earthquake
         if (MicroBit.Accelerometer.Data.Y <1) then -- read accelerometer y norm
          MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED1_Quake , True);
           Fault := True; Fault_Flag := 4;
            Connected := False;
         end if;
         -- detect flood water
          ADCtemp := MicroBit.IOs.Analog(3) -200 ; -- adjust sensivity
         ADCVal := MicroBit.IOs.Analog (10); -- read ADC on pin 10 flood
         if ADCVal >=ADCtemp then
         MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED2_Flood , True); -- Write High to Disble LED
            Fault := True; Fault_Flag := 5;
            Connected := False;
         end if;

      end loop;

      if Fault then
          MicroBit.IOs.Set(GreenLED1_Mains, True);
            -- Move servo arm to turn off mcb
            for tempval in 0 .. 9 loop
            end loop;
         -- Move Servo arm to stand by position
         -- 50 Hz, 5% duty signal for servo
            for tempval in 0 .. 9 loop
            end loop;
         end if;

      while Fault loop
        if MicroBit.Buttons.State (Button_B) = Pressed then -- check button B
            Fault :=False;
         end if;
         case Fault_Flag is
            when 1 =>
            -- smoke fault blinkey
            MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED1_Smoke, False);
            MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
            MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED1_Smoke, True);
            MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
            when 2 =>
            -- fire fault blinkey
            MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED2_Flame, False);
            MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
            MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED2_Flame, True);
            MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
            when 3 =>
            -- gas fault blinkey
            MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED3_NGas, False);
            MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
            MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED3_NGas, True);
            MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
            when 4 =>
            -- earthquake fault blinkey
            MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED1_Quake, False);
            MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
            MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED1_Quake, True);
            MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
            when 5 =>
            -- flood water fault blinkey
            MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED2_Flood, False);
            MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
            MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED2_Flood, True);
            MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
            when others =>
               -- do nothing
         end case;

      end loop;

      while Connected = False loop
        if MicroBit.Buttons.State (Button_A) = Pressed then -- check button A
            Connected := True; Fault_Flag := 0;
         end if;
         MicroBit.IOs.Set (GreenLED2_Reset , False);
         MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (50);
         MicroBit.IOs.Set (GreenLED2_Reset , True);
         MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (40);
      end loop;


      MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (1); 

      MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED1_Smoke, False);
      MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED2_Flame, False);
      MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED3_NGas, False);
      MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED1_Quake, False);
      MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED2_Flood, False);
      MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED3_Alarm, False);
      MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (100);
      MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED1_Smoke, True);
      MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED3_NGas, True);
      MicroBit.IOs.Set (RedLED2_Flame, True);
      MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED1_Quake, True);
      MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED2_Flood, True);
       MicroBit.IOs.Set (YellowLED3_Alarm, True);
      MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (300);

   end loop;
end Main;

-- I have written this code based on examples/drivers from the following link:
-- by Fabien-Chouteau's work on behalf of ADA driver library on github        

-- DISCLAIMER: License agreement as per contest rules  --




74 projects • 266 followers
"What Kills a 'Great life' is a 'Good Life', which is Living a Life Inside While Loop"
Thanks to Fabien Chouteau.
