John Singleton
Created November 30, 2019

The SmartBase - IoT Adjustable Bed for Comfort and Safety

The SmartBase makes your existing adjustable bed safer and easier to use by adding voice control and safe (and fun!) LED underbed lighting!

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Relay Control Daughter Board

This is the bottom board of the SmartBase that accepts power and provides access to relays and the connection bus to the top motherboard and LED array.

Mainboard - LED Array

Provides hosting for the mainboard, a Raspberry Pi ZeroW and WS2812B LEDs.



This demonstrates controlling a WS2812B array in Ada with hand written Assembly code targeted to the STM32F4 series processors.
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
with System.Machine_Code; use System, System.Machine_Code;

package body STM.WS2812B is
   procedure Set_Pixel_Color(N: Integer; C : in Color) is      
      Num_Pixels := N;
      -- set the base color
      Pixel_Color.R := C.R;
      Pixel_Color.G := C.G;
      Pixel_Color.B := C.B;
      -- scale the color, modulo the brightness
      Scaled_Color.R := Integer(Shift_Right(
                                Value  => Unsigned_32(Brightness * Pixel_Color.R),
                                Amount => 8

      Scaled_Color.G := Integer(Shift_Right(
                                Value  => Unsigned_32(Brightness * Pixel_Color.G),
                                Amount => 8
      Scaled_Color.B := Integer(Shift_Right(
                                Value  => Unsigned_32(Brightness * Pixel_Color.B),
                                Amount => 8
   end Set_Pixel_Color;
   procedure Set_Brightness(B : Brightness_Type) is
      -- rescale color according to the brightness
      Brightness := B;

      Scaled_Color.R := Integer(Shift_Right(
                                Value  => Unsigned_32(Brightness * Pixel_Color.R),
                                Amount => 8

      Scaled_Color.G := Integer(Shift_Right(
                                Value  => Unsigned_32(Brightness * Pixel_Color.G),
                                Amount => 8
      Scaled_Color.B := Integer(Shift_Right(
                                Value  => Unsigned_32(Brightness * Pixel_Color.B),
                                Amount => 8
   end Set_Brightness;
   procedure Show is
      Pixel : Unsigned_32 := 0;
      -- white is implicitly the first two pixels so we start with a shift
      -- and set G
      Pixel := Shift_Left(Value  => Pixel,
                          Amount => 8);
      Pixel := Pixel + Unsigned_32(Scaled_Color.G);
      -- Set R
      Pixel := Shift_Left(Value  => Pixel,
                          Amount => 8);
      Pixel := Pixel + Unsigned_32(Scaled_Color.R);

      -- Set B
      Pixel := Shift_Left(Value  => Pixel,
                          Amount => 8);
      Pixel := Pixel + Unsigned_32(Scaled_Color.B);

      -- don't do it before the latching period.
      while Ada.Real_Time.Clock < Timeout loop
      end loop;
      Asm("cpsid i",
          Volatile => True);         
          "init:" & EOL &
            "   mov  r3, %1              @ the number of pixels to do this for" & EOL &
            "   ldr  r1, %0       @ load bits to be loaded" & EOL &
            "   ldr  r5, =0x40021418     @ set r5 to the GPIOF register + 18 offset for BSRR" & EOL &
            "   ldr  r6, =0x2000         @ pin 13 HIGH mask" & EOL &
            "   ldr  r9, =0x20000000     @ pin 13 LOW mask" & EOL &
            "   mov  r8, #1              @ we use this to test bits" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "send_pixel:" & EOL &
            "   cmp  r3, #0        @ test if we are done" & EOL &
            "   beq  done          @ if we are out of pixels, finish up" & EOL &
            "   mov  r4, #23       @ we are going to send 24 bits, prime it here." & EOL &
            "   sub  r3, r3, #1    @ decrement this pixel" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "send_bit:" & EOL &
            "   lsl  r2, r8, r4    @ build the mask by shifting over the number of bits we have" & EOL &
            "   tst  r1, r2        @ check the mask against the bits we are loading." & EOL &
            "   bne  send_one      @ send a one" & EOL &
            "   b  send_zero     @ otherwise, send a zero" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "send_one:" & EOL &
            "   str  r6, [r5]            @ set pin 13 HIGH" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   @  delay for ~ 800ns" & EOL &
            "   mov  r0, #44" & EOL &
            "delay_T1H:" & EOL &
            "   subs  r0, r0, #1" & EOL &
            "   bne  delay_T1H" & EOL &
            "   @  end delay" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   str  r9, [r5]            @ set pin 13 LOW" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   @  delay for ~ 450ns" & EOL &
            "   mov  r0, #23" & EOL &
            "delay_T1L:" & EOL &
            "   subs  r0, r0, #1" & EOL &
            "   bne  delay_T1L" & EOL &
            "   @  end delay" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   b  bit_sent" & EOL &
            "send_zero:" & EOL &
            "   str  r6, [r5]            @ set pin 13 HIGH" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   @  delay for ~ 400ns" & EOL &
            "   mov  r0, #21" & EOL &
            "delay_T0H:" & EOL &
            "   subs  r0, r0, #1" & EOL &
            "   bne  delay_T0H" & EOL &
            "   @  end delay" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   str  r9, [r5]            @ set pin 13 LOW" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   @  delay for ~ 850ns" & EOL &
            "   mov  r0, #49" & EOL &
            "delay_T0L:" & EOL &
            "   subs  r0, r0, #1" & EOL &
            "   bne  delay_T0L" & EOL &
            "   @  end delay" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   b  bit_sent" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "bit_sent:" & EOL &
            "   cmp  r4, #0       @ was that the last bit?" & EOL &
            "   sub  r4, r4, #1   @ otherwise, decrement our counter" & EOL &
            "   beq  send_pixel   @ if so, go to the next pixel" & EOL &
            "   b  send_bit       @ and send the next bit" & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "   " & EOL &
            "done:" & EOL,
          Volatile => True,
          Inputs => (
                     Unsigned_32'Asm_Input("g", Pixel), 
                     Unsigned_32'Asm_Input("g", Unsigned_32(Num_Pixels))
          Clobber => "r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r9,r8"); 
      Asm("cpsie i",
          Volatile => True);
      Timeout := Ada.Real_Time.Clock + Milliseconds(0) + Nanoseconds(50000*10); --Nanoseconds(50000);-- Nanoseconds(50000);
   end Show;

end STM.WS2812B;

SmartBase Running on the RPIZeroW

SmartBase on STM32 Port


John Singleton
1 project • 2 followers
I dream of a world where the words “formal methods” don’t make engineers scream.
