Hedley Rainnie
Published © GPL3+

LoRaDa := Ada + LoRa;

LoRaDa Lora + Ada. 6 different SoCs all programmed in Ada perform as a LoRa network. Also a BLE bridge to a LoRa server is shown.

AdvancedFull instructions provided10 hours1,844

Things used in this project

Hardware components

LoDev S76S
Ronoth LoDev S76S
Blkbox 915MHz LoRa SX1276 module
Helium Heltec 915MHZ STM32L151CCU6 + SX1276 LoRa node development board
STMicroelectronics STM32L522 Discovery board
STMicroelectronics STM32WB55

Software apps and online services

GNAT Community
AdaCore GNAT Community
2019 edition
ruby v2.7
A Ruby script is used to modify the ELF32 file to uniquify each binary. I.e. an Ada ELF32 has a default node ID. The script changes that to a #. 1 .. 2.. etc. The server is set to node #0.


Read more


LoRaDa client and server code

readme's are in the L/L073/sx1276_client_l073 dir. L/L151/sx1276_client_l151 dir. L/L552/sx1276_client_l552 dir. F/F103/sx1276_client_f103 dir. WB/WB55/sx1276_wb55 dir.


Hedley Rainnie
2 projects • 3 followers
FW engineer. I also enjoy hacking embedded HW on the weekend.
