Hackster’s Handpicked Projects of the Week Jul 12, 2019

An AI Home Surveillance System, a Computer Vision-Powered Harry Potter Wand, a DIY Vacuum, an Upcycled Sound System,

almost 5 years ago
Add AI Brains to Your Home Camera System
Most home camera systems have no concept of the content of images, here we add AI to detect when people are present in images.
If you’ve got an old Hi-Fi or sound system with an AUX input, try this starter project to add Bluetooth using a Raspberry Pi.
Real Harry Potter Wand with Computer Vision
Bring the Wizarding of Harry Potter to reality with computer vision and machine learning!
Recycling trash and e-waste by combining traditional and digital crafts!
The Nvidianator
A 3D-printed, AI-powered Terminator skull running on an NVIDIA Jetson Nano.
Motor Control with the MiniZed
How to control motors using PWM, the MiniZed and a touchscreen controller.
Convert CB Transceiver to 50MHz
An old CB transceiver is converted to the 50MHz amateur band using an Arduino Pro Mini, DDS, PLL and OLED display.
Saturn — Adafruit Flora, DFRobot, Arduino
How to make a dress representing Saturn? The planets and satellites light up when the ring appears.
Making Art by Judging Reddit
Is the Raspberry Pi 4 powerful enough to judge Reddit? This project is all about answering the important questions.
Simple GPS Tracker
Simple GPS tracker for M5Stack with informative display and several display options using the Tiny GPS++ library.
FPV Antenna Beam Plotter
This FPV antenna plotter plots the 5.8GHz video coverage of your antenna in distance, based on actual coordinates (of your flying path).
Save a Child’s Life with Python, AWS & Twilio IoT
Create a Twilio IoT hotspot for sending a SMS using AWS Lambda and the AWS IoT button inside a car.
Chirp + Matrix Creator = Mood Light
Mood light made with Matrix Creator and controlled via sound with Chirp!
Accessing Sensor Values Anytime Using Google Assistant
Obtaining the current sensor values using LM35 temperature sensor through SMS and e-mail by means of Google Assistant.
DIY Aquarium Evaporation Top Off System
A system to automatically compensate water loss in aquariums due to evaporation.
Bluetooth Speaker Made Out of Waste PCB
A Bluetooth speaker made out of PCBs. This thing not only looks great, but also sounds awesome!
Seeed E Ink Raspberry Calendar
A calendar made with an E Ink screen.
Heart Beat Indicator Using ECG
LED ring that blinks to your heart beats and displays current BPM both by number and color of illuminated LEDs.
Predictive analysis of machine vibration and temp by creating mail events and a record of vibration in google sheet using ThingSpeak.
Analog, Digital Clock and Thermometer on 128x64 LCD
A nice looking clock and thermometer on a large 128x64 LCD screen.
Ball and Beam
The ball and beam system is laboratory equipment with high nonlinearity in its dynamics and PID control.
Bidirectional Digital Visitor or Person Counter
This module automatically counts the number of people entering or living in a room, home, etc…
WiFi-Controlled Desk Lamp
A WiFi-controlled desk light, essential for every maker and a great way to get into coding.

Projects and articles from the Hackster Staff!

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