Seeed for Earth 2018

Congratulations to all the winners! Check out the winning projects below.
image of people winning contestimage of people winning contest

Top prize: Trip to Shenzhen

The winner was awarded an One round-trip flight ticket (economy class) from your city to Shenzhen during Maker Faire Shenzhen and Seeed Conference in November 2018, and lodging accommodation for 4 nights. For team who wins the top prize, we only offer one ticket. ($2,500 value)

2nd to 5th prizes: One Amazon Alexa Echo Each

Each winner was awarded an One Amazon Alexa each (provided by Hackster). For team(s) who wins the 2nd to 5th prize, we offer one Echo to the team(s). ($99 value)

Solar Powered IoT Rain Barrel
2nd to 5th prizes: One Amazon Alexa Echo Each
Solar Powered IoT Rain Barrel
2nd to 5th prizes: One Amazon Alexa Echo Each
Energy Planner

10 Projects of Merit

Each winner was awarded an One Seeed Environmental Kit to each of the additional 10 top projects (one kit each, customs taxes not included. See list for product details). For team(s) who wins in this section, we offer one kit to the team(s). ($390 value)

Seeed for Earth 2018
Seeed for Earth 2018
This contest is over! Want more chances to win prizes? Check out our active contests.
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Contest Status

Competition begins

April 19, 2018 at 7:00 PM PDT

Submissions close

May 19, 2018 at 7:00 PM PDT

Winners announced by

Jun 1, 2018