Vijay Raghav VaradaHanoz Patel
Published © CERN-OHL

Dual Axial Flux Generator & Wind Turbine

A highly efficient and compact generator that can be coupled with wind turbines or water wheels to produce upwards of 50V.

AdvancedShowcase (no instructions)3 days15,119

Things used in this project

Hardware components

40X20X5 mm N52 Grade Neodymium Magnet
30 AWG Enamel insulated Copper Wire
LM2596 2A Buck Step-down Power Converter Module
M4 Threaded Rod, 250 mm
1.2mm Mild Steel Sheet, 200x400mm
25A 50V Bridge Rectifier
M6x25 Fastners
8mm Rod, 20cm long
608ZZ bearings

Software apps and online services

Autodesk Fusion

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Hand Drill, Cordless preferably


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Custom parts and enclosures

Coil Winding Jig Holder

The holder for the winding Jig

Rotor/Magnet Holder

The rotor of the turbine, print two

Generator Gear

Gear to be placed on the generator for coupling to wind turbine

Coil Winding Jig

The coil winding Jig Itself

Central Coil holder (Stator)

3DP could mounts/ stator for the generator

Generator Casing Part B

Mirror of part A, to complete the generator casing

Generator Casing Part A

Part of the generator Casing

Brace for the rotor

Brace that mounts on the rotor, preventing the strong magnets from collapsing on each other. Print two of these

Bearing holder/Generator casing cover

These cover the generator on the top and bottom, and house bearings that keep the central shaft inline

Lenz 2 wind gear turbine attachement

Gear to couple generator with Wind Turbine


Vijay Raghav Varada
1 project • 14 followers
Hanoz Patel
0 projects • 10 followers
