2021 China-US Young Maker Competition

Congratulations to all the winners! Check out the winning projects below.
image of people winning Hackster.io contestimage of people winning Hackster.io contest

Grand Prize - US Based Project

Each winner was awarded an Electronic Visa Gift Card (prize value in US dollars) ($500 value)

Grand Prize - US Based Project
Automated Driveway Gates
Grand Prize - US Based Project
Memory Pill
DIY Automatic Pill Dispenser
Grand Prize - US Based Project
DIY Automatic Pill Dispenser
Maddie Sloan
Anton Soderqvist
Accessible Walking Therapy
Wearable Vibrotactile Gait Cueing System
Grand Prize - US Based Project
Wearable Vibrotactile Gait Cueing System

Judges Choice - US Based Project

The winner was awarded a Google Pixelbook ($1,000 value)

Runner Up - US Based Project

Each winner was awarded a Google Coral Dev Board ($129 value)

Hackster Impact Prize

The winner was awarded a $250 Gift card + Video interview + More ($430 value)

Early Bird - US Based Project

Each winner was awarded a Hackster Merchandise ($30 value)

Mask. ME
Early Bird - US Based Project
Mask. ME
Merge: The Dyson Link
Early Bird - US Based Project
Merge: The Dyson Link
Early Bird - US Based Project
Dodecagon Portal Project
The Protector
Early Bird - US Based Project
The Protector
Shebin Jose Jacob
Queue Management Node(QMN)
Early Bird - US Based Project
Queue Management Node(QMN)
Health remote monitoring
Early Bird - US Based Project
Health remote monitoring
Sukaran Gulati
Sukaran Gulati's Team
Life saver while driving
Early Bird - US Based Project
Life saver while driving
AI- Personal Fitness Trainer
Early Bird - US Based Project
AI- Personal Fitness Trainer
IN-2 Binary Nixie Clock
Early Bird - US Based Project
IN-2 Binary Nixie Clock
Alcuberic drive
Early Bird - US Based Project
Alcuberic drive
Early Bird - US Based Project
2021 China-US Young Maker Competition
2021 China-US Young Maker Competition
This contest is over! Want more chances to win prizes? Check out our active contests.
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Contest Status

Competition begins

April 8, 2021 at 12:00 PM PDT

Submissions close

July 1, 2021 at 11:59 PM PDT

Winners announced by

Jul 14, 2021