Hackster’s Handpicked Projects of the Week Oct 13, 2017

A Pi Thermal Camera, a Possessed Portrait, a Tiny Telegraph, a Haunted Jack in the Box + More

over 6 years ago
Raspberry Pi Thermal Camera
A portable, battery-powered thermal camera using a Raspberry Pi and an AMG8833 thermal camera sensor.
Possessed Portrait
DIY jump scare portrait from scratch using Raspberry Pi 3 B, Python and AtmosFX Unliving Portraits videos.
Glowing LED Tattoo
Stick wearable circuits to your skin!
Mini Telegraph
A tiny telegraph that can write any text messages that look like a telegrammes.
IoT Core Building Navigation Robot
Use an iRobot Create 2, LIDAR, voice recognition, and pathfinding algorithms to create a robot that will navigate you around a building.
Haunted Jack in the Box
An autonomous Jack in the Box using a Raspberry Pi and a Pi Camera to detect when it’s being looked at, or not.
Environmental Monitoring Rover
Build a Rover with SparkFun ESP8266 Thing Dev Board to monitor temperature, humidity, gas readings and upload them to Cayenne for reference.
Too $hort Cat
Hack a dancing cat speaker to play only songs by legendary Oakland rapper Too $hort.
Cryptopuck is intended to provide a portable, discrete and hassle-free solution for encrypting USB flash drives, SD cards or other removable media.
Twinkle Twinkle Nail Art
With the aid of a functional and dreamy bracelet, your nails light up and twinkle!
PiBot: Arduino Controlled Piano Robot
Using one Arduino Uno board to control 88 solenoids to play piano.
YouTube Music Streaming for Google Assistant on Raspberry Pi
With the latest update to the GassistPi project, you can stream music from YouTube.
ESP8266 Solar Weather Station
Get the temperature, humidity and pressure, and display them over the internet; everything is powered by the sun. (ESP8266 version.)
!wet: An Automated Facilities Request System
Notify the facilities department when a bathroom runs out of paper towels, soap, etc. while you are still in the bathroom.
MappyDot mBot Hat
Give your mBot a LIDAR measurement hat using the MappyDot to avoid your cat, legs, and furniture.
Cubik Lamp
Super cool Rubik’s cube lamp made to relax students in the middle of tense study at night.
Old UPS with WiFi Connection
Monitoring and controlling a UPS from Cayenne with SparkFun ESP8266 Thing Dev Board.

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