Hackster’s Handpicked Projects of the Week Dec 28, 2018

A 3D Printing Ornament, a PCB Snowflake, a Piece of Magnetic Paper + More

over 5 years ago
Christmas Ornament That 3D Prints Christmas Ornaments
A 3D-printed Christmas ornament 3D printer that 3D prints Christmas ornaments.
Magnetic Paper
Electromagnet drawn on paper!
SODAQ NB-IoT Sniffer Bike
You can now bike around and monitor the air quality around you!
Self Parking Car
A low-cost prototype for implementing autonomous parallel parking on a robot car with a Raspberry Pi.
Pomodoro Sand Timer on Micro:bit
Break your big, ugly tasks into cute little chunks using the Pomodoro Technique! This simple project uses MicroPython to make it happen.
Arduinoflake on PCB!
Do you know my freeform Arduinoflake? This is its PCB version. It’s the same beauty in a different coat. But much more simple to make!
PCB Snowflake Ornament
A PCB snowflake ornament that stands out on any Christmas tree with the firepower of 16 LEDs.
LED Christmas Decorative PCB
A simple Christmas decoration made with a 4-layer PCB and color changing LEDs.
Signal Analysis with the Cora Z7 & Octave
FPGAs / SoCs are great for signal processing. Let’s take a look at how we can implement a test platform for experimentation.
Making a Bus Schedule Sign with ESP8266, Arduino & NeoPixels
A simple prototype to query a web API with ESP8266, get the time until the next bus arrives, and display it on a battery-powered LED sign.
Taking AWS DeepLens Mobile with Soracom Cellular IoT
Using Soracom Air to add cellular connectivity to AWS DeepLens.
Arduino MKR GSM 1400: Cellular IoT Data Visualisation
Using the MKR GSM 1400 to collect and visualize data from a battery-operated IoT sensor over a cellular connection.
Simple Record and Playback
Record and play back a few seconds of input stored in EEPROM.
Voice Controlled Robot Car
Make avoice controlled robot car using Amazon Alexa, Node-RED and micro:bit.
RC Car with an Angle Grinder!
A huge RC car that uses an angle grinder, with an Octane body from Rocket League!
Automated Soldering Robotic Arm
Solder your PCBs using a DIY robotic arm.
5V Relay Module Mod to Work with Raspberry Pi
A simple mod to make 5V relay boards work on 3.3V.
$10 Secure ESP32-Based Internet Camera
ESP32-CAM-based project that streams video securely to any place in the world over the Husarnet.
Currency Recognizer and Counter System
System accepts a bundle of currency notes, recognizes denominations, sorts it into bins, and displays the total amount using MATLAB and PIC16F.
Cypress PSoC 6 MCU Goes NB-IoT with Digi Xbee
First steps to explore NB-IoT, the new LPWAN M2M technolgy, using a Digi XBee modem and bringing some sensor data to the Telekom Cloud.
Running the PetaLinux BSP on a ZCU106 Board
This is a quick reference on how to run the PetaLinux BSP design on the ZCU106 board to use the ZU7EV’s VCU.
Personalized IoT Gift
Using an Amazon IoT Button and an instance of nio, show how to create a simple, custom IoT at home project.
Selfmade I2C 7-Segment Display with ATtiny85
An I2C device that uses common anode 7-segment displays.
3D-Printed High Torque Servo/Gear Reduction
With only eight 3D-printed parts, this servo is very easy to assemble and is very robust.
Arduino 4WD Car
An Arduino car project based on the RoboRoverM1 chassis.
Amazon Dash Button Silent Doorbell
Make a silent, text messaging doorbell by hacking an Amazon Dash Button!
NeoPixel SkateBoard
Make your skateboard a little more flashy!
RGB LED Snowflake with Arduino Uno
A 3D-printed snowflake made with Arduino Uno. Has 91 addressable RGB LEDs.
Density Based Traffic Light Controller Using Arduino
If there will be no traffic on the other signal, one shouldn’t wait for that signal. System will skip that signal and will move on next one.
Rotational Symmetry Drawing
Use potentiometer inputs from Arduino along with your mouse to control a rotational symmetry drawing program in Processing.
Crypto Buddy
A sandboxed device that encrypts messages using a minimalist set of hardware and software. It was created for a 24-hour student hackathon.
Speak to Arduino and Control It with Google Assistant
How to make a connection between an internet service and Arduino boards.
RPi Computer Alarm with Face Recognition
I created a Raspberry Pi face recognizer, which alarms me when somebody sits in front of my computer.
Connect Raspberry Pi to CAN Bus
This tutorial shows you how to connect Raspberry Pi to CAN Bus (e.g. your car), explaining the role of each part and some recurrent errors.
Arduino — Drawing via Web Using Step Motor Controller
When drawing on web, the drawing will be sent to XY plotter to re-draw it on bigger screen.
Festive Lighting for the Holidays with balena
Set up some programmable festive tree lighting with Raspberry Pi, Fadecandy and Glediator software driving addressable RGB LED pixels.
Introduction to Particle Mesh
Use Particle Mesh boards to collect data from all over a house. The data is then aggregated into the Particle Cloud.
Apple AirPlay on Raspberry Pi
Want to add Apple AirPlay to your existing hifi system? Learn how to turn a Raspberry Pi into an AirPlay server.
Azure IoT Hub with nanoFramework
This project demos how easy it is to code a nanoFramework C# application to build a device connected to Azure IoT Hub using AMQP.
Clap Control for Christmas Tree
Use your Arduino Uno to control your Christmas tree!
Christmas Crib Controlling via Internet
Christmas lights controlled via the Internet by anybody.
BLDC Brushless DC Motor and Slipring
Code for driving a BLDC motor and adjusting its speed using a pot. This photo shows wires to a slipring in the hollow shaft of a BLDC motor.
Persistence of Vision (POV) Globe
Create a spherical image using a single row of LEDs.

Projects and articles from the Hackster Staff!

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