- Categories:
- Excellent Sustainable and Scalable Project Award
- Innovative and Creative Project Award
- Enthusiastic Project Award
- Best Helium Award
- Helium Award
Excellent Sustainable and Scalable Project Award
The winner was awarded a Project Scale-up Pack ($10,000 value)
Innovative and Creative Project Award
Each winner was awarded a 👉 US$ 500 Seeed Coupon for any Seeed "IoT Into the Wild" products ($500 value)
Innovative and Creative Project Award
IoT AI-driven Tree Disease Identifier w/ Edge Impulse & MMS

9 members
Innovative and Creative Project Award
Study of animal movement: equipment design and developmentEnthusiastic Project Award
Each winner was awarded a 👉 US$ 200 Seeed Coupon for any Seeed "IoT Into the Wild" products ($200 value)

Tanzania Open Innovation
Enthusiastic Project Award
Black Soldier Fly Farming - Creating protein contentBest Helium Award
The winner was awarded a 👉 Financial Support of USD $2,500 for Visiting Helium’s On-Site Event and Becoming a Speaker at the Event to Present Your Project On-Stage
Helium Award
Each winner was awarded a 👉 Helium Data Credits (Value of USD $50 for Each Person)
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