IoT Into the Wild Contest for Sustainable Planet 2022

Congratulations to all the winners! Check out the winning projects below.
image of people winning contestimage of people winning contest

Excellent Sustainable and Scalable Project Award

The winner was awarded a Project Scale-up Pack ($10,000 value)

Smart Lake - early detection of algae bloom
Excellent Sustainable and Scalable Project Award
Smart Lake - early detection of algae bloom

Innovative and Creative Project Award

Each winner was awarded a 👉 US$ 500 Seeed Coupon for any Seeed "IoT Into the Wild" products ($500 value)

MonSand: Monitoring Illegal Sand Mining
Innovative and Creative Project Award
MonSand: Monitoring Illegal Sand Mining
Karina Laneri
Laila Kazimierski
Alejandro Kolton
Maru Echave
david fernando cordova mora
Andres Oliva Trevisan
Guillermo Abramson
Erika Kubisch
Nicolas Catalano
9 members
Study of animal movement: equipment design and development
Innovative and Creative Project Award

Enthusiastic Project Award

Each winner was awarded a 👉 US$ 200 Seeed Coupon for any Seeed "IoT Into the Wild" products ($200 value)

Best Helium Award

The winner was awarded a 👉 Financial Support of USD $2,500 for Visiting Helium’s On-Site Event and Becoming a Speaker at the Event to Present Your Project On-Stage

IoT Into the Wild Contest for Sustainable Planet 2022
IoT Into the Wild Contest for Sustainable Planet 2022
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