Michael ReevesRichard Fox
Published © GPL3+


With AI Analysis, Live Camera Feed, Intelligent Auto Watering and Companion Android App - FarmBOX makes growing a plant a breeze.

IntermediateFull instructions provided1 hour1,455

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WH
Flash Memory Card, MicroSD Card
Flash Memory Card, MicroSD Card
Wio Terminal
Seeed Studio Wio Terminal
Seeed Studio Grove - Wio-E5 (STM32WLE5JC), for Long Range Application
Raspberry Pi Zero Camera Adapter
Pi NoIR Camera V2
Raspberry Pi Pi NoIR Camera V2
Adafruit TB6612 Motor Driver
AA Batteries
AA Batteries
Battery Holder, AA x 4
Battery Holder, AA x 4
DC motor (generic)
Flash Drive, USB
Flash Drive, USB
Only required if you are creating a DIY FarmBOX.
Seeed Studio Sensor Module, Grove, Soil Moisture Sensor, 3.3 V to 5 V / 35 mA Supply

Software apps and online services

Ubuntu Server
IntelliJ Idea
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Helium Console
Google Firebase
Google Colab
Microsoft Bing
Shell Script
Python 3
Microsoft Edge

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Hole Saw Cutter Tool Set
Only needed if you want to make a DIY FarmBOX, theoretical end users do not require this tool.


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

FarmBOX Water Wheel

If you are creating a DIY FarmBOX, please replicate when needed.


Box Diagrams

Box Diagrams for each of the different FarmBOX Models. Name of the model illustrated has been included in 'Presenter Notes'.

Box Diagrams PDF

Exactly the same as 'Box Diagrams', but an alternative for platforms that do not have Microsoft PowerPoint.

FarmBOX Section 6 - Train your own AI Model

FarmBOX is an extensible platform - which means that you can create your own models and use them on FarmBOX. Open this PDF to find out how.

Helium x FarmBOX PDF

Guide for how to connect your FarmBOX to the Helium Network. Please refer to this PDF when requested.

FarmBOX Software Setup Walkthrough

If you are creating a DIY FarmBOX, please follow this PDF document when instructed to.


FarmBOX Wio Code

Wio-side code enabling communication between the Wio and Raspberry Pi inside a FarmBOX

Code for Android App

This provides the baseline code for the Android App. Note that it will not work without setup outlined in 'story'.

Firmware for FarmBOX's Raspberry Pi

Code running on the FarmBOX Raspberry Pi, runs on top of Ubuntu Server. It will not work out of the box, please follow instructions in 'Story'


Michael Reeves
1 project • 2 followers
I love everything Linux and coding! If it's FOSS, I'm into it.
Richard Fox
1 project • 3 followers
Secondary school teacher in Digital Technologies and Computing subjects. When I'm not teaching I play with code.
Thanks to Mengdu Li.
