Tom Minnich
Published © Apache-2.0

Flightduino 101

A drone project that uses the Neural Pattern Recognition Module and other aspects of the Curie Module to advantage for creating a cool drone

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Flightduino 101

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino 101
Arduino 101

Software apps and online services

Curie Neurons Arduino Library


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Arduino Schematic

to keep the project submission system happy that I have included a schematic :)



First Experiments with CurieNeurons to recognize small 11 by 11 pixel images, import this archived Arduino Sketch and have fun with it.
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Testing Flightduino with Faded Input Images

Import the archive to work with fading the images
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Faded Image Source

I thought you might like to look at the source before downloading the archive
// Flightduino is a modification of the CurieNeurons SimpleAcademicScript
// Refer to
// Test Script to attempt to detect the orientation of a smiley face,
//  for possible use to detect a smiley face drone landing pad
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The patterns are arrays of length LEN composed of identical values VAL
// They basically represent horizontal lines with different heights. This representation
// is easy to comprehend the distance between the learned lines (stored in the memory
// of the committed neurons) and a new input line
// In this script, the patterns to recognize are generated programatically to
// surround the learned patterns

#include <CurieNeurons.h>
CurieNeurons hNN;

byte VAL=11;
int neuronsAvailable, neuronsCommitted, neuronSize;
int ncr, dist, cat, aif, nid, nsr;
#define W   0   // white pixel is 0
#define G 127   // gray  pixel is 127
#define B 255   // black pixel is 255
#define LEN 121 // 11x11 pixel smiley face array;
byte pattern[LEN]={W,W,B,B,B,B,B,B,B,W,W,
                   W,W,B,B,B,B,B,B,B,W,W}; // values must range between 0-255.
byte pattern_t45[LEN]={W,W,G,B,G,G,G,B,G,W,W, // smiley face twisted 45 degrees counter clockwise
                       W,G,B,G,W,W,W,G,B,G,W, // gray for an uncertain half and half pixel
                       W,W,G,B,G,G,G,B,G,W,W}; // values must range between 0-255.
byte pattern_t90[LEN]; // smiley face twisted 90 degrees counter clockwise
byte pattern_t135[LEN]; // smiley face twisted 135 degrees counter clockwise
byte pattern_t180[LEN]; // smiley face twisted 180 degrees counter clockwise
byte pattern_t225[LEN]; // smiley face twisted 225 degrees counter clockwise
byte pattern_t270[LEN]; // smiley face twisted 270 degrees counter clockwise
byte pattern_t315[LEN]; // smiley face twisted 270 degrees counter clockwise                        
byte test_pattern[LEN];                       

#define K 3
int dists[K], cats[K], nids[K];
void fade(byte * src_ptr, byte * dst_ptr, int percent){ // percent should be 0 to 100
  int i,j;
  int temp_pixel;
      temp_pixel = (int) src_ptr[ i + (11*j)];
        temp_pixel = G + ((temp_pixel-G)*(100-percent))/100;
        temp_pixel = G - ((G-temp_pixel)*(100-percent))/100;
      dst_ptr[i + (11*j)] = temp_pixel;
void rotate_ccw_90deg( byte * src_ptr, byte * dst_ptr ){
  int i,j;
      dst_ptr[j + 11*(10-i)] = src_ptr[ i + (11*j)];
void setup() {
  while (!Serial);    // wait for the serial port to open

  Serial.println("Welcome to the Flightduino Test Code");

  // Setup the arrays for smiley faces in various orientations
  rotate_ccw_90deg(pattern,pattern_t90); // twist pattern 90 deg ccw and store in pattern_t90
  rotate_ccw_90deg(pattern_t90,pattern_t180); // twist pattern_t90 90 deg ccw and store in pattern_t180
  rotate_ccw_90deg(pattern_t180,pattern_t270); // twist pattern_t180 90 deg ccw and store in pattern_t270

  rotate_ccw_90deg(pattern_t45,pattern_t135); // twist pattern_t45 90 deg ccw and store in pattern_t135
  rotate_ccw_90deg(pattern_t135,pattern_t225); // twist pattern_t135 90 deg ccw and store in pattern_t225
  rotate_ccw_90deg(pattern_t225,pattern_t315); // twist pattern_t225 90 deg ccw and store in pattern_t315
  // Initialize the neurons
  hNN.getNeuronsInfo( &neuronSize, &neuronsAvailable, &neuronsCommitted);
  Serial.print("Neuron size ="); Serial.println(neuronSize);
  Serial.print("Neurons available ="); Serial.println(neuronsAvailable);
  Serial.print("Neurons committed ="); Serial.println(neuronsCommitted);
  //Learn 8 patterns of smiley faces in various orientations
  Serial.print("\nLearning smiley face patterns...");
  hNN.learn(pattern,LEN, 360);
  hNN.learn(pattern_t45,LEN, 45);
  hNN.learn(pattern_t90,LEN, 90);
  hNN.learn(pattern_t135,LEN, 135);
  hNN.learn(pattern_t180,LEN, 180);
  hNN.learn(pattern_t225,LEN, 225);
  hNN.learn(pattern_t270,LEN, 270);
  hNN.learn(pattern_t315,LEN, 315);
  // Display the content of the committed neurons
  Serial.print("\nDisplay the committed neurons, count="); Serial.print(neuronsCommitted);
  byte model[neuronSize];
  for (int i=1; i<=neuronsCommitted; i++)
      hNN.readNeuron(i, &ncr, model, &aif, &cat);
      Serial.print("\nneuron "); Serial.print(i); Serial.print("\tmodel=");
      for (int k=0; k<LEN; k++) { Serial.print(model[k]); Serial.print(", ");} 
      Serial.print("\tncr="); Serial.print(ncr);  
      Serial.print("\taif="); Serial.print(aif);     
      Serial.print("\tcat="); Serial.print(cat);
  int responseNbr;
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a SMILEY: ");
  // Should be a perfect match!
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 45 degree twisted SMILEY: ");
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(pattern_t45, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 90 degree twisted SMILEY: ");
  // Should be a perfect match!
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(pattern_t90, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 135 degree twisted SMILEY: ");
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(pattern_t135, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 180 degree twisted SMILEY: ");
  // Should be a perfect match!
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(pattern_t180, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 225 degree twisted SMILEY: ");
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(pattern_t225, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 270 degree twisted SMILEY: ");
  // Should be a perfect match!
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(pattern_t270, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 315 degree twisted SMILEY: ");
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(pattern_t315, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);

  Serial.print("\n\nDone with sanity checking perfect data ");
// Where noise injected testing will go

  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 0 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern, test_pattern, 0);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 2 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern, test_pattern, 2);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 4 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern, test_pattern, 4);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
      Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 6 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern, test_pattern, 6);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 8 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern, test_pattern, 8);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 9 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern, test_pattern, 9);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 10 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern, test_pattern, 10);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\n TEST 45 Degree CCW twist SMILEY ");
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 0 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern_t45, test_pattern, 0);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 2 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern_t45, test_pattern, 2);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 4 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern_t45, test_pattern, 4);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
      Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 6 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern_t45, test_pattern, 6);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 8 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern_t45, test_pattern, 8);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 10 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern_t45, test_pattern, 10);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 12 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern_t45, test_pattern, 12);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 14 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern_t45, test_pattern, 14);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
  Serial.print("\n\nRecognizing a 16 percent faded SMILEY: ");
  fade(pattern_t45, test_pattern, 16);
  responseNbr=hNN.classify(test_pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
  for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
      Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
      Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
      Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);

void loop()
  if (Serial.available() == 3) 
      VAL = - 48;
      VAL = VAL *10 + - 48;; // to read the newline
      for (int i=0; i<LEN; i++) pattern[i]=VAL;     
      for (int i=0; i<LEN; i++) { Serial.print(pattern[i]); Serial.print(", ");}
      int responseNbr=hNN.classify(pattern, LEN, K, dists, cats, nids);
      for (int i=0; i<responseNbr; i++)
          Serial.print("\nFiring neuron "); Serial.print(nids[i]);
          Serial.print(", Category="); Serial.print(cats[i]);
          Serial.print(", at Distance="); Serial.print(dists[i]);
      Serial.print("\n\nEdit a value between [10 and 30] as the amplitude of a new pattern + Enter");


Tom Minnich

Tom Minnich

19 projects • 80 followers
Embedded software guy for a long time
