Terren Peterson
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

Save Cats from the Aliens with Echo Buttons

A fun game using Echo buttons, traveling to Mars to save a colony of cats from Aliens. Incorporates sounds from the Alexa sound library.

IntermediateFull instructions provided8 hours688

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Amazon Alexa Echo Buttons
Need two buttons - each pack comes with a pair.
Amazon Echo
Amazon Alexa Amazon Echo
Can use any Alexa device.

Software apps and online services

Alexa Skills Kit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Skills Kit
Need the skills kit, as well as the Alexa SDK.
AWS Lambda
Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda
Used for deploying game logic.


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Network Interface Diagram for Alexa Buttons

This describes how events created by pressing the Echo Buttons route to the Cloud using a bluetooth and WiFi connection.


Terren Peterson
11 projects • 36 followers
Life-long learner who started off with an Electrical Engineering degree, but have been in software and systems engineering my whole career.
