Ruslan Olkhovsky
Published © MIT

Smart Transportation Demo

Proof of concept solution for transport companies to track vehicles with cargo using IoT components and IOTA platform.

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Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Used as a gateway
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
Used for smart sensors
u-blox NEO-6M GPS-Module
MQ-2 MQ2 Gas Sensor Module Smoke Methane Butane Detection for Arduino
MAX6675 Module + K Type Thermocouple Temperature Sensor for Arduino AL

Software apps and online services

IOTA Tangle
IOTA Tangle
To log records from the gateway and the sensors
Home Assistant
Home Assistant
To emulate the vehicle board computer


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Custom parts and enclosures

Photo of the High-temperature Sensor



The prototype of wirelessly connected IoT device (Gateway) that collects the data from Sensors, and stores it in IOTA. Needs 12V, can be placed in the driver cabine of the vehicle or behind.

High-temperature Sensor

The prototype of the high-temp sensor to monitor the temperature of the tank with hazardous materials. Assumed to be placed on the tank.

GPS Sensor

The prototype of GPS coordinates sensor. Tracks the coordinates of the vehicle.

Gas Sensor

The prototype of Gas sensor to monitor possible leaks of toxic and/or flammable gases and liquids. Assumed to be placed in the tail of the vehicle.


Smart Transportation Demo

The Proof of Concept solution of smart transportation developed by Edgica during the Odyssey Hackathon 2019, Groningen, the Netherlands.


Ruslan Olkhovsky
2 projects • 6 followers
In the last few years, my passion has taken me to IoT and blockchain where I’ve been able to coordinate teams develop some innovative apps.
