Bob Hammell
Published © GPL3+

Underwater Sound Beacons for Visually Impaired Swimmers

This audio device enables swimmers with limited vision to safely navigate through the pool using their sense of hearing.

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Things used in this project

Hardware components

Adafruit Feather RP2040
Adafruit I2S 3W Class D Amplifier Breakout - MAX98357A
Adafruit Bone Conductor Transducer with Wires - 8 Ohm 1 Watt
Rubber O-Ring 60mm OD 56mm ID 2mm Width
Adafruit Lithium Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7V 350mAh
M2.5X5 Screws
Adafruit JST 2-pin Extension Cable with On/Off Switch - JST PH2
2lb dive weight

Hand tools and fabrication machines

3D Printer (generic)
3D Printer (generic)
Jumper Wire, Bundle
Jumper Wire, Bundle
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Custom parts and enclosures

Beacon Body

Cylindrical body which houses beacon electronics

Beacon Cap

Cylindrical cap which attaches to the beacon body

Beacon Mounting Plate

Plate that includes mounting holes for electronics


Wiring Schematic

Schematic showing the wiring between the components


Main Python script uploaded to the Feather RP2040
import time
import board
import audiobusio
import audiocore

# Audio output object
audio = audiobusio.I2SOut(board.D24, board.D25, board.A3)

# Define sound to play
sound = '3_meters'

# Open sound wave file
wave_file = open('sounds/' + sound + '.wav', 'rb')
wave = audiocore.WaveFile(wave_file)

# Main loop
while True:
    # Play selected sound
    print("Playing:", sound)

    # Delay


Bob Hammell
9 projects • 26 followers
Developer interested in Python, Arduino, & Matlab. Background in Image Processing and Remote Sensing.
