Hackster’s Handpicked Projects of the Week Apr 21, 2017

A Giant LEGO NES Controller, a Basketball Hoop Counter, an Arduino Nerf Tank, a DIY Code Red Button + More

almost 7 years ago
Hot Shot Hoops
No need to keep track of the number of baskets you make when shooting hoops. Hot Shot Hoops does the work for you.
Giant Working LEGO NES Controller
Build your own oversized game controller using conductive tape, push buttons, and a ton of LEGOs.
3D-Printed Prank Vibrating Cup
The instant your prankee lifts up this 3D-printed cup it starts violently vibrating! The electronics separate from the cup for easy washing.
Get Connected!
Stop reflashing your devices every time the Wi-Fi password changes! Learn how to use anduinoWiFi and AP mode to initiate Wi- registration!
Building an API for Your Raspberry Pi Zero W
Create an API for the Raspberry Pi Zero W to control four LEDs, each connected to its own GPIO.
DIY Code Red Button for Healthcare Simulation
Create your own Code Red button for use in simulation scenarios. Flashing LEDs and button!
Arduino Node Tank
A four wheeled car run by Johnny-Five. It can fire with a mounted Nerf gun using servos and controllable with a Nintendo 64 controller.
The Magic Display With Arduino
The Magic Display can figure out with a few clues choice on a card with 64 options of numbers, letters or symbols.
Outboard Motor Throttle Controller
Allows precise control of the throttle speed and the ability to run pre-programmed trolling routines.
Pulse Train HAT for the Raspberry Pi
An add-on board for the Raspberry Pi that makes stepper motor control easy, fast, and accurate.
Voice-Controlled Locking Device

A voice-controlled locking device using the EasyVR Shield, working together with an Arduino Uno and the gen4-uLCD-43DT as a graphics interface module.

An object tracker with haptic feedback. For the hard of sight, use this to have a better understanding of the world around you.

Projects and articles from the Hackster Staff!

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