A 2.13" ePaper Display for Your Lolin Development Boards

The sub-$10 display is compatible with Wemos D1 mini, D1 mini Pro, and D32 Pro boards.

If you have low-cost development boards from Lolin like the Wemos D1 mini, D1 mini Pro and D32 Pro, then you might want to play with this E Ink screen. The company has launched a 2.13" tri-color ePaper display that supports all the development boards mentioned earlier.

We have already seen several projects on the Lolin D1 mini board, including a helping finger and a Wi-Fi signal strength scanner. With a 2.13" ePaper display, there are many things that can be achieved — a few of them involve designing a weather station or even showing motivational quotes. Although the ePaper display is only compatible with some of Lolin's boards, you can easily take advantage of building small projects at a meager cost.

There are several other 2.13" ePaper displays on the market today, like Waveshare's 2.13" ePaper HAT that connects to any Raspberry Pi. If you are looking for a display of this size for your Raspberry Pi, consider this one. Another point to note is that Lolin's ePaper display has a lesser pixel size than the Waveshare; however, this won't affect your application much.

The Lolin E Ink display is equipped with Good Display's IC Driver UC8151D, which gives an output of 1-bit white/black and 1-bit red resolution per pixel. This means you can see red/black/white output on the screen. As CNX Software pointed out, you might see on the board's backside, which says the pixel size to be 250×122 resolutions because of PCB reuse.

There are many ways to set up the ePaper display, you can either go to the Lolin EPD GitHub repository or the Adafruit GFX repo. It's currently for sale on AliExpress, priced at $9.90 without the shipping charges.


Abhishek Jadhav is an engineering student, freelance tech writer, RISC-V Ambassador, and leader of the Open Hardware Developer Community.

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