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3D Scanner

A 3D scanner that makes 3d models in a graphic interface .

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3D Scanner

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
sharp distance sensor
Stepper Motor, Mini Step
Stepper Motor, Mini Step
Stepper motor driver board A4988
SparkFun Stepper motor driver board A4988
power supply 12V AC/DC

Software apps and online services

The Processing Foundation Processing
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


Read more


3d scanner schema

NOTE (very important) : there isn't a4988 driver in proteus 8 so i replaced it with l298 in simulation .



 char val; // Data received from the serial port
 int ledPin = 13; // Set the pin to digital I/O 13
 boolean startCalculatingPointsCoordinations ; 
 const int stepPiny = 13 ; 
const int dirPiny   =  12  ;   
const int stepPinx  = 6 ;
const int dirPinx  = 7 ; 
int motorStepsX = 36 ; //  it will take 36 points in each full rotation
int motorStepsY = 36 ; //  the more you make points the better picture                               //  resolution you get
float maxDistance = 150 ;  
#define sensor A0 
 void setup() {
  pinMode(stepPiny,OUTPUT) ; 
pinMode(dirPiny, OUTPUT) ;
pinMode(stepPinx,OUTPUT) ; 
pinMode(dirPinx, OUTPUT) ;
   pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); 
 startCalculatingPointsCoordinations = false ; 
 void loop() {
   if (Serial.available()){ // If data is available to read, 
     val =; // read it and store it in val
   if (val == '1') 
   { // If 1 was received
     digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn the LED on
     startCalculatingPointsCoordinations = true ; 
   } else {
     digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // otherwise turn it off
//--------------------moving motors--------------------------------------
    for(int y = 0 ; y < motorStepsY ; y++){
// horizental axe
for(int x = 0 ; x < motorStepsX ; x++){
calculateDistance() ;
moveMotorX() ; 
moveMotorY() ;
float actualDistance = calculateDistance() ;
if ((actualDistance > maxDistance)&&(y > 40)){
stopMotors() ; 
delay(10); // Wait 10 milliseconds for next reading

void moveMotorX(){
digitalWrite(dirPiny,HIGH) ;

void moveMotorY(){
  for (int i = 0 ; i <120; i++){
  digitalWrite(dirPiny,HIGH) ;
digitalWrite(stepPiny,HIGH) ;
delay(50) ;
digitalWrite(stepPiny,LOW) ; 
delay(50) ;

void stopMotors(){

float calculateDistance(){
  float volts = analogRead(sensor)*0.0048828125;  
  int distance1 = 13*pow(volts, -1); 
  distance1 = map(distance1,4,45,0,200) ;
  int distance2 = constrain(distance1,0,200) ; 
  delay(200);  // 200
  Serial.flush() ;  
  return distance2 ;


first , all distance measures will be saved in an array list then processing will use it to draw many points that will form our objects 3d model
i have plenty of ideas to make this code better and easier to use but unfortunately i can't find enough time for that because of study but it's functional so i will be glad to see what is the changes you made 
import processing.serial.*;
boolean startScanButtonPressed ;
Serial myPort;  
PShape button ;
float y ;
float f ;
float maxVirtualHigh = -40 ; 
float stepHigh = 5 ;
float distance ;  
int secPass ; 
ArrayList <PVector> twod = new ArrayList<PVector>() ;
ArrayList <PVector> threed = new ArrayList<PVector>() ; 
int pointIndex ;
float angle ;
float oneStepDegree = 10 ;
boolean startDrawing ; 
boolean viewModeOn ; 
boolean changeBg ; 
void setup() 
  myPort = new Serial(this, "COM4", 9600);
  angle = 0 ; 
  startDrawing = false ;
  startScanButtonPressed = false ;
  viewModeOn = false ; 
  changeBg = false ;
button() ; 

void draw() {
  if (startScanButtonPressed == true) {  //if we clicked in the window
   myPort.write('1');         //send a 1
   println("receiving data from arduino ...");  
   delay(200) ;
   changeBg = true ;
    startScanButtonPressed = false ;
  else {                   
if (changeBg){ 
background(0) ;
  println("press button to start ...") ;
  if ((y<=-20)&&(startDrawing == true))
viewModeOn = true ;
  pushMatrix() ; 
translate(250,400,f)  ;
  if (startDrawing == true){
myPort.stop();                // seeME PLEASE
mouseDragged() ;
drawMe() ;
popMatrix() ;
programControl(secPass) ;
save("Object.OBG") ;

void mousePressed(){
if ((150 <= mouseX)&&(mouseX <= 350)&&(220 <= mouseY)
&&(mouseY <= 260)){
startScanButtonPressed = true ;  
else startScanButtonPressed = false ;

void button(){
button = createShape() ;
button.beginShape() ; 
fill(0,0,250) ;
rect(150,220,200,40) ;
fill(255) ;
textSize(18) ;
text("Start Scanning",190,245) ;
button.endShape() ; 

float serialEvent(Serial myPort){  
  distance = float(myPort.readStringUntil('\n')) ;
  secPass++ ;
 threed.add(new PVector()) ; 
    twod.add(new PVector()) ;
    twod.get(pointIndex).y = distance ;
    twod.get(pointIndex).rotate(angle) ;
    threed.get(pointIndex).z = twod.get(pointIndex).y ; 
    threed.get(pointIndex).x = twod.get(pointIndex).x ;
    threed.get(pointIndex).y = y ;
angle = oneStepDegree+angle ;
 if (angle >= 360)
  y-=stepHigh ;
  angle = 0 ;
  if (y <= maxVirtualHigh){   
  startDrawing = true ;
pointIndex++ ;  
return distance ;

void drawMe(){
  stroke(255) ;
beginShape(POINTS) ; // QUADS LINES
  for(int j = 0 ; j<threed.size() ; j++){
vertex(threed.get(j).x,threed.get(j).y,threed.get(j).z) ;
endShape(CLOSE) ; // CLOSE

void programControl(int onePercent){
  String msg ;
println(" angle = ",angle) ;
println(" startDrawing =",startDrawing) ; 
text("pixel number = " + pointIndex,20,20) ;
println("viewModeOn =",viewModeOn) ;
println("distance =",distance) ; 
msg = "uploading ... "+percentage(onePercent)+" %" ;
if (percentage(onePercent)>100){ 
  onePercent = 0 ;
  msg = "" ;  
text(msg,20,45) ;  
save("model.tif") ;
void mouseDragged(){
  if (viewModeOn == true){
rotateX(mouseX*0.1) ; 
rotateY(mouseY*0.1) ;

void mouseWheel(MouseEvent event){
float e = event.getCount() ;
f += e*(6) ; 

int percentage(int secPass){
 float huPer = ((360/oneStepDegree)*(-maxVirtualHigh/stepHigh)) ; //100%
 int percentage = int((100/huPer)*secPass) ;
return percentage ;




1 project • 1 follower
