Mirko Pavleski
Published © GPL3+

Sensitive Arduino Lightning Detector with Homemade Sensor

How to make a sensitive homemade lightning detector based on cheap AM receiver IC TA7642 and Arduino Nano.

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Sensitive Arduino Lightning Detector with Homemade Sensor

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
TA7642 cheap AM radio IC
inductor 270 microH
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
1N4007 – High Voltage, High Current Rated Diode
1N4007 – High Voltage, High Current Rated Diode
Capacitor 100 nF
Capacitor 100 nF
Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 270 pF
Ceramic Disc Capacitor, 270 pF
Resistor, 470 ohm
Resistor, 470 ohm
Capacitor 100 µF
Capacitor 100 µF
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 100k ohm
Resistor 100k ohm

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free


Read more


Schematic diagram


Arduino Code

// Firmware for Blitz-o-shield Rev.1
// Firmwareversion: Rev.0
// Copyright F.R. 2019
// www.ramser-elektro.at
#include <Wire.h>

const bool SendFullDebugText = true;         // Send debug message over RS232?
const word RemoteImpulseTime = 000;           // Set how long the remote impulse will be

int LED_red = 12;      
int LED_yellow = 10;
int LED_green = 9;
int LED_strike = 13;

int PWM_pin = 11;
int REMOTE_pin = 7;

int AnalogIn = A0;

word ActValue;                                // Actual value of analog signal
float AverageValue;                           // Averange value
int Difference;                               // Difference value (AverageValue - ActValue)

word StrikeCount;                             // Actual strikecounter. Every strike 32 is added.
word WarnLevel = 255;                         // Actual warning level 
word Decay;                                    // Value, how much the warnlevel is decreased, if no activity

word InactivityTimer;                         // Timer for new PWM tune, if no activity

bool Blink;                                   // Helper for LED blinking

unsigned long PreviousRemoteMillis = 0;       // Helper for remote impulse

word PWM_DutyCycle;                           // Actual duty cycle for PWM
word PWM_Duty_Watchdog;                       // Helper for PWM Adjustment

unsigned long PreviousMillis = 0;             // Helper for 1 second cycle

void setup(){                                 // Assign the hardware setup 
  pinMode(LED_red, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(LED_yellow, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(LED_green, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(LED_strike, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(PWM_pin, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(REMOTE_pin, OUTPUT); 
  analogReference(INTERNAL);                  // Set the reference voltage to 1.1 volt

void TunePWM(){                               // Setup the PWM and tune it
  if (SendFullDebugText){
    Serial.print("PWM duty cycle tuning started");
  PWM_DutyCycle = 0;                          // First discharge the capaciators
  digitalWrite(LED_green, HIGH);              // Set green LED = capaciator discharged
  ActValue = analogRead(AnalogIn);            // Read dummy
  PWM_Duty_Watchdog = 0;                      // Reset watchdog
  while (ActValue < 1023){                    // Has analogue input reached the maximum?
    ActValue = analogRead(AnalogIn);          // Read analog input
    AverageValue = ActValue;                  // Preset avarange value
    PWM_DutyCycle = PWM_DutyCycle +1;         // Increase PWM level
    PWM_Duty_Watchdog = PWM_Duty_Watchdog +1; // Increase the PWM watchdog
    delay(250);                               // Always wait a little time, to load the capacitors
    if (ActValue > 341){                      // Set yellow LED = ActValue  > 1/3 of maximum.
      digitalWrite(LED_yellow, HIGH);
    if (ActValue > 682){                      // Set red LED = ActValue  > 2/3 of maximum.
      digitalWrite(LED_red, HIGH);
    if (PWM_Duty_Watchdog >= 255){            // Maximum PWM duty cycle reached. Something is wrong!!
      Blink = !Blink;                         // LED Blink Helper
      if (SendFullDebugText){
      Serial.print("Problem while adjust PWM Duty cycle. Maximum reached!!!");
      digitalWrite(LED_green, Blink);         // Blink all LED in endless loop
      digitalWrite(LED_yellow, Blink);
      digitalWrite(LED_red, Blink);
      digitalWrite(LED_strike, Blink); 
    ActValue = analogRead(AnalogIn);          // Read analog input
    AverageValue = ActValue;                  // Preset avarange value

  PWM_DutyCycle = (PWM_DutyCycle /3 ) * 2;
  digitalWrite(LED_strike, HIGH);           // Set white LED = Tune PWM successful
  digitalWrite(LED_green, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LED_yellow, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LED_red, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LED_strike, LOW);
  if (SendFullDebugText){
    Serial.print("PWM duty cycle tune successfull");

void loop(){
  ActValue = analogRead(AnalogIn);            // Read in actual value
  AverageValue = AverageValue * 15;           // Calculate the averange value
  AverageValue = AverageValue + ActValue;
  AverageValue = AverageValue / 16;   
  Difference = AverageValue - ActValue;
if (Difference >= 15){                        // STRIKE !!!
  digitalWrite(LED_strike, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(REMOTE_pin, HIGH);  // Set remote action
  PreviousRemoteMillis = millis();
  StrikeCount = StrikeCount + 32;
  if (StrikeCount >= 255){                    //  More then 8 Strikes in 1 Second ?
    StrikeCount = 255;                        //  More then 8 strikes per second don't happen naturaly
  digitalWrite(LED_strike, LOW);

if ((millis() - PreviousRemoteMillis >= RemoteImpulseTime) and (digitalRead(REMOTE_pin))){  // Remote impulse time elapsed
  digitalWrite(REMOTE_pin, LOW);

if (millis() - PreviousMillis >= 1000){       // 1 Second elapsed  
  Blink = !Blink;                             // LED Blink Helper
  if (StrikeCount > 32){                      // At leased 2 strikes in one second
    WarnLevel = WarnLevel + StrikeCount;      // Increase Warnlevel
  Decay = highByte(WarnLevel);
  WarnLevel = WarnLevel - Decay;              //  Level decreasing

  if (WarnLevel < 1000){                      // No LED on
    digitalWrite(LED_green, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LED_yellow, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LED_red, LOW); 
  if ((WarnLevel >= 1000) and (WarnLevel < 1500)){ // Green LED on
    digitalWrite(LED_green, Blink);
    digitalWrite(LED_yellow, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LED_red, LOW); 
  if ((WarnLevel >= 1500) and (WarnLevel < 2500)){ // Yellow LED on
    digitalWrite(LED_green, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LED_yellow, Blink);
    digitalWrite(LED_red, LOW); 
  if (WarnLevel >= 2500){                     // Red LED on
    digitalWrite(LED_green, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LED_yellow, LOW);
    digitalWrite(LED_red, Blink); 
  if (WarnLevel >= 3000){                     // Maximum reached
    WarnLevel = 30000; 
  if (SendFullDebugText == true){             // Send debugmessage over RS232
    // PWM;ActValue;AverangeValue;Difference;Warnlevel;Decay;Strikecount;
    Serial.print("  Actual:");
    Serial.print("  Averange:");
    Serial.print("  Difference:");
    Serial.print("  Warnlevel:");
    Serial.print("  Decay:");
    Serial.print("  Strikecount:");

  if (Decay == 0){                            // No activity. Increase InactivityTimer
    InactivityTimer = InactivityTimer +1;
    if (InactivityTimer >= 3600){             // No activity for one hour. Tune PWM.
      InactivityTimer = 0;     

  StrikeCount = 0;                            // Reset strikecounter
  PreviousMillis = millis();                  // Save actual millis, for the next 1 second cycle


Mirko Pavleski
158 projects • 1324 followers
