Mike Vladimer
Published © GPL3+

Quick, start! A quickstart project for LittleBits Arduino

Get the inputs & outputs for the LittleBits Arduino working in seconds!

IntermediateFull instructions provided827
Quick, start! A quickstart project for LittleBits Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

usb power
littleBits usb power
littleBits button
littleBits dimmer
rgb led
littleBits rgb led
littleBits bargraph
bright led
littleBits bright led
littleBits Arduino
littleBits number


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 * Mike's quickstart  sketch - a complete template to get the LittleBits Arduino working in seconds
 * There's a SANDBOX section below to play with the data 
 * so that you don't have to worry about setting up inputs & outputs. 
 * Thge project is detailed here: http://littlebits.cc/projects/ready-to-go-template-code-for-arduino
 * by Mike Vladimer 
 * at Orange Silicon Valley http://www.orangesv.com/
 * October 2015
 * I welcome feedback via twitter: @mikevladimer

// Tie input variables to pins
const int top_input_pin = 0;
const int middle_input_pin = A0;
const int bottom_input_pin = A1;

// Tie output variables to pins
const int top_output_pin = 1;
const int middle_output_pin = 5;
const int bottom_output_pin  = 9;

// Declare variables to hold data
int top_button = LOW;
int middle_button = LOW;
int bottom_dimmer = 0;
int top_output_value = LOW;
int middle_output_value = LOW;
int bottom_output_value = 0;

// SETUP. Put your setup code here to run once.
void setup() {

  // Configure input and output pins  
  pinMode(top_input_pin, INPUT);
  pinMode(bottom_input_pin, INPUT);
  pinMode(middle_input_pin, INPUT);

  pinMode(top_output_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(middle_output_pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(bottom_output_pin, OUTPUT);

  // Set up the serial monitor to see the values in the Arduino in real time. 
  // Note that the serial monitor works with the computer not the d1/tx output pin. 
  // To see the serial monitor feedback, click the spyglass icon in the top right corner of the Arduino IDE.
} // close SETUP

// LOOP. Put your main code here to run repeatedly
void loop() {
  // read the state from the input devices. Note when we're using analog read vs. digital read 
  top_button = digitalRead(top_input_pin);          // top input, d0 is digital only (buttons, switches, triggers, etc.) 
  middle_button = digitalRead(middle_input_pin);    // middle input, a0 can be digital (buttons, etc.) or analog (dimmers, sensors, etc.)
  bottom_dimmer =  analogRead(bottom_input_pin);    // bottom input, a1 can be digital (buttons, etc.) or analog (dimmers, sensors, etc.)

  // Print the input values to the serial monitor to see values in real time. Great for debugging! 
  Serial.print( "INPUTS: Top = " + String(top_button) + "  " );
  Serial.print( "Middle = " + String(middle_button) + "  " );
  Serial.print( "Bottom = " + String(bottom_dimmer) + "    " );  

  // Scale the ANALOG INPUTS from Arduino values to LittleBits values
  // Although LittleBits and Arduino both operate on 0 to 5 volts, 
  // Arduino INPUT values go from 0 to 1023 whereas LittleBits values go from 0 to 99
  // This code fixes that problem so that your logic (below) uses LittleBits values going from 0 to 99
  // Here we use the map() function to scale the output to the input https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/AnalogInOutSerial 
  bottom_dimmer = map(bottom_dimmer,  0, 1023, 0, 99); 

  // Logic. Manipulate the data and have fun!
  // Tip:   The Top and Middle values are digital (1 or 0) whereas Bottom values are analog (0 to 99)
  //        so use digital (AND, OR, NOT...) or analog (+, -, *, ...) logic accordingly. 
  // Functions are listed here: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/HomePage 
  top_output_value = top_button;                  // pass through the top button's digital input 
  middle_output_value = !(middle_button);           // Example of playing with digital data: the output is the NOT of the input
  bottom_output_value = bottom_dimmer;            // pass throught the bottom dimmer's analog input

  // Scale the ANALOG OUTPUTS from LittleBits values to Arduino values
  // Although LittleBits and Arduino both operate on 0 to 5 volts, 
  // Arduino OUTPUT values go from 0 to 255 whereas LittleBits values go from 0 to 99.
  // Previously we scaled from Arduino inputs to LittleBits. 
  // Now we're scaling the outputs -- note that Arduino's input and output scales are different.
  bottom_output_value = map(bottom_output_value,  0, 99, 0, 255);       
  // Get output values out to the pins. Note when we're using analog write vs. digital write 
  // Any of the outputs could be digital or analog -- be deliberate about using digitalWrite vs. analogWrite!
  digitalWrite(top_output_pin, top_output_value);           
  digitalWrite(middle_output_pin, middle_output_value);           
  analogWrite(bottom_output_pin, bottom_output_value);      
  // Print the output values to the serial monitor to see values in real time. Great for debugging! 
  Serial.print( "OUTPUTS: Top = " + String(top_output_value) + "  " );
  Serial.print( "Middle = " + String(middle_output_value) + "  " );
  Serial.println( "Bottom  = " + String(bottom_output_value) + "  " );  
} // end LOOP

Quickstart code for LittleBits Arduino

Just copy & paste this code into the Arduino IDE.


Mike Vladimer

Mike Vladimer

1 project • 1 follower
Fan of bicycles, startups, & internet of things (IoT). Biz dev & innovation strategy @Orange_SV. organizer @ #StartupBike.
