Łukasz Budnik
Published © Apache-2.0

Voice-Controlled Robot - Google Cloud Services

Build a voice-controlled Arduino robot. You will use your own Android phone (powered by Google Cloud Services) to control it. Lots of fun!

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Voice-Controlled Robot - Google Cloud Services

Things used in this project


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Arduino & Robot circuits

Arduino and Robot wiring. The schematics does not show HC-06 device. For a better schematics please see a twin project which is using IR controls available at circuits.io: https://circuits.io/circuits/3591193-ir-robot-control. Please also watch the video which describes the robot design in a little bit more detail.


Speech Recognition App

A node.js application running on Google App Engine using Google Cloud Speech API

Arduino code to move the robot

My Arduino library. It contains the main ino files together with a set of very useful libraries which I used in my project.

Android application for voice recording and bluetooth communication

Application records your voice and invokes Speech Recognition application. Recognised commands and recieved asynchronously from Google Cloud Messaging. Android phone receives such messages and relays them to Arduino. Communication between Android and Arduino is done over bluetooth.


Łukasz Budnik

Łukasz Budnik

2 projects • 19 followers
