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Make Controls with MEGA 2560 - Part 4: The Heater Control

Part 4 is about the theoretical model and the way it is implemented in the AFSM.

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Make Controls with MEGA 2560 - Part 4: The Heater Control

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User Finite State Machine

Heater control
// UserFiniteStateMachine.h

//*  Application code
//*  Name: UserFSM()
//*  Version:
//*  Date:
//*  Author:
//*  Short description:
//*============ START USER APPLICATION ======= START USER APPLICATION =====================
// State machine
// Each phase exists of 2 parts, e.g. the phase actions and transition conditions.
// In the phase actions, all activated tags are mentioned. Deactivation is not needed, deactivation is
// done at the end of the main loop. In the conditions section, all conditions for the transitions to another
// phase are mentioned. When all condition are true, the new phase can be set. It is possible to programm
// more then 1 transition. In such a case it is necassery to keep the priority in mind.

void UserFSM()
	// Machine state "START" is the default state at 
	// startup of the board!
	if (MachineState == FiniteState("START"))
		//Enter state action
		if (EnterState()) Serial.println("START state is entered");

		// The state function
		// No actions to perform is this state.
		// Transaction conditions

		//Exit state action
		if (ExitState()) Serial.println("START state is exit");


	if (MachineState == FiniteState("COLD"))
		//Enter state action
		if (EnterState()) Serial.println("COLD state is entered");

		// The state function

		// Transaction conditions
		if (TempValue("TTWATER") > 35.0) TransitionToState("ON-TEMP");
		//Exit state action
		if (ExitState()) Serial.println("COLD state is exit");

	if (MachineState == FiniteState("ON-TEMP"))
		//Enter state action
		if (EnterState()) Serial.println("ON-TEMP state is entered");

		// The state function
		// No action required in the state

		// Transaction conditions
		if (TempValue("TTWATER") < 34.0) TransitionToState("COLD");

		//Exit state action
		if (ExitState()) Serial.println("ON-TEMP state is exit");

	//*============  END USER APPLICATION ========= END USER APPLICATION =====================




8 projects • 19 followers
I'am developing software only during rainy days.
