Jānis ŠateEndija Briede
Published © GPL3+

Gated Linear Networks (GLN) based lossless image compression

Our goal is to make medical data storage systems more efficient by introducing high compression ratio lossless image compression.

AdvancedWork in progress3 hours348
Gated Linear Networks (GLN) based lossless image compression

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Alveo U50 Data Center Accelerator Card
Alveo Programming Cable

Software apps and online services

Vivado Design Suite
AMD Vivado Design Suite


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Custom parts and enclosures

Test image for Python script

This test image is used in attached Python script.


Python script for debug and communications withi Alveo U50 board

This Python script is used, in order to upload the image to Alveo 50 board via devmem2 and for debugging. This script can be used to read output values of implemented GLN and some internal values for debugging purposes.
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import subprocess
import sys

FNULL = open(os.devnull,'w')

base_address = 0xfd400000;
adder_base_adress = 0xfda00000;
fifo_write_base_adress  = 0xfdb00000;
fifo_read_base_adress   = 0xfdd00000;
gpio_1_read_based_adress = 0xfde00000;
gpio_2_read_based_adress = 0xfd070000;

fifo_P_read_base_address = 0xfdc00000;
fifo_PIX_BUFF_read_base_address = 0xfd080000;
fifo_CTX0_BUFF_read_base_address = 0xfdd00000;
fifo_BAC_BUFF_read_base_address  = 0xfd090000;

def read_FPGA_reg_val(base_address,offset):
    s = subprocess.check_output(["devmem2",str(base_address+offset),"h"],stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
    s = s.split(" ")
    s = s[len(s)-1]
    s = s.replace("\n","")
    return int(s,16)

def read_FPGA_reg_val32(base_address,offset):
    s = subprocess.check_output(["devmem2",str(base_address+offset),"w"],stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
    s = s.split(" ")
    s = s[len(s)-1]
    s = s.replace("\n","")
    return int(s,16)

def write_FPGA_reg_val(base_address,offset,val):
    return subprocess.call(["devmem2",str(base_address+offset),"w",str(hex(val))],stdout = FNULL,stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)

def convert_4x8_to_32(val3,val2,val1,val0):
    return val3*256*256*256+val2*256*256+val1*256+val0
def convert_32_to_4x8(val):
    val0 = val&255;
    val1 = (val >> 8)&255;
    val2 = (val >> 16)&255;
    val3 = (val >> 24)&255;
    return [val3,val2,val1,val0]

def write_FPGA_CREG(val):
   return write_FPGA_reg_val(fifo_write_base_adress,4,val)

def read_FPGA_CREG():
   return read_FPGA_reg_val(gpio_1_read_based_adress,0)

def read_FPGA_RX_FIFO_CNT():
   return read_FPGA_reg_val(gpio_1_read_based_adress,8)
def read_FPGA_IMG_FSM_ID():
   return read_FPGA_reg_val(gpio_2_read_based_adress,0)

def read_FPGA_P_FIFO():
   return read_FPGA_reg_val(fifo_P_read_base_address,0)

def read_FPGA_PIX_BUFF_FIFO():
   return read_FPGA_reg_val32(fifo_PIX_BUFF_read_base_address,0)

def read_FPGA_CTX_BUFF_FIFO():
   return read_FPGA_reg_val(fifo_CTX0_BUFF_read_base_address,0)

def read_FPGA_BAC_BUFF_FIFO():
   return read_FPGA_reg_val32(fifo_BAC_BUFF_read_base_address,0)
def read_FPGA_BAC_FIFO_CNT():
   return read_FPGA_reg_val32(fifo_BAC_BUFF_read_base_address,8)

def progress(count, total, status=''):
    bar_len = 60
    filled_len = int(round(bar_len * count / float(total)))

    percents = round(100.0 * count / float(total), 1)
    bar = '=' * filled_len + '-' * (bar_len - filled_len)

    sys.stdout.write('[%s] %s%s ...%s\r' % (bar, percents, '%', status))

img = Image.open('b6l.bmp')
img = np.array(img)
img_tmp = img*0;
img32 = np.zeros(512*512/4)

for i in range(512):
    img_tmp[i] = img[511-i]
img = img_tmp
img = img.flatten()
img = np.append(0,img)

img32 = np.zeros(512*512/4)

for i in range((65535)):
    img32[i] = convert_4x8_to_32(img[((i+1)*4-3)],img[((i+1)*4-2)],img[((i+1)*4-1)],img[((i+1)*4-0)])

step = 0x04;

i = 0x00;

print('Uploading image')
for j in range(65535):

s = read_FPGA_reg_val(fifo_write_base_adress,step)
print('Number of bytes written := ',s)
s = read_FPGA_reg_val(fifo_write_base_adress,step)
print('Number of bytes written after CREG assert := ',s)

s = read_FPGA_CREG()
print('Written vale of CREG := ',s)

s = read_FPGA_RX_FIFO_CNT()
print('RX FIFO CNT := ',s)

s = read_FPGA_IMG_FSM_ID()
print('IMG FSM ID := ',s)

while(s > 0):
   s = read_FPGA_RX_FIFO_CNT()

s = read_FPGA_reg_val(fifo_read_base_adress,step)
print('Bytes left at read FIFO := ',s)

s = read_FPGA_BAC_FIFO_CNT()
print('Bytes left at BAC fifo := ',s)
for j in range(s):
     s = convert_32_to_4x8(read_FPGA_BAC_BUFF_FIFO())
     print("BAC_VAL =  ",s[0])
     print("BAC_VAL =  ",s[1])
     print("BAC_VAL =  ",s[2])
     print("BAC_VAL =  ",s[3])

Archilve of GLN source files

These files have to be attached to the project
No preview (download only).

Archive of Vivado project

Archive that includes Vivado project. When unzipped, GLN source files have to be added to this project before compilation
No preview (download only).


Jānis Šate

Jānis Šate

1 project • 3 followers
FPGA enthusiast Research assistant at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences PhD student at University of Latvia
Endija Briede

Endija Briede

1 project • 3 followers
FPGA enthusiast
