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Grovey sLocks - Access Control Through A Smart Door Lock

Looking to open home to airBnB? Grovey sLocks is an Internet connected BLE enabled device allowing users entry, once approved via the cloud.

IntermediateFull instructions provided16 hours4,151
Grovey sLocks - Access Control Through A Smart Door Lock

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino 101
Arduino 101
Seeed Studio Grove Starter kit for Arduino&Genuino 101
Seeed Studio Grove - Relay
Adafruit Lock-style Solenoid - 12VDC
Alternative is Electric Door Release / Strike (Fail Safe). E.g. search on eBay or purchase from RS Components
SparkFun LED Tactile Button - Blue
This is optional / nice to have, as can use touch sensor and LED from Grove Starter Kit
SparkFun LED Tactile Button Breakout
This is optional / nice to have, as can use touch sensor and LED from Grove Starter Kit
Electric Imp
Electric Imp
Electric Imp April Breakout Board
Electric Imp April Breakout Board
Arduino Proto Shield
Arduino Proto Shield
Used to mount the Electric Imp Breakout and to mount a 5.08 Screw Terminal for the Electric Strike / Solenoid.
Adafruit 12 VDC 1000mA regulated switching power adapter
Adafruit White Enclosure for Arduino
G4 LED capsule lamp
Add current limiting resistor of choice (used 220 Ohm in project)

Software apps and online services

GitHub Pages - Websites hosted directly from GitHub repository
Website for project includes html, css, AngularJS and javascript
This handles the https and domain name settings (unique domain name optional)
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Electric Imp Cloud IDE (Squirrel)
Google Physical Web
Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=physical_web.org.physicalweb&hl=en IOS: Download Chrome Browser App

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Schematic of Genuino 101 microcontroller with attached sensors, actuators and Imp wifi module

Grovey_Slocks Fritzing






1 project • 15 followers
Dedicated IoT and M2M solution developer, unlocking value by connecting and protecting things.
Thanks to Bradford Needham.
