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Jennifer Ann's Group is a nonprofit charity preventing teen dating violence (TDV) through innovative uses of technology. Since 2008 they have been producing and publishing digital games about teen dating violence to increase awareness, provide educational information, and change attitudes about acceptable relationship behavior.
These games have been produced through an annual game design challenge which asks game developers to create digital games about TDV - without using any violence in the games themselves.
"Teen dating violence is an equal opportunity problem - affecting all types of people regardless of gender, race, socioeconomic status, education, sexual orientation, or sexual identity."
The contest and 20+ award-winning games display an international reach with winners from Argentina, Belgium, Canada, India, Ireland, Mexico, Thailand, and the United States. All games are 100% free and are available to play online - or via web browser . . . and now via Amazon's Echo!
In addition to the video games already available via browser or in the iTunes, Google Play, Blackberry World, Windows Phone, and Amazon appstores, they now have a skill available via Alexa on Amazon's Echo.
How To Play
Add the Teen Dating Violence Quiz skill and invoke it by saying "Alexa, ask teen dating violence." (An easy to remember URL to the skill is bit.ly/TDVquiz.)
About Teen Dating Violence
TDV is a complex issue and much more nuanced than most people believe. Although physical and sexual violence is often easy to describe, emotional or psychological abuse is much more difficult to explain - especially to young people who are unlikely to have a history of relationships with which to compare.
"44% of all students will have been in an abusive relationship by the time they graduate from college."
Digital games provide a uniquely compelling approach to this topic:
- young people can explore issues about TDV at their own pace without feeling "preached to" by an adult;
- parents can use digital games as an entry point to a conversation with their teens about TDV; and
- educators can use digital games as free resources in their classrooms.
"81% of parents do not know if teen dating violence is a problem - or do not believe that it is."
Background on Jennifer Ann's Group
Jennifer Ann's Group was created in 2006 in memory of Jennifer Ann Crecente, a high school senior who was killed by her ex-boyfriend. Her father founded the organization and is its executive director. He speaks at conferences about his organization's use of digital games to prevent TDV.
More information about Jennifer Ann's Group is available online at JenniferAnn.org. Free digital games are available through the game portal at JAGga.me. Jennifer Ann's Group can be followed @stopTDV.
Teen Dating Violence quiz
JavaScriptPlace this in the AWS Lambda function and customize as needed. Line #s 273, 570, 571, 619, 620, 636, and 637 need additional info as described.
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or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,
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* This sample shows how to create a simple Trivia skill with a multiple choice format. The skill
* supports 1 player at a time, and does not support games across sessions.
'use strict';
* When editing your questions pay attention to your punctuation. Make sure you use question marks or periods.
var questions = [
"How many teens in an abusive relationship ever tell anybody about it?": [
"one third of them",
"most of them",
"all of them",
"half of them"
"How many parents either believe that teen dating violence is not an issue or just don't know?": [
"What percent of parents cannot identify all the warning signs of an abusive relationship?": [
"What percent of pregnant teen girls are in abusive relationships?": [
"If a teen girl is in an abusive relationship, how much more likely is she to get an S T I?": [
"twice as likely",
"10% more likely",
"20% more likely",
"no more likely"
"By the time that they graduate from college, what percent of students have been in an abusive relationship?": [
"Almost one third",
"How many high school students experience Physical abuse every year in the U.S.?": [
"One point five million",
"ten thousand",
"fifty thousand",
"one hundred and twenty five thousand"
"How many high school students are physically hit or hurt by their dating partner?": [
"one in ten",
"one in a hundred",
"one in a thousand",
"one in fifty"
"What impact can teen dating violence have??": [
"all of these",
"serious drug and alcohol abuse",
"dropping out of school",
"suicidal ideation and self-harm"
"What percent of teens have discussed dating violence with their parents?": [
"less than one quarter",
"about half",
"almost all"
"How many Seventh grade students in the U.S. report being a victim of dating violence?": [
"1 in 3",
"1 in 100",
"1 in 50",
"1 in 10"
"How many college students in the U.S. are currently in an abusive relationship?": [
"1 in 5",
"1 in 10",
"1 in 20",
"1 in 25"
"Which of these are a warning sign of an abusive relationship?": [
"all of these are warning signs",
"puts you down",
"tells you what to wear",
"threatens to hurt you or themselves"
"Which of these is a warning sign of an abusive relationship?": [
"all of these are warning signs",
"blames you for their own anger",
"does not respect your wishes about safe sex",
"threatens to reveal private information or images"
"What is an example of digital abuse?": [
"all of these",
"demanding your partner's social media password",
"incessant and unwanted texts demanding to know where you are or what you are doing",
"logging into your partner's account and pretending to be them"
"Which of these is a warning sign of an abusive relationship?": [
"all of these",
"History of discipline problems",
"Serious drug or alcohol abuse",
"Prevents you from spending time with friends or family"
"What percent of girls who have been physically abused continue to date the abuser?": [
"Nearly 80%",
"Less than 10%",
"Almost half",
"Around 25%"
"What percent of college students say that it is difficult to identify dating abuse?": [
"What percent of college students say that they do not know how to help somebody in an abusive relationship?": [
"Which of these are a form of dating violence?": [
"all of these",
"physical abuse",
"sexual abuse",
"emotional abuse"
"What is another name for teen dating violence?": [
"all of these are other names for teen dating violence",
"dating abuse",
"relationship abuse",
"intimate partner violence"
"Are L G B T couples as likely to be in an abusive relationship?": [
"they are just as likely",
"they are much less likely",
"they are much more likely",
"they are somewhat less likely"
"What percent of high school counselors feel prepared to address dating violence on campus?": [
"less than 20%",
"over 90%",
"around 80%",
"close to 75%"
"What can you do if you know someone who might be in an abusive relationship?": [
"all of these",
"Ask how you can help",
"Encourage your friend to seek help",
"Educate yourself about dating violence and healthy relationships"
"What percent of people age 14 to 24 have experienced digital abuse?": [
"What is the financial impact of domestic violence in the U.S. every year?": [
"Eight point three billion dollars",
"Eighty-three million dollars",
"Eight point three million dollars",
"Eight hundred and thirty million dollars"
"What is the most common location for teen dating abuse?": [
"at home",
"at school or school events",
"at social events like parties",
"at public places like malls"
"What percent of teens in an abusive relationship have called an abuse helpline?": [
"What percent of teens in an abusive relationship have talked to a school counselor?": [
"What percent of teens between the age of 13 and 18 say that they've been in a dating relationship?": [
// Route the incoming request based on type (LaunchRequest, IntentRequest,
// etc.) The JSON body of the request is provided in the event parameter.
exports.handler = function (event, context) {
try {
console.log("event.session.application.applicationId=" + event.session.application.applicationId);
* Uncomment this if statement and populate with your skill's application ID to
* prevent someone else from configuring a skill that sends requests to this function.
if (event.session.application.applicationId !== "PLACE APPLICATION ID HERE") {
context.fail("Invalid Application ID");
if (event.session.new) {
onSessionStarted({requestId: event.request.requestId}, event.session);
if (event.request.type === "LaunchRequest") {
function callback(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
context.succeed(buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse));
} else if (event.request.type === "IntentRequest") {
function callback(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
context.succeed(buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse));
} else if (event.request.type === "SessionEndedRequest") {
onSessionEnded(event.request, event.session);
} catch (e) {
context.fail("Exception: " + e);
* Called when the session starts.
function onSessionStarted(sessionStartedRequest, session) {
console.log("onSessionStarted requestId=" + sessionStartedRequest.requestId
+ ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);
// add any session init logic here
* Called when the user invokes the skill without specifying what they want.
function onLaunch(launchRequest, session, callback) {
console.log("onLaunch requestId=" + launchRequest.requestId
+ ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);
* Called when the user specifies an intent for this skill.
function onIntent(intentRequest, session, callback) {
console.log("onIntent requestId=" + intentRequest.requestId
+ ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);
var intent = intentRequest.intent,
intentName = intentRequest.intent.name;
// dispatch custom intents to handlers here
if ("AnswerIntent" === intentName) {
handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AnswerOnlyIntent" === intentName) {
handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.StartOverIntent" === intentName) {
} else if ("AMAZON.RepeatIntent" === intentName) {
handleRepeatRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.HelpIntent" === intentName) {
handleGetHelpRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.StopIntent" === intentName) {
handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else if ("AMAZON.CancelIntent" === intentName) {
handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback);
} else {
throw "Invalid intent";
* Called when the user ends the session.
* Is not called when the skill returns shouldEndSession=true.
function onSessionEnded(sessionEndedRequest, session) {
console.log("onSessionEnded requestId=" + sessionEndedRequest.requestId
+ ", sessionId=" + session.sessionId);
// Add any cleanup logic here
// ------- Skill specific business logic -------
function getWelcomeResponse(callback) {
var sessionAttributes = {},
cardTitle = "Teen Dating Violence Quiz",
speechOutput = "Welcome to the Teen Dating Violence Quiz brought to you by the good people at Jennifer Ann's Group.\r\nI will ask you " + GAME_LENGTH.toString()
+ " questions and you try to get as many right as you can. Just say the number of the answer and I'll keep score of how you're doing.\r\n ",
shouldEndSession = false,
gameQuestions = populateGameQuestions(),
correctAnswerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (ANSWER_COUNT)), // Generate a random index for the correct answer, from 0 to 3
roundAnswers = populateRoundAnswers(gameQuestions, 0, correctAnswerIndex),
currentQuestionIndex = 0,
spokenQuestion = Object.keys(questions[gameQuestions[currentQuestionIndex]])[0],
repromptText = "Question 1. " + spokenQuestion + "\n ",
i, j;
for (i = 0; i < ANSWER_COUNT; i++) {
repromptText += (i+1).toString() + ". " + roundAnswers[i] + ". "
speechOutput += repromptText;
sessionAttributes = {
"speechOutput": repromptText,
"repromptText": repromptText,
"currentQuestionIndex": currentQuestionIndex,
"correctAnswerIndex": correctAnswerIndex + 1,
"questions": gameQuestions,
"score": 0,
buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, speechOutput, repromptText, shouldEndSession));
function populateGameQuestions() {
var gameQuestions = [],
// Pick 5 random questions from the list to ask the user, make sure there are no repeats
while (gameQuestions.length != GAME_LENGTH) {
randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (questions.length - 1));
if (gameQuestions.indexOf(randomNum) == -1) {
return gameQuestions;
function populateRoundAnswers(gameQuestions, index, correctAnswer) {
// Get the answers for a given question, and place the correct answer at the spot marked by the
// correctAnswer variable
var answers = [],
answersCopy = questions[gameQuestions[index]][Object.keys(questions[gameQuestions[index]])[0]],
temp, i;
for (i = 0; i < ANSWER_COUNT; i++) {
answers[i] = answersCopy[i];
temp = answers[0];
answers[0] = answers[correctAnswer];
answers[correctAnswer] = temp;
return answers;
function handleAnswerRequest(intent, session, callback) {
var cardTitle = "Teen Dating Violence Quiz",
speechOutput = "";
var answerSlot = intent.slots.Answer;
// If the user provided answer isn't a number > 0 and < 5,
// return an error message to the user
if (!answerSlot || !answerSlot.value || isNaN(parseInt(answerSlot.value))
|| !(parseInt(answerSlot.value) < ANSWER_COUNT+1 && parseInt(answerSlot.value) > 0)) {
speechOutput = "Your answer must be a number between 1 and 4.\n"
buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, speechOutput, speechOutput, false));
else {
// If the user responded with an answer but there is no game in progress, ask the user
// if they want to start a new game
if (!session.attributes || !session.attributes.questions) {
speechOutput = "There is no game in progress. To start a new game, say, " +
"start game.\n";
buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, speechOutput, speechOutput, false));
else {
var gameQuestions = session.attributes.questions,
correctAnswerIndex = parseInt(session.attributes.correctAnswerIndex),
currentScore = parseInt(session.attributes.score),
currentQuestionIndex = parseInt(session.attributes.currentQuestionIndex),
correctAnswerText = session.attributes.correctAnswerText;
var speechOutputAnalysis = "";
if (parseInt(answerSlot.value) == correctAnswerIndex) {
speechOutputAnalysis = "correct.\n ";
} else {
speechOutputAnalysis = "wrong. The correct answer is " + correctAnswerText + ".\n ";
// if currentQuestionIndex is 4, we've reached 5 questions (zero-indexed) and can exit the game session
// if perfect score then say something different
if (currentQuestionIndex == GAME_LENGTH - 1) {
if (currentScore.toString() == 5) {
speechOutput = "That answer is " + speechOutputAnalysis + "You got " +
currentScore.toString() + " out of " + GAME_LENGTH.toString() + " questions correct!\n Wow, perfect score. You rock!\n Jennifer Ann's Group thanks you for your interest in teen dating violence!";
buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, speechOutput, "", true));
else {
speechOutput = "That answer is " + speechOutputAnalysis + "You got " +
currentScore.toString() + " out of " + GAME_LENGTH.toString() + " questions correct.\n You can do better!\n Jennifer Ann's Group thanks you for your interest in teen dating violence!";
buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, speechOutput, "", true));
else {
currentQuestionIndex += 1;
var spokenQuestion = Object.keys(questions[gameQuestions[currentQuestionIndex]])[0];
// Generate a random index for the correct answer, from 0 to 3
correctAnswerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (ANSWER_COUNT));
var roundAnswers = populateRoundAnswers(gameQuestions, currentQuestionIndex, correctAnswerIndex),
questionIndexForSpeech = currentQuestionIndex + 1,
repromptText = "Question " + questionIndexForSpeech.toString() + ".\n " + spokenQuestion + " ";
for (var i = 0; i < ANSWER_COUNT; i++) {
repromptText += (i+1).toString() + ". " + roundAnswers[i] + ". "
speechOutput += "That answer is " + speechOutputAnalysis + "Your score is " + currentScore.toString() + ".\n " + repromptText;
var sessionAttributes = {
"speechOutput": repromptText,
"repromptText": repromptText,
"currentQuestionIndex": currentQuestionIndex,
"correctAnswerIndex": correctAnswerIndex + 1,
"questions": gameQuestions,
"score": currentScore,
buildSpeechletResponse(cardTitle, speechOutput, repromptText, false));
function handleRepeatRequest(intent, session, callback) {
// Repeat the previous speechOutput and repromptText from the session attributes if available
// else start a new game session
if (!session.attributes || !session.attributes.speechOutput) {
} else {
buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard(session.attributes.speechOutput, session.attributes.repromptText, false));
function handleGetHelpRequest(intent, session, callback) {
// Provide a help prompt for the user, explaining how the game is played. Then, continue the game
// if there is one in progress, or provide the option to start another one.
// Do not edit the help dialogue. This has been created by the Alexa team to demonstrate best practices.
var speechOutput = "I will ask you " + GAME_LENGTH.toString() + " multiple choice questions, try to get as many right as you can! "
+ "To give an answer to a question, respond with the number of the answer by saying one, two, three, or four. "
+ "To start a new game at any time, say, start game. "
+ "To repeat the last question asked, say, repeat.",
repromptText = "To give an answer to a question, respond with the number of the answer. "
+ "To start a new game, say, start game",
shouldEndSession = false;
buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard(speechOutput, repromptText, shouldEndSession));
function handleFinishSessionRequest(intent, session, callback) {
// End the session with a "Good bye!" if the user wants to quit the game
buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard("Jennifer Ann's Group thanks you for your interest in stopping teen dating violence!\n Good bye!", "", true));
// ------- Helper functions to build responses -------
function buildSpeechletResponse(title, output, repromptText, shouldEndSession) {
return {
outputSpeech: {
type: "PlainText",
text: output
// card: {
// type: "Simple",
// title: title,
// content: output
// },
card: {
type: "Standard",
title: title,
image: {
"smallImageUrl": "PLACE URL TO IMAGE HERE",
"largeImageUrl": "PLACE URL TO IMAGE HERE"
text: output
reprompt: {
outputSpeech: {
type: "PlainText",
text: repromptText
shouldEndSession: shouldEndSession
function buildSpeechletResponseWithoutCard(output, repromptText, shouldEndSession) {
return {
outputSpeech: {
type: "PlainText",
text: output
reprompt: {
outputSpeech: {
type: "PlainText",
text: repromptText
shouldEndSession: shouldEndSession
function buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
return {
version: "1.0",
sessionAttributes: sessionAttributes,
response: speechletResponse
//function buildResponse(sessionAttributes, speechletResponse) {
// return {
// version: "1.0",
// sessionAttributes: sessionAttributes,
// response: speechletResponse,
// type: "Standard",
// image: {
// "smallImageUrl": "PLACE URL TO IMAGE HERE",
// "largeImageUrl": "PLACE URL TO IMAGE HERE"
// }
// };
// function getWelcomeCard() {
// "version": "1.0",
// "response": {
// "outputSpeech":"type":"PlainText","text":"Test content!"},
// "card":{
// "type": "Standard",
// "title": "Test welcome card",
// "text": "Test welcome text",
// "image": {
// "smallImageUrl": "PLACE URL TO IMAGE HERE",
// "largeImageUrl": "PLACE URL TO IMAGE HERE"
// }
// }
// }
// }