Adam Taylor
Published © GPL3+

FPGA-Based Edge Detection Using HLS

Leveraging HLS functions to create a image processing solution which implements edge detection (Sobel) in programmable logic.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours38,352
FPGA-Based Edge Detection Using HLS

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Zybo Z7: Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Development Board
Digilent Zybo Z7: Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Development Board
Apeman 1080P HD Action Camera

Software apps and online services

Xilinx Vivado
Xilnix Vivado HLS


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Adam Taylor

Adam Taylor

124 projects • 2166 followers
Adam Taylor is an expert in design and development of embedded systems and FPGA’s for several end applications (Space, Defense, Automotive)
