Published © LGPL

Arduino UNO Library for a Sampling Scope & Counter

Easily include oscilloscope and frequency counter diagnostics into your own project.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)9,394
Arduino UNO Library for a Sampling Scope & Counter

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Standard LCD - 16x2 White on Blue
Adafruit Standard LCD - 16x2 White on Blue
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
555 Timers
555 Timers
Capacitor 100 nF
Capacitor 100 nF
Capacitor 1 µF
Capacitor 1 µF
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
Rotary potentiometer (generic)
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
Resistor 470 kOhm


Read more



The breadboard and schematics of the LCD and NE555 circuit



The code for the GUI of the oscilloscope running on your PC in the Processing IDE.
 ** Oscilloscope V2.0.1
static boolean Debug = false;

import processing.serial.*;

boolean scope = false;

static final String SerialPort ="COM3";            // Change this to match your Arduino port

//static final String FontType = "System";

static final float fclk = 16e6;                    // Arduinos clock frequency

/* Commands to the Arduino board */
static final char Reset = 'X';
static final char ScopeMode = 'Y';
static final char CounterMode = 'Z';
static final char Channel1 = 'A';
static final char ChannelMax = 'F';
static final char TrigRising = 'w';
static final char TrigFalling = 'x';
static final char ContSweep = 'y';
static final char SingleSweep = 'z';
static final char TimeBaseMin = 'a';
static final char TimeBaseMax = 't';
static final char CounterBaseMin = 'G';
static final char CounterBaseMax = 'U';

/* Text definitions */
static final String Sampling = "Sampling...";
static final String SampleFreqFmt = "[%1.1f Hz]";
static final String FreqFmt = "%1.2f Hz";
static final String PeriodFmt = "T = %dx (/%d)";

/* End markers when switching to scope */
static final int EndMarkers = 3;

/* Trace definitions */
static final int MaxSample = 500;
static final int SampleSize = 8;
static final int SampleMax = (1 << SampleSize) - 1;
static final int Channels = ChannelMax - Channel1 + 1;

/* Screen size */
static final int MaxX = 1000;
static final int MaxY = 550;
/* Trace dimensions */
static final int Width = 800;
static final int Height = 500;

/* Time base parameters class */
class TimebaseSet
  TimebaseSet(int f, float pwr, int s, float st)
    factor = f;
    p10 = pwr;
    samples = s;
    sampleTime = st;

  int factor;
  float p10;
  int samples;
  float sampleTime;

/* Class to execute a button action, used in conjunction with Button class */
abstract class ButtonAction
  public abstract void execute();

  public void setButton(Button b)
    _button = b;
  protected Button _button;

/* Class to represent a button with an associated action */
public class Button
  public Button(int centerx, int centery, int w, int h, String name, long col, ButtonAction action)
    _cx = centerx;
    _cy = centery;
    _buttonWidth = w;
    _buttonHeight = h;
    text = name;
    red = (int) (col >> 16);
    green = (int) ((col >> 8) & 0xFF);
    blue = (int) (col & 0xFF);
    _action = action;
    if (_action != null)

  void enable(boolean on)
    enabled = on;

  /* Shows the button on the screen */
  public void draw()
    if (enabled)
      fill(red, green, blue);
      stroke(192, 192, 192);
      rect(_cx, _cy, _buttonWidth, _buttonHeight);
      fill(255, 255, 255);
      textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
      text(text, _cx, _cy - 3);

  /* Checks if the button was clicked, executes the action if so */
  public void isClicked(int x, int y)
    int bw = _buttonWidth / 2;
    int bh = _buttonHeight / 2;

    boolean result = enabled && ((x >= _cx - bw && x <= _cx + bw && y >= _cy - bh && y <= _cy + bh));

    if (Debug && result)
      println(text + " clicked!");
    if (result)

  protected int _cx;
  protected int _cy;
  protected int _buttonWidth;
  protected int _buttonHeight;
  public int red;
  public int green;
  public int blue;
  public String text;
  protected ButtonAction _action;
  protected boolean enabled = true;

/* Class for check box buttons */
class CheckButton extends Button
  class Toggle extends ButtonAction
    public Toggle(ButtonAction action)
      _taction = action;

    public void execute()
      if (Debug)
        println(text + " toggled");
      _state = !_state;

    protected ButtonAction _taction;

  public CheckButton(int centerx, int centery, int w, int h, String name, long col, ButtonAction action)
    super(centerx, centery, w, h, name, col, null);

    _action = new Toggle(action);

  /* Shows the button on the screen */
  public void draw()
    if (_state)
      fill(255 - red, 255 - green, 255 - blue);
    } else
      fill(red, green, blue);
    stroke(192, 192, 192);
    rect(_cx, _cy, _buttonWidth, _buttonHeight);
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
    text(text, _cx + _buttonWidth / 2 + 5, _cy - 3);

  /* Returns the current state of the check box */
  public boolean getState()
    return _state;

  protected boolean _state = false;

/* Class for channel selection actions */
class ChAction extends ButtonAction
  ChAction(int ch)
    _ch = ch;

  public void execute()
    if ( == 0 & == 0 && == 0)
    } else

  protected int _ch;

int currentChannel = 0;

TimebaseSet[] timebase = {
  //new TimebaseSet(1, 0.0001, 77, 0.000013), // 0
  //new TimebaseSet(2, 0.0001, 154, 0.000013), 
  //new TimebaseSet(5, 0.0001, 384, 0.000013), 
  //new TimebaseSet(1, 0.0001, 71, 0.000014), // 0
  //new TimebaseSet(2, 0.0001, 142, 0.000014), 
  //new TimebaseSet(5, 0.0001, 357, 0.000014), 
  //new TimebaseSet(1, 0.0001, 66, 0.000015), // 0
  //new TimebaseSet(2, 0.0001, 133, 0.000015), 
  //new TimebaseSet(5, 0.0001, 333, 0.000015), 
  //new TimebaseSet(1, 0.0001, 62, 0.000016), // 0
  //new TimebaseSet(2, 0.0001, 125, 0.000016), 
  //new TimebaseSet(5, 0.0001, 312, 0.000016), 
  new TimebaseSet(1, 0.0001, 50, 0.000020), // 0
  new TimebaseSet(2, 0.0001, 100, 0.000020), 
  new TimebaseSet(5, 0.0001, 250, 0.000020), 
  //new TimebaseSet(1, 0.0001, 48, 0.000021), // 0
  //new TimebaseSet(2, 0.0001, 95, 0.000021), 
  //new TimebaseSet(5, 0.0001, 238, 0.000021), 
  new TimebaseSet(1, 0.001, 400, 0.000025), 
  new TimebaseSet(2, 0.001, 400, 0.000050), 
  new TimebaseSet(5, 0.001, 500, 0.000100), 
  new TimebaseSet(1, 0.01, 500, 0.000200), // 6
  new TimebaseSet(2, 0.01, 500, 0.000400), 
  new TimebaseSet(5, 0.01, 500, 0.001), 
  new TimebaseSet(1, 0.1, 500, 0.002), 
  new TimebaseSet(2, 0.1, 500, 0.004), 
  new TimebaseSet(5, 0.1, 500, 0.01), 
  new TimebaseSet(1, 1, 500, 0.02), 
  new TimebaseSet(2, 1, 500, 0.04), 
  new TimebaseSet(5, 1, 500, 0.1), 
  new TimebaseSet(1, 10, 500, 0.2), 
  new TimebaseSet(2, 10, 500, 0.4), 
  new TimebaseSet(5, 10, 500, 1.0), 
  new TimebaseSet(1, 100, 500, 2.0), 
  new TimebaseSet(2, 100, 500, 4.0)

int timebaseIndex = 7;
float timediv;
float sens;                     /* mV/div */

int samples;
int channelSamples[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
float sampleTime;
float sample[][] = new float[Channels][MaxSample];

long  channelColor[] = { 0xFFFF00, 0xFF00FF, 0x00FFFF, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF };
float  channelSampleTime[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
boolean channelOn[] = { false, false, false, false, false, false };
boolean channelVisible[] = { false, false, false, false, false, false };

float periodCount;
float divider = 1024.0;
float count = 0.0;
float countDigit = 1.0;
float frequency = 0.0;
boolean countingInd = false;
char periodCountInd = CounterBaseMin;

Serial port;
PFont f;

int set = 0;
int index = 0;

int x0 = 0, x1 = Width;
int y0 = 25, y1 = Height + y0;
int divx = Width / 10;
int divy = Height / 10;

float scalex;
float scaley;
float xcenter = (x0 + x1) / 2;
float ycenter = (y0 + y1) / 2;
float offset[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int sensFact[] = { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
int sens10[] = { 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 };

boolean measuring = false;
int flushingCountData = 0;
boolean getChannelCount = false;

ArrayList<Button> button = new ArrayList();
CheckButton sweepButton;
CheckButton triggerButton;

void scale()
  scalex = Width / timediv / 10.0;
  scaley = Height / (sens / 1000.0) / 10.0;

float plotX(float time)
  return scalex * time;

float plotY(int channel, float voltage)
  return y1 - scaley * (voltage + offset[channel]);

/* Switch between scope and frequency counter mode */
void toggleMode()
  scope = !scope;
  getChannelCount = scope;    // Wait for the number of channels reported by Arduino
  flushingCountData = (scope ? EndMarkers : 0);
  port.write(scope ? ScopeMode : CounterMode);
  if (scope)
  } else
    scope = false;

/* Switch active channel for receiving samples */
void setChannel(int ch)
  channelOn[currentChannel] = false;
  currentChannel = ch;
  for (int i = 0; i < MaxSample; i++)
    sample[currentChannel][i] = 0;
  channelSamples[currentChannel] = samples;
  channelOn[currentChannel] = true;
  channelVisible[currentChannel] = true;
  sens = sensFact[currentChannel] * sens10[currentChannel];
  port.write((char) (currentChannel + Channel1));  // Send channel switch command to Arduino
  index = 0;

/* Toggle a channel's trace visibility */
void showChannel(int ch)
  channelVisible[ch] = !channelVisible[ch];

/* Handle start/stop button press */
void startStop()
  measuring = !measuring;
  index = 0;
  if (measuring && sweepButton.getState())
    if (!Debug)
      port.write(Reset);    // Send a reset command to Arduino

/* Toggle sweep mode between single and continuous */
void setSweep()
  if (!Debug)
    port.write(sweepButton.getState() ? SingleSweep : ContSweep);
  index = 0;

/* Toggle trigger mode between rising and falling edge */
void setTriggerMode()
  if (!Debug)
    port.write(triggerButton.getState() ? TrigFalling : TrigRising);
  index = 0;

/* Increase sensitivity */
void sensUp()
  if (sens > 10.0)
    sensFact[currentChannel] /= 2;
    if (sensFact[currentChannel] == 0)
      sens10[currentChannel] /= 10;
      sensFact[currentChannel] = 5;

/* Decrease sensitivity */
void sensDn()
  if (sens < 5000.0)
    sensFact[currentChannel] *= 2;
    if (sensFact[currentChannel] == 4)
      sensFact[currentChannel] = 5;
    if (sensFact[currentChannel] >= 10)
      sens10[currentChannel] *= 10;
      sensFact[currentChannel] = 1;

/* Update time base based on the value of timebaseIndex */
void updateTimebase()
  timediv = (float) timebase[timebaseIndex].factor * timebase[timebaseIndex].p10;
  samples = timebase[timebaseIndex].samples;
  sampleTime = timebase[timebaseIndex].sampleTime;
  channelSamples[currentChannel] = samples;
  if (!Debug)
    port.write((char) (timebaseIndex + TimeBaseMin));    // Send command to Arduino
  index = 0;

/* Increase time base (slower scan) */
void timeUp()
  if (scope)
    if (timebaseIndex < TimeBaseMax - TimeBaseMin)
  } else
    if (periodCountInd < CounterBaseMax)

/* Decrease time base (faster scan) */
void timeDn()
  if (scope)
    if (timebaseIndex > 0)
  } else
    if (periodCountInd > CounterBaseMin)

/* Update periods */
void updatePeriodCount()
  periodCount = 1.0;
  divider = 64.0;
  int s = periodCountInd - CounterBaseMin;
  int p = s / 3;
  int d = 2 - (s % 3);
  for (int div = 0; div < d; div++)
    divider *= 4.0;
  for (int per = 0; per < p; per++)
    periodCount *= 10.0;
  count = 0.0;
  countDigit = 1.0;

/* Initiate */
void setup()
  if (!Debug)
    port = new Serial(this, SerialPort, 115200);
  } else
    // For testing simulate a sine wave
    for (index = 0; index < MaxSample; index++)
      sample[0][index] = 2.5*sin(2.0*PI*20.0*((float) (index * sampleTime / 1000.0)))+2.5;

  // Screen
  size(1000, 550);
  //f = createFont(FontType, 16);

  // Define buttons
  button.add(new Button(900, 50, 190, 50, "Scope / Count", 0x404040, new ButtonAction() { 
    public void execute() {
  button.add(new Button(900, 110, 190, 50, "Start / Stop", 0x404040, new ButtonAction() {
    public void execute() {
  for (int ch = 0; ch < Channels; ch++)
    button.add(new Button(825 + ch * 30, 205, 25, 25, "" + (char) ('1' + ch), 0, new ChAction(ch)));
  for (int ch = 0; ch < Channels; ch++)
    button.add(new Button(825 + ch * 30, 240, 25, 25, "", channelColor[ch], new ChAction(ch)));
  button.add(sweepButton = new CheckButton(825, 280, 20, 20, "Single Sweep", 0x000000, new ButtonAction() {
    public void execute() {
  button.add(triggerButton = new CheckButton(825, 315, 20, 20, "Trigger on falling edge", 0x000000, new ButtonAction() {
    public void execute() {
  button.add(new Button(850, 380, 90, 50, "Sens -", 0x404040, new ButtonAction() {
    public void execute() {
  button.add(new Button(950, 380, 90, 50, "Sens +", 0x404040, new ButtonAction() {
    public void execute() {
  button.add(new Button(850, 440, 90, 50, "Offset -", 0x404040, new ButtonAction() {
    public void execute()
      if (offset[currentChannel] > -15.0)
        offset[currentChannel] -= 0.5;
  button.add(new Button(950, 440, 90, 50, "Offset +", 0x404040, new ButtonAction() {
    public void execute()
      if (offset[currentChannel] < 15.0)
        offset[currentChannel] += 0.5;
  button.add(new Button(850, 500, 90, 50, "Time -", 0x404040, new ButtonAction() {
    public void execute() {
  button.add(new Button(950, 500, 90, 50, "Time +", 0x404040, new ButtonAction() {
    public void execute() {

  // Set initial configuration of the scope (matches Arduino defaults)

void draw()

  if (measuring & scope)
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    text(Sampling, 900, 147);
    text(String.format(SampleFreqFmt, 1.0 / sampleTime), 900, 170);

  /* Gridlines */
  stroke(0, 128, 0);

  /* Vertical */
  for (int x = 0; x <= x1; x += divx)
    line(x, y1, x, y0);
  /* Horizontal */
  for (int y = y0; y <= y1; y += divy)
    line(x0, y, x1, y);

  /* Emphasize horizontal and vertical center lines */
  stroke(0, 255, 0);
  line(xcenter, y0, xcenter, y1);
  line(x0, ycenter, x1, ycenter);

  /* Show all buttons */
  for (int b = 0; b < button.size(); b++)

  /* Show active channel */
  stroke(255, 0, 0);
  rect(825 + currentChannel * 30, 205, 25, 25);

  /* Scaling info text */
  fill(255, 255, 255);
  textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
  fill(0, 255, 0);
  sens = sensFact[currentChannel] * sens10[currentChannel];
  text(String.format("%d%cV/div", (int) (sens > 999 ? sens / 1000 : sens), 
    sens < 1000.0 ? 'm' : '\0'), x0 + 4, y0 + divy / 4);
  text(String.format("Offset: %+1.1fV", offset[currentChannel]), x0 + 4, y0 + 3 * divy / 4);

  int tb = (int) (timediv);
  char unit = ' ';

  if (timediv < 0.001)
    tb = (int) (timediv * 1000000.0 + 0.5);
    unit = 'u';
  } else if (timediv < 1.0)
    tb = (int) (timediv * 1000.0 + 0.5);
    unit = 'm';

  textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
  text(String.format("%d%cs/div", tb, unit), x0 + 19 * divx / 2, y0 + 19 * divy / 2);

  if (scope)
    /* Display the sample traces */

    for (int ch = 0; ch < Channels; ch++)
      if (channelVisible[ch])
        sens = sensFact[ch] * sens10[ch];
        float prevx = plotX(0.0);
        float prevy = plotY(ch, sample[ch][0]);
        long c = channelColor[ch];

        prevy = max(prevy, y0);
        prevy = min(prevy, y1);

        stroke(c >> 16, (c >> 8) & 0xFF, c & 0xFF);

        for (int i = 1; i < channelSamples[currentChannel] && prevx < x1; i++)
          float x = plotX(i * sampleTime);
          float y = plotY(ch, sample[ch][i]);
          if (y <= y1 && y >= y0)
            line(prevx, prevy, x, y);
            prevx = x;
            prevy = y;
  } else
    stroke(255, 255, 255);
    fill(0, 0, 0);
    rect((x0 + x1) / 2, ycenter, 4 * divx, 2 * divy);

    if (countingInd)
      fill(255, 0, 0);
      rect(xcenter - 7 * divx / 4, ycenter - 3 * divy / 4, 20, 20);

    textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    text(String.format(FreqFmt, frequency), xcenter, ycenter - divy / 4);
    text(String.format(PeriodFmt, (int) periodCount, (int) divider), xcenter, ycenter + divy / 2);
  sens = sensFact[currentChannel] * sens10[currentChannel];

/* Handle button clicks */
void mouseClicked()
  int mx = mouseX; 
  int my = mouseY;

  for (int b = 0; b < button.size(); b++)
    button.get(b).isClicked(mx, my);

void keyPressed()
  if (!Character.isLetter(key))

/* Handle incoming sample data from Arduino */
void serialEvent(Serial port)
  int s;
  float v;

    if (port.available() != 0)
      s =;
      v = s;
      if (s == 0xFF)    // End-of-sweep indicator
        if (scope)
          if (flushingCountData > 0)
            //println ("flushCount=", flushingCountData);
          index = 0;
        } else
          if (countDigit >= 4294967296.0)
            if (count > 0)
              frequency = fclk * periodCount / (count * divider) ;
            count = 0.0;
            countDigit = 1;
            countingInd = !countingInd;
          } else
            count += (v * countDigit);
            countDigit *= 256;
      } else
        if (scope)
          if (getChannelCount)
            //println ("flushCount=", flushingCountData);
            if (flushingCountData == 0)            // If 3 consecutive 0xFF found, number of channels follows 
              getChannelCount = false;
              //println ("s=", s);
              s -= '0';
              //println (s, "Channels");
              for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                button.get(2 + i).enable(i < s);
                button.get(8 + i).enable(i < s);
            } else
              //println("s==", s);
              flushingCountData = EndMarkers;
          if (measuring)
            sample[currentChannel][index++] = map(s, 0.0, 255.0, 0.0, 5.0);
            if (index >= channelSamples[currentChannel])
              index = 0;
              if (sweepButton.getState())
                measuring = false;
        } else
          count += (v * countDigit);
          countDigit *= 256;

  catch(RuntimeException e)


The minimum code to create an oscilloscope on your Arduino using the ScopeOne library
  Oscilloscope using the ScopeOne library

// Uncomment the next line to use pin 3 instead of pin 2 as trigger input
//#define TriggerPin 3

#include <ScopeOne.h>

void setup()

  // Other ways of configuring the scope:
  // ScopeOne::install(A2);     // Uses A2-A5 as inputs
  // ScopeOne::install(A3, 2);  // Uses A3 and A4 as inputs (2 channels)

void loop()
  char ch = ScopeOne::getCommand();

  // ch will be 0 if no command was received
  // ch will be ScopeOneCommand if a scope command was received and handled
  // ch will be the character typed on the keyboard of your PC (not a letter)


An example project that uses the ScopeOne library together with an LCD, an NE555 based wave generator and a blinking LED
 * ScopeLCD demonstrates the use of the ScopeOne library used in
 * combination with an LCD display

#include <ScopeOne.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

#define PwmFreq65k 0x1
#define PwmFreq7k 0x2
#define PwmFreq976 0x3
#define PwmFreq244 0x4
#define PwmFreq061 0x5

// Associate LCD interface pins
const int rs = 3, rw = 4, en = 5, d4 = 8, d5 = 9, d6 = 10, d7 = 11;
// Associate display contrast and backlight control pins
const int contrast = 6, backlight = 7;
// An LED to play with
const int Led = 12;

LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);

// The actual contrast value
int co = 70;

unsigned long blinkTime = 500;
unsigned long blink = 0UL;

void setup()
  pinMode(rw, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(rw, LOW); // Not used by LCD library, set to write

  pinMode(contrast, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(backlight, OUTPUT);
  analogWrite(contrast, co);
  digitalWrite(backlight, HIGH);

  pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);
  // Set up the LCD: 16 characters, 2 rows
  lcd.begin(16, 2);

  // Install the scope

  TCCR0B = (TCCR0B & 0xF8) | PwmFreq7k;
//  TCCR0B = (TCCR0B & 0xF8) | PwmFreq976;           // Set pin 5/6 PWM frequency
  // Print the scope configuration to the LCD
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print(ScopeOne::theScope->isScopeMode() ? "Scope" : "Counter");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print(ScopeOne::theScope->getChannel1() - A0);
  lcd.print(", #ch=");

void loop()
  if (blink == 0)
    digitalWrite(Led, HIGH + LOW - digitalRead(Led));
    blink = blinkTime; 
  switch (ScopeOne::getCommand())
    case 0:
      // No command received
    case '-':       // Decrease contrast
      if (co > 0)
        analogWrite(contrast, co);
    case '+':       // Increase contrast
      if (co < 255)
        analogWrite(contrast, co);
    case '.':       // Toggle backlight
      digitalWrite(backlight, HIGH + LOW - digitalRead(backlight));
    case Reset:     // Scope command received, update info
      // Print a message to the LCD.
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      lcd.print(ScopeOne::theScope->isScopeMode() ? "Scope  " : "Counter");
      // Ignore other key strokes

  // Show the contrast value
  lcd.setCursor(13, 0);
  lcd.print("  ");

ScopeOne library property file
maintainer=Qixaz (
sentence=Digital sampling oscilloscope and frequency counter for diagnosing your circuits
paragraph=Library to use your Arduino One as a digital sampling scope and frequency counter. You can create the scope with just a few commands in your project code and diagnose your circuit.
category=Data Processing


Plain text
Keyword file for the ScopeOne library
# Syntax Coloring Map For ScopeOne

# Class (KEYWORD1)

ScopeOne	KEYWORD1	ScopeOneLibrary

# Methods and Functions (KEYWORD2)

# method names in ScopeOne

install		KEYWORD2
create		KEYWORD2
setup		KEYWORD2
isScopeMode	KEYWORD2
getChannel1	KEYWORD2
getNrChannels	KEYWORD2
getCommand	KEYWORD2

# Constants (LITERAL1)

DfltOnTime		LITERAL1
MinusPattern	LITERAL1


C Header File
ScopeOne header file
#ifndef _Scope_h_
#define _Scope_h_

   1-6 channel oscilloscope

   Time base:
   100, 200, 500 us
   1, 2, 5 ms
   10, 20, 50 ms
   100, 200, 500 ms
   1, 2, 5 s
   10, 20, 50 s

   Counter time bases:
   1 period, clock divider 1024
   1 period, clock divider 256
   1 period, clock divider 64
   10 periods, clock divider 1024
   10000 periods, clock divider 64

#include <Arduino.h>

#define MaxChannels 6

// Commands to the Arduino board
#define Reset 'X'
#define ScopeMode 'Y'
#define CounterMode 'Z'
#define Channel1 'A'
#define ChannelMax 'F'
#define TrigRising 'w'
#define TrigFalling 'x'
#define ContSweep 'y'
#define SingleSweep 'z'
#define TimeBaseMin 'a'
#define TimeBaseMax 't'
#define CounterBaseMin 'G'
#define CounterBaseMax 'U'
#define InitialMode 'Z'

#define ScopeOneCommand 'X'

// The trigger default is pin 2, unless user has defined it otherwise
#ifndef TriggerPin
#define TriggerPin 2

#define MaxSamples 500

// Timer and interrupt settings
#define INTBIT B00000001
#define TRIGCLR B00000001
#define TRIGRISE B00000011
#define TIMERCTCA B00000000
#define TIMERCTCB B10001000
#define TIMERCNTA B00000000
#define TIMERCNTB B00000000
#define TIMERNOCLK B11111000
#define TIMERPS0001 B00000001
#define TIMERPS0256 B00000100
#define TIMERPS1024 B00000101
#define ADCINIT B10000111
#define ADCSELECT B01100000
#define ADCSTART B01000000
#define ADCPSCLR B11111000
#define ADCPS016 B00000100
#define ADCPS032 B00000101
#define ADCPS064 B00000110
#define ADCPS128 B00000111
#define ADCREADY B00010000
#define CLEARADIF B10101111

#define InitValue 123

class ScopeOne
		static ScopeOne* install(byte channel1 = A0, byte nrChannels = MaxChannels);
		static ScopeOne* create(byte channel1 = A0, byte nrChannels = MaxChannels);
		void setup();
		static char getCommand();
		bool isScopeMode();
		byte getChannel1();
		byte getNrChannels();

		inline void trigger();
		inline void getSample();

		static ScopeOne* theScope;
		// Constructor
		ScopeOne(byte channel1, byte nrChannels);
		// Command handler
		char execute(char c);
		// Scope functions
		void setScope();
		void scopeReset();
		void setChannel(byte c);
		void setSampleTime(byte c);
		void setTriggerMode(byte c);
		void setSweepMode(byte c);
		void stopSweep();
		void writeData();
		// Counter functions
		void setCounter();
		void counterReset();
		void setPeriods(byte c);
		void writeCount(unsigned long cnt);
		void init();
		void initAdc();
		void readAdc();
		bool scope;
		bool continuousSweep;
		byte maxChannels;
		byte firstChannel;
		byte currentChannel;
		char currentBase;

		// Sample variables
		int samples;
		volatile byte sample[MaxSamples];
		volatile int index;
		volatile int writeIndex;

		// Frequencey counter current ode variables
		int periodCount;
		volatile int periods;
		volatile unsigned long count;
		byte timerPrescaler;
		byte intBit;
		volatile byte counterDiv;
		bool writeImmediate;
		static byte _isInitialized;



ScopeOne C++ source code
#include <ScopeOne.h>

ScopeOne* ScopeOne::theScope = NULL;
byte ScopeOne::_isInitialized = 0;

// Create ad set-up a scope
ScopeOne* ScopeOne::install(byte channel1, byte nrChannels)
	create(channel1, nrChannels);
	return theScope;

// Create a scope object
ScopeOne* ScopeOne::create(byte channel1, byte nrChannels)
	if (_isInitialized != InitValue)
		delete theScope;
	theScope = new ScopeOne(channel1, nrChannels);
	_isInitialized = InitValue;
	return theScope;

// Constructor
ScopeOne::ScopeOne(byte channel1, byte nrChannels)
	if (channel1 < A0 || channel1 > A5)
		firstChannel = A0;
		maxChannels = 1;
		if (channel1 + nrChannels - 1 >= A5)
			maxChannels = A5 - channel1 + 1;
			maxChannels = nrChannels <= MaxChannels ? nrChannels : MaxChannels;
		firstChannel = channel1;
	scope = true;
	intBit = (INTBIT << (TriggerPin == 2 ? 0 : 1));
	currentChannel = 0;
	counterDiv = TIMERPS1024;

byte ScopeOne::getChannel1()
	return firstChannel;

byte ScopeOne::getNrChannels()
	return maxChannels;

/* Return scope mode */
bool ScopeOne::isScopeMode()
	return scope;

/* Initialize the Analog-Digital Converter */
void ScopeOne::initAdc()

/* Read a sample from the ADC */
void ScopeOne::readAdc()
  sample[index++] = ADCH;                         // 8-bit sample size for speed
  ADCSRA |= ADCSTART;							  // Start conversion for the next sample

/* Handle the end of a sweep */
void ScopeOne::stopSweep()
  TCCR1B &= TIMERNOCLK;                           // Set clock select to 0 (no clock)
  writeData();                                    // Write sampled data to serial connection
  if (continuousSweep)
    scopeReset();                                 // Restart automatically in continuous sweep mode

/* Reset the scope for a new sweep */
void ScopeOne::scopeReset()
  TCCR1B &= TIMERNOCLK;                           // Stop the timer by setting clock select to 0 (no clock)

  Serial.print((char) 0xFF);                      // Mark end of sweep to console

  index = 0;                                      // Reset sweep data
  writeIndex = 0;

  EIFR |= intBit;                                 // Reset trigger interrupt flag
  EIMSK |= intBit;                                // Enable interrupts on trigger input

  // Wait for trigger signal interrupt

/* Reset the frequency counter to start another measurement */
void ScopeOne::counterReset()
  periods = 0;                                    // Reset counted periods
  count = 0UL;                                    // Reset total timer counts
  TCNT1 = 0;                                      // Reset timer
  EIFR != intBit;

/* Set the sample time for the selected time base.
 * The selection is done with a single character 'a'-'t'.
void ScopeOne::setSampleTime(byte c)
  unsigned int cnt;

  ADCSRA &= ADCPSCLR;                             // Clear prescaler
  // Set ADC prescaler
  switch (c)
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
      ADCSRA |= ADCPS016;
    case 4:
      ADCSRA |= ADCPS032;
    case 5:
      ADCSRA |= ADCPS064;
      ADCSRA |= ADCPS128;

  // Set #samples
  switch (c)
    case 0:
	  // samples = 77;
	  // samples = 71;
	  // samples = 66;
	  // samples = 62;
      samples = 50;
      // samples = 48;
    case 1:
	  // samples = 154;
	  // samples = 142;
	  // samples = 133;
	  // samples = 125;
      samples = 100;
      // samples = 95;
    case 2:
	  // samples = 384;
	  // samples = 357;
	  // samples = 333;
	  // samples = 312;
      samples = 250;
      // samples = 238;
    case 3:
    case 4:
      samples = 400;
      samples = 500;

  // Set timer prescaler
  timerPrescaler = (c <= 9 ? TIMERPS0001 : (c <= 17 ? TIMERPS0256 : TIMERPS1024));

  // Set counter max value
  switch (c)
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
      // cnt = 208;
      // cnt = 224;
      // cnt = 240;
      // cnt = 256;
      cnt = 320;
      // cnt = 336;
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:
    case 7:
      cnt = 400 << (c - 3);
    case 8:
      cnt = 16000;
    case 9:
      cnt = 32000;
    case 10:
      cnt = 250;
    case 11:
    case 12:
    case 13:
      cnt = 625 << (c - 11);
    case 14:
    case 15:
    case 16:
      cnt = 6250 << (c - 14);
    case 17:
    case 19:
      cnt = 62500;
    case 18:
      cnt = 31250;
  OCR1A = cnt;
  writeImmediate = (c >= 8);

/* Set trigger mode to falling or rising edge */
void ScopeOne::setTriggerMode(byte c)
  if (c == 1)
    EICRA &= ~(TRIGCLR << (TriggerPin == 2 ? 0 : 2)); // 1 is falling edge
    EICRA |= TRIGRISE << (TriggerPin == 2 ? 0 : 2);	 // 0 is rising edge

/* Sweep mode (continuous or single) */
void ScopeOne::setSweepMode(byte c)
  continuousSweep = (c == 0);                     // 'y' is continuous, 'z' is single

/* Set the channel 'A'-'F' */
void ScopeOne::setChannel(byte c)
  if (c < maxChannels)
	  byte offset = firstChannel - A0;
	  currentChannel = c;
	  ADMUX &= B11110000;
	  ADMUX |= ((offset + currentChannel) & 0x7);            // Switch the ADC multiplexer to the channel pin

/* Start oscilloscope mode */
void ScopeOne::setScope()
    TCCR1B = 0;                                   // ... Stop counter
	scope = true;

	TCCR1A = TIMERCTCA;                           // Use Timer1 in 'match OCR' mode for sampling
	TCCR1B = TIMERCTCB;                           // No clock, so no interrupts yet

	Serial.print((char) 0xFF);					  // Mark sending of channel number
	Serial.print((char) 0xFF);
	Serial.print((char) (getNrChannels() + '0')); // Send channel number to PC
	TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);                      // Enable timer1 compare interrupts
	execute(currentBase);                         // Set the time base to the last used
	scopeReset();                                 // Restart scope

/* Start frequency counter mode */
void ScopeOne::setCounter()
	scope = false;
	periodCount = 1;
	TCCR1A = TIMERCNTA;                           // Use Timer1 in normal mode for counting
	TCCR1B = 0;                                   // Hold timer
	TIMSK1 &= ~(1 << OCIE1A);                     // Disable timer1 compare interrupts
	EIFR |= intBit;
	EIMSK |= intBit;                              // Enable external interrupt
	counterReset();                               // Restart frequency counter

/* Set the number of periods to count for determining frequency */
void ScopeOne::setPeriods(byte c)
  int p = c / 3;                                  // Period count 1, 10, 100, 1000 or 10000
  counterDiv = 5 - (c % 3);                       // Clock divider 64, 256 or 1024 for accuracy
  periodCount = 1;
  for (int per = 0; per < p; per++)
    periodCount *= 10;

/* Handle command characters sent from the console */
char ScopeOne::execute(char c)
  switch (c)
    case Reset:
	  // Reset always happens at the end of execute
    case TrigRising:
    case TrigFalling:
      setTriggerMode(c - TrigRising);
    case ContSweep:
    case SingleSweep:
      setSweepMode(c - ContSweep);
    case CounterMode:
    case ScopeMode:
      if (c >= Channel1 && c <= ChannelMax)
        setChannel(c - Channel1);
      else if (c >= TimeBaseMin && c <= TimeBaseMax)
        setSampleTime(c - TimeBaseMin);
		// Store the time base as current
		currentBase = c;
      else if (c >= CounterBaseMin && c <= CounterBaseMax)
        setPeriods(c - CounterBaseMin);
		return c;								  // No scope command, pass on to user's program
  if (scope)
  return Reset;									  // Indicates a scope command was processed

/* Send all available samples to the console */
void ScopeOne::writeData()
  for (; writeIndex < index; writeIndex++)
    Serial.print((char) sample[writeIndex]);

/* Writes the count value for the defined number of periods in 4 bytes, LSB first */
void ScopeOne::writeCount(unsigned long cnt)
  unsigned long c = cnt;
  for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++)
    Serial.print((char) (c & 0xFF));
    c >>= 8;
  Serial.print((char) (0xFF));                    // Send all ones to mark end of transmission

/* Standard set-up */
void ScopeOne::setup()
	byte pin = firstChannel;
	Serial.begin(115200);                     	  // Fast serial connection

	pinMode(TriggerPin, INPUT_PULLUP);            // The trigger input
	for (int i = 0; i < maxChannels; i++, pin++)  // Channel inputs
		pinMode(pin, INPUT);

  TIMSK0 = 0;                                     // Disable other timer interrupts
  TIMSK2 = 0;

  // External interrupt for trigger signal
  EIMSK &= ~intBit;                               // Disable trigger interrupt first;
  EIFR |= intBit;                                 // Clear pending interrupts
  EICRA = TRIGRISE << (TriggerPin == 2 ? 0 : 2);  // Start with rising edge

  initAdc();                                      // Set up the analog inputs and the ADC

  // Set the default controls
  execute(TrigRising);                            // Rising edge trigger
  execute(ContSweep);                             // Continuous sweep
  execute(Channel1);                              // Channel A0
  execute(TimeBaseMin + 7);                       // Time base at 10ms/div
  execute(CounterBaseMin);                        // Counter time base at 1x/1024

  execute(InitialMode);                           // Start in selected initial mode

/* Command read */
char ScopeOne::getCommand()
  if (Serial.available())                         // If a command was sent from the console, ...
    return theScope->execute(;      // ...handle it here
  return 0;

inline void ScopeOne::trigger()
  if (scope)
    EIMSK &= ~intBit;
    EIFR |= intBit;

//    readAdc();                      			  // Read first sample immediately
	ADCSRA |= ADCSTART;							  // Start conversion for the first sample
    TCNT1 = 0;                                    // Reset timer
    TCCR1B |= timerPrescaler;                     // Start timer now
    int c = TCNT1;
    TCNT1 = 0;
    TCCR1B = counterDiv;                          // Start counter
    count += c;                                   // Add current timer to total count
    periods++;                                    // Another period counted
    if (periods > periodCount)                    // If all periods counted for a measurment...
      TCCR1B = 0;                                 // ... Stop counter
      writeCount(count);                          // Report value to PC
      counterReset();                             // Reset counter for next measurement

inline void ScopeOne::getSample()
  readAdc();                            		  // Read next ADC sample and store it
  if (index >= samples)
    stopSweep();                                  // Got all samples for this sweep, so end it
  if (writeImmediate)

// Trigger Interrupt Service Routine
#if (TriggerPin == 2)

// Interrupt Service Routine for timer OCR compare match




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