Ryan Beltrán
Published © CERN-OHL

Make Water STEM Program: Purification via Electrocoagulation

To empower students who want to make a difference in this world by giving them the tools to tackle real-world water issues collaboratively.

BeginnerWork in progress1 hour1,151
Make Water STEM Program: Purification via Electrocoagulation

Things used in this project

Hardware components

USB Wall Power Adapter / Charger
Mason Jar Lid & Ring
Acrylic Black Paint
3D Printed Coagulator Lid with Electrode Slots
Salt Packets (0.5 Grams)
Aluminum Electrodes (100 x 19mm)
Coffee Filters (#2 Size)
USB 2.0 Type A to Type B Cable
Arduino Uno R3
Mason Jar (16 oz)
L293D Motor Shield
Alligator Clips to Male Jumper

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Custom parts and enclosures

Coagulator Kit Lid

This is a 3D print file for the coagulator kit lid. This lid is for holding the electrodes in place.


MWS04 Coagulator Parts Fritzing


MWS04 Coagulator Arduino Code

This is the code that is used for the arduino for the coagulator kit. Kits we sell or donate come pre coded. It is very simple at the moment. All it does is run a current through the electrodes and saw polarity every 20 seconds. It is simple because we want to build out a more robust kit over time with community input.
l// elequa makewater.org - coagulator arduino & motorshield code v1.01 - Season 3

#include <AFMotor.h>
AF_DCMotor motor(1, MOTOR12_64KHZ); // create motor #1, 64KHz pwm
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);           // set up Serial library at 9600 bps
  Serial.println("Motor test!");
  motor.setSpeed(255);     // set the power to 200/255  (255 Max)
void loop() {
  motor.run(FORWARD);      // Power One Direction
  delay(20000);            // Duration Default (10000) - 20 Seconds
  motor.run(BACKWARD);     // Power Opposite Direction
  delay(20000);            // Duration Default (10000) - 20 Seconds
  motor.run(RELEASE);      // Pause


Ryan Beltrán

Ryan Beltrán

1 project • 0 followers
Inspiring Open-Source Water Innovations via Make Water Documentary Series and elequa non-profit.
