Published © GPL3+

MKR1000 Universal Remonster!

WiFi connected universal remote with smart phone webapp.

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MKR1000 Universal Remonster!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino MKR1000
Arduino MKR1000
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
General Purpose Transistor NPN
General Purpose Transistor NPN
Triggers the PNP transistors of IR LED array
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
pulls down NPN transistor
IR transmitter (generic)
IR LEDs. Get wide angle if you have a choice
General Purpose Transistor PNP
General Purpose Transistor PNP
One PNP transistor per IR LED; you can do much more than two

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Used the NodeMCU board since the MKR1000 wasn't available in Fritzing yet



Web server running on MKR1000 that sends IR codes to another MCU via serial
 *  Adapted from NodeMCU/ESP8266 WiFi IR Blaster by Buddy Crotty
 *  This sketch requires an Arduino MKR1000 for the web server and WiFi portions
 *  and then sends the parsed IR codes to another device that supports the IRremote.h libraries
 *  (like ATtiny85 or Arduino Uno/Nano/Mini) over software serial.
 *  This works best with another web server acting as a front end that 
 *  sends cURL requests based on which buttons are pressed. 
 *  GET request URL format: http://[ip_address]/[IRcode]
 *  IR codes can be strung together to create macros 

#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFi101.h>

char ssid[] = "SSID";      // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "PASSWORD";   // your network password
//int keyIndex = 0;                 // your network key Index number (needed only for WEP)

// MKR1000 Hardware Serial1(13, 14); // RX, TX
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;

WiFiServer server(80);

#define DEBUG true

void setup()
  // check for the presence of the shield:
  if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
    Serial.println("WiFi shield not present");
    // don't continue:
    while (true);

  // attempt to connect to Wifi network:
  while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: ");
    // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
    status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);

    // wait 10 seconds for connection:
  // you're connected now, so print out the status:
  Serial.println("...:: WiFi IR Blaster ::...");
  Serial.println("Webserver Started");
void loop()
  // listen for incoming clients
  WiFiClient client = server.available();
  if (!client) {
    Serial.println("new client");
    // Wait until the client sends some data
  // Read the first line of the request (the GET string)
  String req = client.readStringUntil('\r');

    // give the client time to receive the data

    // close the connection
    Serial.println("client disconnected");

void printWifiStatus() {
  // print the SSID of the network you're attached to:
  Serial.print("SSID: ");

  // print your WiFi shield's IP address:
  IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
  Serial.print("IP Address: ");

  // print the received signal strength:
  long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
  Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");
  Serial.println(" dBm");


IR Blaster code running running on additional MCU (in this case an Arduino Nano). Using the vendor codes rather than Raw IR is much more efficient, but I couldn't get it to work on my appliances.
 *  Adapted from NodeMCU/ESP8266 WiFi IR Blaster by Buddy Crotty
 *  To be used in conjunction with an Arduino MKR1000 running 
 *  the web server and connecting to WiFi.  
 *  This sketch runs on another Arduino and only parsed requests coming 
 *  in over serial to then send out the requested IR signal. 
 *  IR codes can be strung together to create macros 
#include <IRremote.h>

int khz = 38; // 38kHz carrier frequency for both NEC and Samsung

IRsend irsend; //an IR led is connected to GPIO1 (physical pin 6 on an ATtiny85)
  // Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Power"
unsigned int irTVpwr[] = {4650,4250, 700,1550, 650,1550, 700,1550, 650,450, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,1700, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,1700, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600};  // SAMSUNG E0E040BF

  // Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Source"
unsigned int irTVsrc[] = {4600,4300, 700,1550, 650,1550, 650,1600, 650,450, 650,450, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,1650, 550,1700, 550,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 550};  // SAMSUNG E0E0807F
  // Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Mute"
unsigned int irTVmute[] = {4650,4250, 700,1550, 650,1550, 700,1550, 650,450, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600};  // SAMSUNG E0E0F00F
  // Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Volume Down"
unsigned int irTVvdn[] = {4650,4250, 700,1550, 650,1550, 700,1550, 650,450, 650,450, 650,450, 600,550, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,1650, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550};  // SAMSUNG E0E0D02F
  // Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Volume Up"
unsigned int irTVvup[] = {4600,4300, 650,1600, 650,1550, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 550,1700, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600};  // SAMSUNG E0E0E01F
  // Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Channel Up"
unsigned int irTVchup[] = {4650,4250, 700,1550, 650,1600, 650,1550, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 650,500, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,550, 550,550, 550,1650, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600};  // SAMSUNG E0E048B7
  // Insert RAW IR signal for "TV Channel Down"
unsigned int irTVchdn[] = {4600,4350, 650,1550, 650,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,1700, 550,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 550,550, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,1650, 550};  // SAMSUNG E0E008F7
  // Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Power"
unsigned int irRECpwr[] = {9050,4350, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,500, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600};  // NEC 4B36D32C

  // Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Power On"
unsigned int irRECpwrON[] = {9000,4400, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,1600, 600,500, 650,1600, 600,1600, 600,500, 650,1600, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,500, 600,500, 650,500, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,1600, 600,1600, 600,1600, 650};  // NEC 4BB620DF
  // Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Power Off"
unsigned int irRECpwrOFF[] = {9000,4400, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,550, 550,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,550, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,1650, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,500, 600,550, 550,550, 550,1700, 550,1650, 600,1650, 550,550, 600,1650, 550};  // NEC 4B36E21D

  // Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Mute"
unsigned int irRECmute[] = {9000,4400, 650,450, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,500, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 600,500, 650,500, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600};  // NEC 4BB6A05F
  // Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Volume Down"
unsigned int irRECvdn[] = {9150,4250, 750,350, 700,1550, 700,400, 700,450, 650,1550, 700,450, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 650,500, 600,500, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600};  // NEC 4BB6C03F
  // Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Volume Up"
unsigned int irRECvup[] = {9050,4400, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,1600, 650,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1600, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1600, 600};  // NEC 4BB640BF

  // Insert RAW IR signal for "Receiver Source CBL/SAT"
unsigned int irRECsrc[] = {8950,4450, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,550, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,500, 600,500, 600,500, 650,500, 600,1600, 600,500, 600,550, 600,500, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600,1600, 600,1650, 600};  // NEC 4BB6708F

String req = "";

void setup() {

void loop() {
  // Wait for serial data
  if (Serial.available() ){
    // read the incoming data from MKR1000
    req = Serial.readString();

    // Match the request
/*    if (req.indexOf("/irTVpwr") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irTVpwr, sizeof(irTVpwr) / sizeof(irTVpwr[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irTVpwr received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irTVsrc") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irTVsrc, sizeof(irTVsrc) / sizeof(irTVsrc[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irTVsrc received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irTVmute") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irTVmute, sizeof(irTVmute) / sizeof(irTVmute[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irTVmute received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irTVvdn") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irTVvdn, sizeof(irTVvdn) / sizeof(irTVvdn[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irTVvdn received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irTVvup") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irTVvup, sizeof(irTVvup) / sizeof(irTVvup[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irTVvup received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irTVchup") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irTVchup, sizeof(irTVchup) / sizeof(irTVchup[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irTVchup received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irTVchdn") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irTVchdn, sizeof(irTVchdn) / sizeof(irTVchdn[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irTVchdn received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irALLpwr") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irRECpwrON, sizeof(irRECpwrON) / sizeof(irRECpwrON[0]), khz);   
        irsend.sendRaw(irTVpwr, sizeof(irTVpwr) / sizeof(irTVpwr[0]), khz);   
        irsend.sendRaw(irRECsrc, sizeof(irRECsrc) / sizeof(irRECsrc[0]), khz);         
        // Serial.println("IRreq irALLpwr received");
    } */
    if (req.indexOf("/irRECpwr") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irRECpwr, sizeof(irRECpwr) / sizeof(irRECpwr[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irRECpwr received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irRECpwrON") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irRECpwrON, sizeof(irRECpwrON) / sizeof(irRECpwrON[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irRECpwrON received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irRECpwrOFF") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irRECpwrOFF, sizeof(irRECpwrOFF) / sizeof(irRECpwrOFF[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irRECpwrOFF received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irRECmute") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irRECmute, sizeof(irRECmute) / sizeof(irRECmute[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irRECmute received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irRECvdn") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irRECvdn, sizeof(irRECvdn) / sizeof(irRECvdn[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irRECvdn received");
    else if (req.indexOf("/irRECvup") != -1){
        irsend.sendRaw(irRECvup, sizeof(irRECvup) / sizeof(irRECvup[0]), khz);   
        // Serial.println("IRreq irRECvup received");
    else {
      // Serial.println("invalid request");


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