I have rhinitis so I wanted to know the air quality level of our school. So I decided to make a device that can measure air quality and I wanted to make this information available on the Internet in real time. So I tried to google how to do this and in the end I concluded that it would be best to use the sites called "Arduino" and "thingspeak".
After making these conclusions, I thought about what functions to include in the Air Meter I produce, and concluded that temperature, humidity, fine dust, and CO2 concentration, which have a large impact on air quality, must be made measurable. And I started by looking for information on the Internet. We could combine the examples collected from the Internet with each other, and eventually create the code that performs the desired action. Of course, it was not easy.
IssuesI spent a lot of time and effort trying to figure out how the middle code example works. Also the ESP8266 WiFi module was unstable and this bothered me. The accuracy of the fine dust sensor I bought at first (Air Meter v1.5) was very low, the fine dust sensor was also scratched and the CO2 sensor used too much electric power to supply additional external power. However, we were able to solve all of these problems and eventually create a successful Air Meter v2.0.
Used for this projectSo I would like to help you with the schematic, code, and how to make Air Meter v2.0 that I made here. Now we will make an air meter in earnest. Please note that this post also uses modules that I did not describe.
- Use ESP8266: https://www.hackster.io/58296/air-meter-making-1-use-the-arduino-wi-fi-module-esp-01-91f2a5
- Send data to Thingspeak: https://www.hackster.io/63454/air-meter-making-3-using-thingspeak-0f5ba3
Air Meter prototype ↓ (Function: Temperature and humidity measurement)
Air Meter v1.0 ↓ (Function: Temperature, humidity, fine dust measurement)
Air Meter v1.5 ↓ (Function: temperature, humidity, fine dust, co2 concentration measurement + fine dust sensor change)
Air Meter v2.0 ↓ (Same as Air Meter v1.5 with some minor fixes)