Daily Water Tracker!

Have you ever wanted to keep track of how many cups of water you've had in a day? Now you can, easier than ever before!

BeginnerWork in progress431
Daily Water Tracker!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

EK-TM4C123GXL TM4C Tiva LaunchPad
Texas Instruments EK-TM4C123GXL TM4C Tiva LaunchPad
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Single Turn Potentiometer- 10k ohms
Single Turn Potentiometer- 10k ohms
Tilt Switch, Encapsulated
Tilt Switch, Encapsulated
7 Segment LED Display, InfoVue
7 Segment LED Display, InfoVue
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)


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Main Schematic

Note that this schematic shows the Launchpad from the front, while in our images we have wired it up from the back.



The main piece of code for this project: make sure to specify the correct pins based on how exactly you wire it up.
 * Script that constantly updates a seven-segment display with a value 0-9 based on a 12-bit ADC reading (from a potentiometer).

int val, num; 

// Build an array which holds the bit patterns which correspond to each display digit
int digits[10][8] = {

// Specify which pins are connected to which parts of the seven-segment display
// {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, DP}
int pins[8] = {9,8,7,5,4,3,2,6};

// Specify which pin is connected to pin 2 on the potentiometer
int potPin = 28;

// Defines a function that changes the number currently being displayed by updating each pin with a loop
void displayNum(int num) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++){
    if (digits[num][i] == 1){
      digitalWrite(pins[i], LOW);
    } else {
      digitalWrite(pins[i], HIGH);

void setup() {
  int i;
  // Initialize pins by setting them to be outputs and setting them high
  for (i = 2; i <= 9; i++){
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(i, HIGH);
  // Set the ADC's resolution to the full 12 bits

void loop() {
  val = analogRead(potPin);
  // Use a linear function to map the ADC reading 0-4095 to a digit 0-9
  if (val != 4095) {
    num = (10 * val) / 4095;
  } else {
    num = 9;


Eliot Solomon

Eliot Solomon

2 projects • 0 followers
Aman Shanbhag

Aman Shanbhag

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Charan Santhirasegaran

Charan Santhirasegaran

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Fadil Eledath

Fadil Eledath

3 projects • 1 follower
Kaitlin Rodriguez

Kaitlin Rodriguez

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Manan Bajaj

Manan Bajaj

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Tate Ward

Tate Ward

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Yuliia Suprun

Yuliia Suprun

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