
An all-round and powerful environmental monitoring system for the Green IoT.

AdvancedFull instructions provided15 hours4,763

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Through Hole Resistor, 4.7 kohm
Through Hole Resistor, 4.7 kohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Through Hole Resistor, 560 ohm
Through Hole Resistor, 560 ohm
Resistor 432ohm
Capacitor 10 µF
Capacitor 10 µF
Capacitor 100 µF
Capacitor 100 µF
Capacitor 100 nF
Capacitor 100 nF
diode 1N4001
3 mm LED: Green
3 mm LED: Green
IRF 3708
mcp602 - OpAmp
Linear Regulator (7805)
Linear Regulator (7805)
AQY 212 GH
GL5539 - LDR
10 pieces in a packet
femal connector MiniDIN
femal connector MiniDIN
microfuse 500mA
fuse holder
IC & Component Socket, 8 Contacts
IC & Component Socket, 8 Contacts
ic socket 4 contacts
multi-pin connector, 50 pins
socket board, 22 pins
socket board, 50 pins
Generic Jumper (0.1")
Generic Jumper (0.1")
Arduino MKR Fox 1200
Arduino MKR Fox 1200
arduino mkr fox 1200 antenna
adafruit pt100 breakout board MAX31865
waveshare 2.9 inch ePaper display with SPI
GY-BMP280 breakout board
5 pieces in a packet
I2C-level converter shifter
5 pieces in a packet
Case (Fibox ARCA302015)
Mounting frame for Case
USB socket
Plug for PT100
Socket for PT100
BNC socket for A.S. Sensors
Solar panel
Accu charging regulator
Mini DIN connectors
Micro USB cable
PCB for the MKR FOX1200 Motherboard
on email request:
insulating plate for montage of the MKR FOX1200 motherboard
size: about 180 *180 * 1 mm
grid-style board
plexiglas disc
size: about 95 * 45 * 1 mm

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Free dashboard program

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Solder Wire, Lead Free
Solder Wire, Lead Free
electric drill
several drills
electronic tools
coping saw


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Enclosure - Missing figures

Download here the mssing figures which we can not put in the project / story. (???)


eagle files for the motherboard

Here we placed all the eagle files for the MKR FOX1200 motherboard



Software for the operation of the O2 sensor
/*                                                                       */
/*                     Sigfox-Challenge 2019                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*                          SmartLake                                    */
/*                                                                       */
/*         Demoprogramm for the AtlasScientific-Sensor                   */
/*                     for Dissolved Oxygen  (DO)                        */
/*  Developed by:       Frank Schleking, Philipp Krienke                 */
/*                      Filip Schmachtenberger, Bernd vom Berg           */
/*                                                                       */
/*              University Georg Agricola, Bochum, Germany               */
/*                                                                       */
/*            DO_I2C-V5_en.ino       Version 5.0,   12.10.2019           */
/*                                                                       */

//Include the required standard libraries
#include <Wire.h>               //I2C-Library

#define address 97              //default I2C ID adress for EZO DO Circuit.

// Global Variables
char do_data[20];               // Data from the DO sensor as a string
unsigned char taste;

/***********  Setup - Function  ************************************/

void setup()                    // called once
  Serial.begin(9600);           //enable serial port.
  Wire.begin();                 //enable I2C port.

  delay(2000);                  //Switching time for ser. monitor


void loop()                     //the main infinite loop
  char wahl;

  // clear screen

  // Output title Screen on serial monitor

  // Wait for input
  while (Serial.available() == 0);

  // Evaluation of the input
  wahl =;
  delay(1000);          //  short waiting time that you can see the input

  // Evaluation of the input
  switch (wahl)
    case '1': DO_information();

    case '2': DO_mess();

    case '3': DO_rueck();

    case'4':  DO_cal_luft();

    default:  Serial.print("\n\nInvaild selection. Please try again!");



/*** Clear serial monitor tricky ***/
void clear_screen(void)
  unsigned char i;
  for (i = 0; i < 35; i++) Serial.println(" ");


/*** Output title Screen on serial monitor***/
void titel_bild(void)
  Serial.println("*****    Demoprogramm for the AtlasScientific-Sensor     *****");
  Serial.println("*****             for Dissolved Oxygen  (DO)             *****");
  Serial.println("*****                                                    *****");
  Serial.println("*****           I2C-Bus-Adress :  97 (dez)               *****");
  Serial.println("\nPlease choose:\n");
  Serial.println("   1)  Read DO-Sensor-Information");
  Serial.println("   2)  Read DO-Values");
  Serial.println("   3)  Choose unit for DO-Sensor-Values");
  Serial.println("   4)  Calibration to O2 air value: 9,09 - 9,1 mg/l");

  Serial.print("\n\nYour Choice:  ");


void DO_send (char data[20])
  unsigned char i = 0;
  unsigned char code = 0;
  unsigned char in_char = 0;
  int time_;
  // Waiting time for sensor-response
  if (data[0] == 'c' || data[0] == 'r')time_ = 575;     //if a command has been sent to calibrate or take a reading we wait 575ms so that the circuit has time to take the reading.
  else time_ = 300;                                     //if any other command has been sent we wait only 300ms.
                                                        // !!!! Anders als im Original-Programm !!!!
  // Start I2C communication
  Wire.beginTransmission(address);            //call the circuit by its ID number.

  // Send: Command
  Wire.write(data);                           //transmit the command that was sent through the serial port.
  Wire.endTransmission();                     //end the I2C data transmission.

  // Receiving the answer if command is not equal to 'sleep'
  if (strcmp(data, "sleep") != 0)             //if the command that has been sent is NOT the sleep command, wait the correct amount of time and request data.
  {                                           //if it is the sleep command, we do nothing. Issuing a sleep command and then requesting data will wake the D.O. circuit.
    delay(time_);                             //wait the correct amount of time for the circuit to complete its instruction.

    // Request of max. 20 bytes of data from the slave
    Wire.requestFrom(address, 20, 1);         //call the circuit and request 20 bytes (this is more than we need)

    // Reading the first byte = status byte
    code =;                       //the first byte is the response code, we read this separately.


    // If required, for test purposes: Evaluation of the status byte
    switch (code)                             //switch case based on what the response code is.
      case 1:                                 //decimal 1.
              Serial.println("Success");      //means the command was successful.
              break;                          //exits the switch case.

        case 2:                               //decimal 2.
              Serial.println("Failed");       //means the command has failed.
              break;                          //exits the switch case.

        case 254:                             //decimal 254.
                Serial.println("Pending");    //means the command has not yet been finished calculating.
                break;                        //exits the switch case.

        case 255:                             //decimal 255.
                Serial.println("No Data");    //means there is no further data to send.
                break;                        //exits the switch case.


    // Reading in and storing the remaining bytes in array do_data
    while (Wire.available())                  //are there bytes to receive.
      in_char =;                  //receive a byte.
      do_data[i] = in_char;                   //load this byte into our array.
      i += 1;                                 //incur the counter for the array element.
      if (in_char == 0)                       //if we see that we have been sent a null command.
        i = 0;                                //reset the counter i to 0.
        Wire.endTransmission();               //end the I2C data transmission.
        break;                                //exit the while loop.

    // If required, for test purposes: Output of the received data
    Serial.print("Return Value: ");
    Serial.println(do_data);                  //print the data.
    Serial.println();                         //this just makes the output easier to read by adding an extra blank line 



/*** DO - Read DO-Sensor-Information ***/

void DO_information(void)

  Serial.println("DO - Reading Information");
  Serial.println("(Cancel with key... )\n\n");


    // Reading Sensor-Value
    Serial.print("DO-Info: ");

    if (Serial.available() > 0)   // Waiting for keystroke
      taste =;


/*** Get DO-Values ***/

void DO_mess(void)

  Serial.println("Read DO-Values");
  Serial.println("(Cancel with key... )\n\n");


    // Query of the sensor
    Serial.print("DO-Value: ");

    if (Serial.available() > 0)   // Waiting for keystroke
      taste =;


/*** Choose unit for DO-Sensor-Values ***/

void DO_rueck(void)
  char wahl;

    Serial.println("Choose unit for DO-Sensor-Values\n");
    Serial.println("Please choose:\n");
    Serial.println("  1 = Value in mg/l");
    Serial.println("  2 = Value in % saturation");
    Serial.println("  3 = Both units\n\n");
    Serial.print("Your Choice:   ");
    // Wait for input
    while (Serial.available() == 0);
    // Evaluation of the input
    wahl =;
    // Evaluation of the input
    switch (wahl)
      case '1': DO_send("o,mg,1");    // mg/l enable
                DO_send("o,%,0");     // % disable
      case '2': DO_send("o,mg,0");    // mg/l disable
                DO_send("o,%,1");     // % enable
      case '3': DO_send("o,mg,1");    // mg/l enable
                DO_send("o,%,1");     // % enable
      default:  Serial.print("\n\nInvalid Choice. Please try again!");

    if ((wahl == 0x31) || (wahl == 0x32) || (wahl == 0x33)) 
      Serial.println("\n\nSet!  Continue with any key ...");
      while (Serial.available() == 0);   // Waiting for keystroke   
      taste =;



/*** DO - Calibration to O2 air value ***/

void DO_cal_luft(void)
    Serial.println("DO - Calibration to O2 air value: 9,09 - 9,1 mg/l\n");
    Serial.println("Dry sensor and hang vertically in air.\n");
    Serial.println("Observe readings and if stable (no matter what value),");
    Serial.println("Press the 'c' key ...\n");
    Serial.println("Start the measurements now with a keystroke ...\n\n");
    // Waiting for input
    while (Serial.available() == 0);
    // Evaluation of the input
    taste =;

    // Continuous measurement
      // Query of the sensor
      Serial.print("DO-Value: ");

      if (Serial.available() > 0)   // Waiting for keystroke
        taste =;

    // Call calibration
    Serial.println("\n\nWaiting ...");

    Serial.println("\nCalibration done! \n\n");
    Serial.println("Exit with any key ... ");

    // Continuous measurement
      // Reading the sensor
      Serial.print("DO-Value: ");

      if (Serial.available() > 0)   // Waiting for keystroke
        taste =;
    // Return





Software for the operation of the whole station
/*                                                                       */
/*                     Sigfox-Challenge 2019                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*                          SmartLake                                    */
/*                                                                       */
/*   An all-round and powerfull monitoring-system for the Green IoT      */
/*                                                                       */
/*  Developed by:       Frank Schleking, Philipp Krienke                 */
/*                      Filip Schmachtenberger, Bernd vom Berg           */
/*                                                                       */
/*              University Georg Agricola, Bochum, Germany               */
/*                                                                       */
/*               SF-Cha-5_en    Version 5.0,   12.10.2019                */
/*                                                                       */

//Include the required standard libraries
#include <ArduinoLowPower.h>	  // Contains features for sleep and deep-sleep
#include <SigFox.h>				  // Contains the Sigfox functions
#include <SPI.h>				  // Library for SPI-BUS
#include <Wire.h>				  // I2C-Library
#include <Adafruit_MAX31865.h>    // for the pt100 - MAX31865-Board

// MAX31865-Board (Pt100)____________________________________________________
// use hardware SPI, just pass in the CS pin (active low)
Adafruit_MAX31865 pt100_1 = Adafruit_MAX31865(A5);  // for Pt100_1
Adafruit_MAX31865 pt100_2 = Adafruit_MAX31865(A6);  // for Pt100_2

// The value of the Rref resistor. Use 430.0 for PT100
#define RREF      430.0

// The 'nominal' 0-degrees-C resistance of the sensor
// 100.0 for PT100
#define RNOMINAL  100.0

// E-PAPER-Display___________________________________________________________
//Include the e-paper display library and additional required libraries
#include <GxEPD.h>

//Include the Library for the selected Display: 2,9 black/white
#include <GxGDEH029A1/GxGDEH029A1.h>      // for 2.9 inch s/w Display

//Include the Communication-Libraries for the Displays
#include <GxIO/GxIO_SPI/GxIO_SPI.h>
#include <GxIO/GxIO.h>

// Include fonts of the Adafruit-GFX Library
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoBold9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoBold12pt7b.h>

// Create an object of the GxIO-Class
// Defining the pins used for CS, DC, and Reset.
// The name of the object is "io" 
GxIO_Class io(SPI, /*CS=*/ 4, /*DC=*/ 7, /*RST=*/ A1);

// Create an object of the GxEPD-Class an define the pins 
// for Reset an Busy and the previously created object of the GxIO-class "io"
// The name of the object is "display"
GxEPD_Class display(io, /*RST=*/ A1, /*BUSY=*/ 5);

// BMP280-Ambient-Pressure-Sensor_____________________________________________________
// Include the BMP280-Library
#include <BMx280MI.h>

//The default I2C-Adress of the BMP280 is 0x76
#define I2C_ADDRESS 0x76

// Create a BMx280I2C object using the I2C interface with I2C Address 0x76 
// The name of the object is "bmx280"
BMx280I2C bmx280(I2C_ADDRESS);

// Pt100 - MAX31865__________________________________________________________
#define Pt_address 97          //default I2C ID number for EZO DO Circuit.

//Global Variables___________________________________________________________
int versorgungs_pin = 0;    // Port pin for switching the power supply for 
							// the ePaper display

// Variables for the measured values
float luftdruck = 0;        // Air pressure from the BMP280
float temperatur = 0;       // Temperature from the BMP280

float temp_pt100_1 = 0;     // Pt100-value 1
float temp_pt100_2 = 0;     // Pt100-value 2

char do_data[20];           // Data from the DO sensor as a string
float O2;                   // DO-value as a float

// General variables
unsigned char taste;
unsigned char first = 1;
unsigned long time_new, time_old;   // For the time measurement between 
									// the transmissions

/***  Waiting time for Sigfox transmission (in minutes)  ***/
unsigned int steps = 180;  // Steps
signed int k = steps;

/* With a time delay of delay(10) in the loop-function 
   the following applies to the cycle time:

    steps      Time between two transmission
    52                3:02 min
    180              10:01 min
    270              14:56 min
    540              28:56 min


/***********  Setup - Function  ************************************/

void setup()

  //Initialisiere the serial Interface
  //Initialize the I2C-Interface
  //Declare power supply pin as output (MOSFETs Pin 1)
  pinMode(versorgungs_pin, OUTPUT);
  // Switch on the power supply for the Display
  digitalWrite(versorgungs_pin, HIGH);
  //Initialize the E-Paper-Display
  // Waiting for communication via serial monitor

  /********* Initialization BMP280  ******/
  if (!bmx280.begin())
    Serial.println("Initialization failed. Please check BMP280 and I2C-Adress");
    while (1);

  /********  Initialization for MAX31865  ******/
  //set to 2WIRE or 4WIRE as necessary; here: 2WIRE

  // Show start-up sequence on ePaper display

  //Creates the mask for the ePaper display with the measurement names and units


/***********  Loop - Function  *************************************/

void loop() 
  // Required variables
  unsigned int z;
  // Start measurement of BMP280 
  /*****  Get measured values from BMP280  *****/
  if (first)
      luftdruck = bmx280.readPressure()/100;    // Ignore the first value
      first = 0;
  temperatur = bmx280.readTemperature();        // Temperature reading
  luftdruck = bmx280.readPressure()/100;        // Air pressure reading
  // From the Pt100 measuring point 1
  temp_pt100_1=pt100_1.temperature(RNOMINAL, RREF);

  // From the O2 sensor
  // Convert do_data to float
  O2 = (do_data[0]-0x30) + ((do_data[2]-0x30)/10.0) + ((do_data[3]-0x30)/100.0);

  // Output measured value on serial monitor
  Serial.print("O2-Water:     ");
  Serial.println(" mg/l");
  Serial.print("Temp.-Water:  ");
  Serial.println(" C");
  Serial.print("Temp.-Amb.:   ");
  Serial.println(" C");
  Serial.print("Press.-Amb.:  ");
  Serial.println(" hPa\n");
  // Output measured value on the ePaper-Display
  display_messwerte(luftdruck, temperatur, temp_pt100_1, temp_pt100_2);
  // Send readings to the Sigfox cloud when the wait time has expired
  if (k == steps)
    daten_senden(O2, temp_pt100_1, temperatur);
    display.update();       // refresh Display
    k = -1;

  // Waiting time between the transmissions
  delay(10);      // Wait 10 ms
  k = k + 1;
  z = steps-k;
  Serial.println("Next transmission in: " + String(z) + " Steps\n");

  /*****  Step counter on the ePaper display *****/
  // White rectangle for deleting the measured value field
  display.fillRect(185, 40, 68, 15, GxEPD_WHITE);
  // Output residual value

  // Partial refresh from the display: Range for the measured values
  display.updateWindow(185, 40, 68, 15, true);      


/***********  Own functions  ***************************************/

/*** Start-Up Function ***/

void start_up(void)
  unsigned char s_time = 6;     // Start-Up-Counter
  unsigned char i;

  // Clear screen
  // Specifications for the ePaper display
  display.fillScreen(GxEPD_WHITE);        // Background color
  display.setTextColor(GxEPD_BLACK);      // text Color
  display.setRotation(1);                 // Turn the display by 90
  display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold12pt7b);   // Font

  // text output  
  display.println("\n\n  System starts in:\n");
  display.println("            s");

  // Refresh display
  display.updateWindow(0, 0, 296, 127, true);

  // Delay loop with output on ePaper display
  for (i = 1; i <= s_time; i++)
    display.fillRect(120, 88, 46, 16, GxEPD_WHITE);
    display.setCursor(120, 102);
    display.updateWindow(120, 90, 50, 14, true);


/*** Clear serial monitor tricky ***/

void clear_screen(void)
  unsigned char i;
  for (i = 0; i < 35; i++) Serial.println(" ");


/*** Send data to the Sigfox cloud ***/

void daten_senden(float O2, float temp_water, float temp_amb)

  /*** Determine and output time between two transmissions  ***/
  time_old = time_new;
  time_new = millis();
  Serial.print("Time between transmissions: ");
  Serial.println(" min.");
  /*** transmissions begins  ***/
  Serial.println("\n TRANSMISSION !!\n");
  // Initialize the Sigfox modem
  // Enable debug led and disable automatic deep sleep
  // Clears all pending interrupts

  // The structure to be sent must be declared as "packed". 
  // This removes the padding bytes.
  typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) sigfox_message {
    float O2;             // 4 Bytes
    float Temp_Water;	  // 4 Bytes
    float Temp_Amb;       // 4 Bytes
    } SigfoxMessage;
  // Create the variable "reading" from the previously created structure type 
  SigfoxMessage reading;
  // Write the measured values into the structure
  reading.O2         = O2;
  reading.Temp_Water = temp_water;
  reading.Temp_Amb   = temp_amb;
  //Preparing to send a package
  // Send the message to the Sigfox backend
  SigFox.write((char*)&reading, sizeof(reading));
  // If endPacket() returns 'true' then error message
  int ret = SigFox.endPacket(); 
  if (ret > 0)
    Serial.println("Error: no transmission!");
    Serial.println("TRANSMISSION OK !!\n\n");
  //De-Initializes the Sigfox library and the module


/*** Create a fixed screen mask for the e-paper display ***/

void display_maske(void)
  // Display settings
  display.setRotation(1);  // Turn the display 90
  display.setCursor(0, 15);
  display.println("   Sigfox Challenge 2019");
  display.println("  SmartLake - THGA Bochum");
  display.println("Next Transm. in:       Stp");

  display.setCursor(0, 80);
  display.println("O2-Water:            mg/l");

  display.setCursor(0, 100);
  display.println("Temp.- Water:        C");

  display.setCursor(0, 120);
  display.println("Temp.- Amb.:         C");

  // Refresh display
  display.updateWindow(0, 0, 296, 127, true);


/*** Display measured values on ePaper display ***/

void display_messwerte(float pressure, float temp1, float temp2, float temp3)

  // Coordinates of the box
  uint16_t box_x = 150;   //x-Position
  uint16_t box_y = 68;    //y-Position
  uint16_t box_w = 65;    //width
  uint16_t box_h = 56;    //Height
  display.fillRect(box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h, GxEPD_WHITE);

  display.setCursor(160, 80);
  display.print(do_data);           // O2 concentration

  display.setCursor(160, 100);
  display.print(temp2,1);           // Water-Temp. (Pt100)

  display.setCursor(160, 120);
  display.print(temp1,1);           // Ambient-Temp.

  display.updateWindow(box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h, true);


/*** Read the oxygen sensor via I2C: Process and send the telegram  ***/

void DO_send (char data[20])
  unsigned char i = 0;
  unsigned char code = 0;
  unsigned char in_char = 0;
  int time_;
  // Set the waiting time for sensor response
  if (data[0] == 'c' || data[0] == 'r')time_ = 575;     //if a command has been sent to calibrate or take a reading we wait 575ms so that the circuit has time to take the reading.
  else time_ = 300;                                     //if any other command has been sent we wait only 300ms.
                                                        // !!!! Anders als im Original-Programm !!!!
  // Start I2C communication
  Wire.beginTransmission(Pt_address);         //call the circuit by its ID number.

  // Send: Command
  Wire.write(data);                           //transmit the command that was sent through the serial port.
  Wire.endTransmission();                     //end the I2C data transmission.

  // Receiving the answer if command is not equal to 'sleep'
  if (strcmp(data, "sleep") != 0)             //if the command that has been sent is NOT the sleep command, wait the correct amount of time and request data.
  {                                           //if it is the sleep command, we do nothing. Issuing a sleep command and then requesting data will wake the D.O. circuit.
    delay(time_);                             //wait the correct amount of time for the circuit to complete its instruction.

    // Request of max. 20 bytes of data from the slave
    Wire.requestFrom(Pt_address, 20, 1);         //call the circuit and request 20 bytes (this is more than we need)

    // Reading the first byte = status byte
    code =;                       //the first byte is the response code, we read this separately.

    // If required, for test purposes: Evaluation of the status byte
    switch (code)                             //switch case based on what the response code is.
      case 1:                                 //decimal 1.
              Serial.println("Success");      //means the command was successful.
              break;                          //exits the switch case.

        case 2:                               //decimal 2.
              Serial.println("Failed");       //means the command has failed.
              break;                          //exits the switch case.

        case 254:                             //decimal 254.
                Serial.println("Pending");    //means the command has not yet been finished calculating.
                break;                        //exits the switch case.

        case 255:                             //decimal 255.
                Serial.println("No Data");    //means there is no further data to send.
                break;                        //exits the switch case.


    // Reading in and storing the remaining bytes in array do_data
    while (Wire.available())                  //are there bytes to receive.
      in_char =;                  //receive a byte.
      do_data[i] = in_char;                   //load this byte into our array.
      i += 1;                                 //incur the counter for the array element.
      if (in_char == 0)                       //if we see that we have been sent a null command.
        i = 0;                                //reset the counter i to 0.
        Wire.endTransmission();               //end the I2C data transmission.
        break;                                //exit the while loop.

    // If required, for test purposes: Output of the received data
    Serial.print("Return Value: ");
    Serial.println(do_data);                  //print the data.





Software for the operation of the Sigfox-Modem of the MKR FOX1200
/*                                                                       */
/*                     Sigfox-Challenge 2019                             */
/*                                                                       */
/*                          SmartLake                                    */
/*                                                                       */
/*                 Demoprogramm for the Sigfox-Modem                     */
/*                     for Dissolved Oxygen  (DO)                        */
/*  Developed by:       Frank Schleking, Philipp Krienke                 */
/*                      Filip Schmachtenberger, Bernd vom Berg           */
/*                                                                       */
/*              University Georg Agricola, Bochum, Germany               */
/*                                                                       */
/*            Sigfox-3_0_en.ino       Version 3.0,   04.09.2019          */
/*                                                                       */

/*** Specifications for the ePaper display*********************/

// Include the ePaper-Base-Library
#include <GxEPD.h>

// Include the Library for the selected Display: 2,9 black/white
#include <GxGDEH029A1/GxGDEH029A1.h>      // 2.9" b/w

// Include the Communication-Libraries for the Displays
#include <GxIO/GxIO_SPI/GxIO_SPI.h>
#include <GxIO/GxIO.h>

//Create objects for communication and display with used selected pins
GxIO_Class io(SPI, /*CS=*/ 4, /*DC=*/ 7, /*RST=*/ 10);
GxEPD_Class display(io, /*RST=*/ 10, /*BUSY=*/ 5);

// Include fonts of the Adafruit-GFX Library
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoBold9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoBold12pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoBold18pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoBold24pt7b.h>

// Port-Pin 0: Power On/Off for the ePaper-Display
unsigned char ePaper = 0;

/*** Specifications for the BMP280-Sensor ***********************/

// Include the BMP280-Library
/* The Libraries for I2C und SPI are included automatically */
#include <BMx280MI.h>

//The default I2C-Adress of the BMP280
#define I2C_ADDRESS 0x76    // Original Adafruit-Board:  0x77 or 
                            // 0x76 for some china-clones

/* Create a BMx280I2C object using the I2C interface with I2C Address*/
BMx280I2C bmx280(I2C_ADDRESS);

// Global Variables for the measurements
float pressure = 0;
float temp = 0;

/*** Specifications for the Sigfox-Modem ************************/

#include <SigFox.h>           //Include Sigfox-Library

/********** Needed for Sigfox operation *********/

/* For the Sigfox transmission mode:
Creation of special structures in which the values for the payload 
are suitably stored. In the payload, a data field of a maximum of 
12 bytes is available for the user. The actual frames of the 
following structures should be adopted in this way, the contents, 
ie the values to be transmitted, can of course be adapted 
individually (maximum 12 bytes)

// Structure / data type 1 for our example: transmission of fixed numerical values
  typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) sigfox_message_1 {
    unsigned char   wert_1;     // 1st value in the payload: 1 byte in size
    unsigned int    wert_2;     // 2nd value in the payload: 4 bytes in size
    float           wert_3;     // 3rd value in the payload: 4 bytes in size
    unsigned char   wert_4;     // 4th value in the payload: 1 byte in size

    // All in all, exactly 10 bytes are needed here

} Sigi_Dat_1;

// Structure / data type 2 for our example: Transmission of measured values
  typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) sigfox_message_2 {
    float           wert_1;     // 1st value in the payload: 4 bytes in size
    float           wert_2;     // 2nd value in the payload: 4 bytes in size
    uint16_t        wert_3;     // 3rd value in the payload: 2 bytes in size

    // All in all, exactly 10 bytes are needed here

} Sigi_Dat_2;

/* Here, a variable named 'SF_send' is created, of the data type of the previously 
created structure 'Sigi_Dat_1'. Later, in the application, the sending data is 
written into this variable and the payload is then filled up.*/
Sigi_Dat_1 SF_send;

/* Here a variable named 'SF_send_mw' is created, of the data type of the previously
created structure 'Sigi_Dat_2'. Later, in the application, the sending data is 
written into this variable and the payload is then filled up.*/
Sigi_Dat_2 SF_send_mw;

/********** Miscellaneous ************************/

// Other global variables
unsigned char taste;

// readings
uint16_t LDR;     // LDR-value at analog input 2

/*** Setup-Specifications, executed once *******/

void setup()
  // Delay for switching to serial Monitor
  // Minimum 1.000 ms !!
  /* For the ePaper-Display **********************************/

  // Power On/Off-Mosfet for the ePaper 
  pinMode(ePaper,OUTPUT);       // Set Pin as output
  digitalWrite(ePaper, HIGH);   //Display Power On

  // Initialize the Displays

  // Fill Screen:  BLACK or WHITE

  // Text-Color:  BLACK or WHITE

  // Set the display in landscape-mode
  display.setRotation(1);           // Rotate Display 90
                                    // 1 = landscape, 0 = portrait

  // Set the required Adafruit-Font

  // Refresh Display

  /*Display Power Off*/
  digitalWrite(ePaper, LOW); 
  Serial.println("ePaper-Display Init OK !\n");

  /* For the BMP280-Sensor **********************************/

  //Initialize the I2C-Interface

  /* Initialize the BMP280 with bmx280.begin(). When initialization fails, 
  begin() returns a false and the Code ends in a loop*/
  if (!bmx280.begin())
    Serial.println("Initialization failed. Please check BMP280 and I2C-Adress");
    while (1);
    Serial.println("BMP280 Init OK !\n");

  /* For the Sigfox-Modem ***********************************/

  // Check if Sigfox modem is present and can be initialized.
  // Output error if modem does not exist or not ok
  if (!SigFox.begin()) //Initialize Sigfox modem
    Serial.println("Sigfox modem not found! - Continue with RESET!");
    while (1);  // In this case: infinite loop
    Serial.println("Sigfox-Modem Init OK !\n");

  /* For the A / D converter ********************************/

  // Settings for the A / D converter
  analogReference(AR_DEFAULT);    // Setting the Reference-Voltage
                                  // Default-Value: 3,3 V

  analogReadResolution(10);       // Setting up the Resolution: 10 Bit

  /* Miscellaneous *****************************************/
  // Waiting


/*** Start the Main-Programm in a loop***********************/

void loop()

  char wahl;

  /* Start BMP280. There are 5 different operating modes. 
     See table in datasheet. One of the 5 Oversampling-Setting (non 0) 
	 starts the measuremt.For example "OSRS_P_x16" for "Ultra high Resolution" */
  bmx280.writeOversamplingPressure(BMx280MI::OSRS_P_x16);     // For pressure-measurement
  bmx280.writeOversamplingTemperature(BMx280MI::OSRS_T_x16);  // For temperature-measurement

  // Show the Main Page on the ser. Monitor

  // Waiting for input
  while (Serial.available()==0);
  // Processing the input
  wahl =;
  delay(1000);          // So input is visible for a second

  // Calling the function for the specified case
  switch (wahl)
    case '1': sf_konfig_daten();

    case '2': sf_send_hello();

    case '3': sf_send_zahlen();

    case'4':  sf_send_mw();

    default:  Serial.print("\n\nInvalid selection! Please try again !!");


/*** Own functions always at the end of the code !! ***/

/*** Clear serial monitor tricky  ***/
void clear_screen(void)
  unsigned char i;
  for (i=0; i<35; i++) Serial.println(" ");


/*** Main Page for the serial monitor ***/
void titel_bild(void)
  Serial.println("***** Demo-program for Arduino-Sigfox-Board MKR FOX 1200 *****");
  Serial.println("***** Here:  Operation of the Sigfox modem               *****");
  Serial.println("\nPlease choose:\n");
  Serial.println("   1)  Read Sigfox configuration data");
  Serial.println("   2)  Broadcasting 'Hello World'");
  Serial.println("   3)  Sending four fixed numbers");
  Serial.println("   4)  Send out three readings");

  Serial.print("\n\nYour choice:  ");


/*** Read out and display the configuration data of the Sigfox modem ***/
void sf_konfig_daten(void)

  // Clear screen

  // Activate and initialize the Sigfox modem
  if (!SigFox.begin())
    Serial.println("Sigfox modem not found! - Continue with RESET!");
    while (1);  // In this case: infinite loop
    Serial.println("Sigfox-Modem OK !\n");

  //Read and save the firmware version, ID, PAC and Temp. of the modem
  String version = SigFox.SigVersion();
  String ID = SigFox.ID();
  String PAC = SigFox.PAC();
  float temp = SigFox.internalTemperature();

  // Send modem information to the serial monitor
  Serial.println("MKR FOX 1200 - read configuration data:\n");
  Serial.println("Firmware-Version:     " + version);
  Serial.println("ID =                  " + ID);
  Serial.println("PAC =                 " + PAC);
  Serial.println("Int. Temperature =    " + String(temp, 1) + " C");

  delay(100); //Wait 100ms until the serial transfer is finished

  SigFox.end(); // send the modem into sleep

  Serial.println("\n\nPlease press the button!");

  while (Serial.available() == 0);  // Waiting for keystroke
  taste =;


/*** Broadcasting 'Hello World' ****/

void sf_send_hello (void)
  // Clear screen
  Serial.println("Sending 'Hello World' over Sigfox");

  // Activate Sigfox modem and query errors
  if (!SigFox.begin())        // Error occurred
    Serial.println("Sigfox module error! - Continue with RESET!");
    while (1);  // In case of error: infinite loop

  Serial.println("Initialization OK!\n");

  // Enable Sigfox modem debug mode and issue the device ID
  // to make it easier to find in the backend
  Serial.println("Station-ID = " + SigFox.ID());

  // Preparation to send a package

  Serial.println("Broadcast starts!");

  // Sending out the string = sequence of characters = sigfox message
  SigFox.print("Hello World!");

  Serial.println("Transmission is running, waiting for feedback ...!");

  // Stop sigfox transfer and query for errors:
  // Status in the variable ret
  int ret = SigFox.endPacket();

  Serial.print("\nError status (0 = no error):");

  // Deinitialization of the Sigfox library and the module

  Serial.println("\nContinue with the push of a button ...");

  while (Serial.available() == 0);  // Waiting for keystroke
  taste =;



/*** Sending four fixed numbers ***/

void sf_send_zahlen(void)
  // clear screen
  // Definition of four fixed numerical values
  unsigned char   AIN_1 = 0x1f ;            // 1st value, 1 byte in size
  unsigned int    pressure = 0x12345678;    // 2nd value, 4 (!!) bytes big
  float           temp = 1233.56;           // 3rd value, 4 bytes in size
  unsigned char   AIN_2 = 0x55;             // 4th value, 1 byte in size

  // Activate Sigfox modem and query errors
  if (!SigFox.begin())        // Error occurred
    Serial.println("Sigfox module error! - Continue with RESET!");
    while (1);  // In case of error: infinite loop
      Serial.println("Sigfox-Modem OK !\n");

  // Enable debug LED and disable power saving modes
  // Clear all pending interrupts
  // Now the actual values to be transferred are written to the 
  //(structure)variable 'SF_send', thus: assembling the content for the payload
  SF_send.wert_1 =        AIN_1;        // unsigned char - Value:  1 Byte
  SF_send.wert_2 =        pressure;     // unsigned int - Value:   4 Byte
  SF_send.wert_3 =        temp;         // float - Value:          4 Byte
  SF_send.wert_4 =        AIN_2;        // unsigned char - Value:  1 Byte

  // control expenses
  Serial.println("The following values are transferred to the payload:");
  Serial.println("  1. Value (unsigned char):   " + String (AIN_1, HEX) + "  (hex)");
  Serial.println("  2. Value (unsigned int):    " + String(pressure, HEX) + "  (hex)");
  Serial.println("  3. Value (float):           " + String(temp,2));
  Serial.println("  4. Value (unsigned char):   " + String(AIN_2, HEX) + "  (hex)\n\n");

  // And now the sigfox-transmission of the previously assembled 
  // structure-variable 'SF_send' (= content of the payload) takes place

  Serial.println("Sigfox transmission starts ...\n");

  // Preparing to send a package

  // Send structure variable to the Sigfox backend
  SigFox.write((char*)&SF_send, sizeof(SF_send));

  // Error checking: If endPacket () returns a 1, then error message
  int ret = SigFox.endPacket(); 
  if (ret > 0)
    Serial.println("Error: no transfer! - Continue with RESET!");
    while(1);     // loop
    Serial.println("Sigfox transmission OK!");

  // De-initializing the Sigfox library and the Sigfox module
  Serial.println("\nContinue with the push of a button ...");
  while (Serial.available() == 0);  // Waiting for keystroke
  taste =;


/*** Transmission of three real measured values ***/

void sf_send_mw(void)
  unsigned char ta;
  unsigned int i=0;
  // clear screen

  // Turn on voltage for ePaper display
  digitalWrite(ePaper, HIGH);

  // Output mask for ePaper display

  // endless loop
    // Infinite loop: permanent data logging
      i= i+1;
      // Acquisition of the three measured values
      // Display of the three measured values on serial monitor and ePaper display
      // On the serial monitor:
      Serial.println("Measurement: " + String(i));   
      Serial.println("Temperature: " + String(temp,1) + " C");
      Serial.println("Pressure:    " + String(pressure,1) + " hPa");
      Serial.println("LDR:         " + String(LDR, HEX) + "   hex\n");    
      Serial.println("Send the values over Sigfox with 's', exit with 'x' !\n\n");

      // On the ePaper display:
      // Query input
      ta =;
      if ((ta == 's') || (ta == 'x')) break;
    // Comparison of the input
    if (ta == 'x') // Function is completely finished
      // Switch off voltage for ePaper display
      digitalWrite(ePaper, LOW);
    // Otherwise ... 
    // A sigfox telegram is sent ...
    // Message on serial monitor
    Serial.println("Sending a Sigfox telegram ...\n");

    // Message on ePaper display
    // Activate Sigfox modem and query errors
    if (!SigFox.begin())        // Error occurred
      Serial.println("Sigfox module error! - Continue with RESET!");
      while (1);  // In case of error: infinite loop
        Serial.println("Sigfox-Modem OK !\n");
    // Enable debug LED and disable power saving modes
    // Clear all pending interrupts

    // Now the actual values to be transferred are written to the 
    //(structure)variable 'SF_send_mw', thus: assembling the content 
	//for the payload
    SF_send_mw.wert_1 =        temp;        // float - value:        4 Byte
    SF_send_mw.wert_2 =        pressure;    // float - value:        4 Byte
    SF_send_mw.wert_3 =        LDR;         // uint16_t - value:     2 Byte
    // control expenses
    Serial.println("The following values are transferred to the payload:");
    Serial.println("  1. value (float):          " + String (temp,1));
    Serial.println("  2. value (float):          " + String(pressure,1));
    Serial.println("  3. value (uint16_t):       " + String(LDR,HEX) + "  (hex)\n\n");
  // And now the sigfox-transmission of the previously assembled 
  // structure-variable 'SF_send_mw' (= content of the payload) takes place
    Serial.println("Sigfox transmission starts ...\n");
    // Preparing to send a package
    // Send structure-variable to the Sigfox backend
    SigFox.write((char*)&SF_send_mw, sizeof(SF_send_mw));
    // Error checking: If endPacket () returns a 1, then error message
    int ret = SigFox.endPacket(); 
    if (ret > 0)
      Serial.println("Error: no transfer! - Continue with RESET!");
      while(1);     // endless loop
      Serial.println("Sigfox transmission OK!");
    // De-initializing the Sigfox library and the Sigfox module

    // clear screen

    // Mask on ePaper display


/*** Acquisition of three measured values ***/

void mw_erf(void)
  // Read analog input 2
  LDR = analogRead(2);

  // Read BMP280
  temp = bmx280.readTemperature();
  pressure = bmx280.readPressure()/100;  


/*** Screen mask for ePaper display ***/

void ePaper_mask(void)
  // Initialization of the display

  // Set the required Adafruit-Font

  // Refresh Display

  // Move the cursor to the beginning of the 16th line so
  // that the first line is displayed correctly

  // Show the screen mask on the ePaper display
  display.println("Measuring:        ");
  display.println(" Number :");
  display.println(" Press. :         hPa");
  display.println(" Temp.:           C");
  display.println(" LDR:             hex");

  // Total refresh of the display to display new mask
  display.updateWindow(0, 0, GxEPD_WIDTH, GxEPD_HEIGHT, false);


/*** Representation of the values on the ePaper display ***/

void show_ePaper(unsigned int i)
  // White rectangle for deleting the measured value field
  display.fillRect(155, 24, 84, 88, GxEPD_WHITE);

  // Display measured values on ePaper
  // Output of the measurement no.

  // Output of the air pressure value

  // Output of the temperature

  // Output of the measured value AIN_2

  // Partial refresh from the display: Range for the measured values
  display.updateWindow(155, 24, 84, 88, true);


/*** Sigfox message on ePaper ***/

void ePaper_sf(void)
  // Initialization of the display

  // Move the cursor to the beginning of the 16th line so
  // that the first line is displayed correctly
  display.println("\n\n Transmission via");
  display.println("  Sigfox running ...");
  // Complete refresh of the display to display new mask
  display.updateWindow(0, 0, GxEPD_WIDTH, GxEPD_HEIGHT, false);


Bernd vom Berg
2 projects • 2 followers
Frank Schleking
1 project • 1 follower
Filip Schmachtenberger
1 project • 0 followers
Philipp Krienke
1 project • 0 followers
