Boris LeonovSam KristoffArthur Brown
Published © MIT

Servo Brightness Gauge

An R/C servo can be used to make a gauge to measure the intensity of light.

BeginnerProtip2 hours2,404
Servo Brightness Gauge

Things used in this project

Hardware components

OpenScope MZ
Digilent OpenScope MZ
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Photo resistor
Photo resistor
Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)
This project uses a 180° servo, but beyond that choose whatever model you want.
Capacitor 1000 µF
Capacitor 1000 µF

Software apps and online services

Digilent WaveForms Live
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Servo Lux Gauge

The image I created to make the brightness gauge.


Servo Brightness Gauge

This code measures a photoresistor voltage, converts it to lux, and stores the running average of the value. It then moves the servo to reflect the value on the gauge.
#include <Servo.h>
#include <math.h>

//variables to keep a running average of the samples
float total;
float avg;

//number of samples to have in the running average
const int numSmpl = 10;

// create a servo object
Servo servo; 

//analog input from the photoresistor
int photoVal = A0;

equations to convert voltage to lux values:
lux = 1286.47506604*pow(voltage,2) + 178.51342186*voltage - 1.70982528

lux = 197.90983722e^(1.62826391*voltage)

>2.9 - 4.1V:
lux = -3785.88415527*voltage^6 + 85678.15521655*voltage^5 - 604387.00259741*voltagets^4 + 1410432.63046882*voltage^3 + 1529553.55029751*voltage^2 - 11122170.790418*voltage + 12440209.3288285

lux = 23.9858393e^(2.28356737*voltage)

equation to convert lux value to degrees on servo:
y = 13.0288344570976*ln(voltage) - 0.0000000000000560135


void setup() {
  // link the servo to pin 9, setting the pulse width limits
  servo.attach(9, 544, 2660);  
  //set the pins as inputs and outputs
  pinMode(photoVal, INPUT);
  //take an initial sampling of measurements
  total = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < numSmpl; i++){
    total += readBrightness();
  //average the samples out
  avg = total/numSmpl;

void loop() {
  //position the servo based on the running average
  //give the servo time to move

//performs a reading of the photoresistor and converts the voltage to lux
float readBrightness(){
  //store the potentiometer position as a float
  float level = analogRead(photoVal);

  //calculate analog voltage
  float voltage = 5*level/1024;

  //make sure the voltage isn't outside the acceptable range
  if(voltage < 0){
    voltage = 0;
  if(voltage > 5){
    voltage = 5;
  //initialize a lux value
  float lux = 0;

  //based on the voltage reading, select the equation that will best convert it to a lux value
  if(voltage <= 0.534){
    lux = 1286.47506604*pow(voltage,2) + 178.51342186*voltage - 1.70982528;   
  else if(voltage <= 2.9){
    lux = 197.90983722*exp(1.62826391*voltage);

  else if(voltage <= 4.1){
    lux = -3785.88415527*pow(voltage,6) + 85678.15521655*pow(voltage,5) - 604387.00259741*pow(voltage,4) + 1410432.63046882*pow(voltage,3) + 1529553.55029751*pow(voltage,2) - 11122170.790418*voltage + 12440209.3288285;

    lux = 23.9858393*exp(2.28356737*voltage);
  if(lux < 0 ){
    lux = 0;
  return lux;

//performs a modified running average on the lux measurements
float sampleBuffer(){
  //add new value to total
  total += readBrightness();

  //subtract previous average
  total -= avg;

  //calculate new average
  avg = total/numSmpl;
  return avg;

//moves the servo to a new position
void setServo(float lux){
  //map lux values to 180-degree scale
  int pos = round(13.0288344570976*log(lux) - 0.0000000000000560135);
  if(pos < 0){
    pos = 0;
  //position value is reversed to make gauge indicate from left to right
  servo.write(180 - pos);


Boris Leonov

Boris Leonov

10 projects • 24 followers
Electrical engineering student in the Seattle area. Electrical and mechanical DIY enthusiast. Fixer of things, large and small.
Sam Kristoff

Sam Kristoff

35 projects • 53 followers
R&D Director at NI
Arthur Brown

Arthur Brown

14 projects • 30 followers
Applications engineer and digital logic geek
