This design was built based on Android and Android Wear design principles.
Key design decisions:
- Using a countdown animation when user decides to reject an invitation. This gives the user a few seconds to stop the animation, or if nothing is done, the action is automatically confirmed at the end of the animation.
- Showing the arrow of which direction to head on a map overlay, rather than an "absolute" direction based on the direction the user is facing. Current GPS technology is insufficient to detect accurately which way a user is facing, especially if they are walking and not driving.
- Showing the main user's friend list as a grid of profile pictures. This allows the user to view many friends at once while still able to pick up specific people at a glance.
- Sorting: Main user has the option to choose how to sort the list of locations (either by "Nearest", "Most Visited" or "Unvisited"), whereas the friend list only needs to be sorted only by distance.