zed maker
Created December 1, 2019 © CC BY-NC-SA

Pick me up!

A good auto repair shop is hard to find. And the good ones are busy for good reason. They are too busy notify you of status. Let's automate

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)8 hours22
Pick me up!

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit
Avnet Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit
RFid click - MIKROE-1434
MIKROE RFiD tag 13.56MHz, ISO14443-A

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Azure IoT Edge
Microsoft Azure IoT Edge


Read more


Click Header

// STM32 CR95HF chibios driver
#include "stdint.h"
#include "hal.h"

struct pin {
  ioportid_t port;
  uint16_t pin;

void cr95hf_init(struct pin *IRQ_IN, struct pin *IRQ_OUT, ioportid_t, uint16_t);
void echo(void);
void setProtocol(void);
void idle(void);
void tagCalibrate(void);
void ISO14443AAdjustRegisters(void);
uint8_t sendRecv(uint8_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t *);
/*void topazREQA(void);
void topazWUPA(void);
uint8_t topazRID(uint8_t *);
void topazRALL(void);
void topazREAD(void);
void topazWRITEE(void);
void topazWRITENE(void);*/
uint8_t sens_req(void);
uint8_t all_req(void);
uint8_t sdd_req(uint8_t, uint8_t *);
uint8_t sel_req(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t *);
void slp_req(void);
void type2Read(uint8_t, uint8_t *);
void type2Write(uint8_t, uint8_t *);
void type4aRATS(void);
extern void cr95hfInterrupt(EXTDriver *extp, expchannel_t channel);

Click C

// STM CR95HF chibios driver
#include "cr95hf_driver.h"
#include "ch.h"
#include "hal.h"
#include "string.h"

uint8_t CR95HF_CMD = 0x00;
uint8_t CR95HF_POLL = 0x03;
uint8_t CR95HF_READ = 0x02;
uint8_t CR95HF_RESET = 0x01;

static struct pin IRQ_IN, IRQ_OUT;
static SPIConfig spicfg;

static thread_t *messageThread;

static mailbox_t cr95hfMailbox;
// 10 messages should be enough of a buffer
static msg_t cr95hfMailboxBuf[10];

static uint8_t rxbuf[255];
static uint8_t txbuf[255];

static uint8_t idleCommand[16];

// thread that watches for messages in a mailbox
// when the cr95hf sends a pulse on IRQ_OUT an interrupt is generated
// which reads the message the IC has and puts it in the mailbox.
// This thread infinitely loops and when it sees data parses it and
// calls the appropriate function.
static THD_WORKING_AREA(cr95hfMessageThreadWA, 512);
static THD_FUNCTION(cr95hfMessageThread, arg) {
  while (!chThdShouldTerminateX()) {
    chEvtWaitAnyTimeout((eventmask_t)1, TIME_INFINITE);
    spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_READ);
    // get the response code
    spiReceive(&SPID1, sizeof(rxbuf), &rxbuf);
    chMBPost(&cr95hfMailbox, (msg_t)0x00, TIME_INFINITE);
    // clear variables before next loop

// Initializes SPI and interrupt for the cr95hf IC.
// Sends initialize command and waits for the chip to start up.
void cr95hf_init(struct pin *IRQ_IN_temp,
                 struct pin *IRQ_OUT_temp,
                 ioportid_t spi_port,
                 uint16_t spi_select_pin) {
  memcpy(&IRQ_IN, IRQ_IN_temp, sizeof(IRQ_IN));
  memcpy(&IRQ_OUT, IRQ_OUT_temp, sizeof(IRQ_OUT));
  // initalize static arrays to all zeros
  memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
  memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(txbuf));
  memset(idleCommand, 0x00, sizeof(idleCommand));

  chMBObjectInit(&cr95hfMailbox, cr95hfMailboxBuf, sizeof(cr95hfMailboxBuf)/sizeof(msg_t));

  spicfg = (SPIConfig) {
  spiStart(&SPID1, &spicfg);
  // send a reset command just in case the cr95hf hasn't been powered off
  spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_RESET);

  // send idle command to start from known state
  // send wake up on IRQ_IN pin
  palSetPadMode(IRQ_OUT.port, IRQ_OUT.pin, PAL_MODE_INPUT);
  // Send a 20us pulse to wake up the CR95HF
  palClearPad(IRQ_IN.port, IRQ_IN.pin);
  // delay for 20 microseconds so the cr95hf sees it for sure
  // (this is double the minimum)
  chSysPolledDelayX(US2RTC(STM32_HCLK, 20));
  palSetPad(IRQ_IN.port, IRQ_IN.pin);
  // wait 10 ms to let the CR95HF set itself up
  chSysPolledDelayX(MS2RTC(STM32_HCLK, 10));
  //start the thread that watches for messages from the cr95hf
  messageThread = chThdCreateStatic(cr95hfMessageThreadWA, 
                                    NORMALPRIO, cr95hfMessageThread, NULL);

void setProtocol() {
  uint8_t command = 0x02; // protocol select
  uint8_t length  = 0x04; // 2 bytes of data
  uint8_t data[4] = {0x02, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00};
  msg_t message;
  // send control byte for send command
  spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
  spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &command);
  spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &length);
  spiSend(&SPID1, 4, &data);
  chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
  if(rxbuf[0] == 0x00) {
    // everything went as planned
  } else if(rxbuf[0] == 0x82) {
    // invalid command length
  memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));

// Echo is a special command since it does not require a data length to be sent.
// Sends 0x55 and expects to receive 0x55 back if SPI is working.
void echo() {
  uint8_t echo = 0x55;
  msg_t message;
  spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
  spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &echo);
  // watch for a message here and when received parse the data
  chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
  if(rxbuf[0] == (msg_t)0x55) {
    // echo was a success, end function now
  } else {
    // throw an error here
  memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));

void idle() {
  msg_t message;
  // Temporary!
  // Remove before completing code!
  uint8_t tempIdle[16] = {0x07, 0x0E, 0x02, 0x21, 0x00,  0x79, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 
                      0x01, 0x60, 0x60, 0x40, 0x50, 0x3F, 0x01};

  spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
  spiSend(&SPID1, 16, &tempIdle);//&idleCommand);
  chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
  if(rxbuf[0] == 0x00) {
    if(rxbuf[1] == 0x01) {
      if(rxbuf[2] == 0x02) {
        // The idle command somehow changes how the IC communicates with tags.
        // So we reset the protocol before trying to talk to the tag again.
        uint8_t nfcid[10];
        if(sdd_req(1, nfcid) == 1) {
          sel_req(1, 1, nfcid);
          if(sdd_req(2, nfcid) == 1) {
            sel_req(2, 1, nfcid);
            sdd_req(3, nfcid);
            sel_req(3, 0, nfcid);
          } else {
            sel_req(2, 0, nfcid);
        } else {
          sel_req(1, 0, nfcid);
        //uint8_t blocks[16];
        //type2Read(0x04, blocks);
        //uint8_t data[4] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF};
        //type2Write(0x04, data);
        //type2Read(0x04, blocks);
  memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));

// tagCalibrate adjusts the threshold detection values for an antenna.
// It starts off at the maximum settings to verify everything 
// is working correctly.
// It then converges/iterates to a set of threshold values that should work
// well for most environments.
// This can be skipped if good DAC Data values are known for a certain antenna.
void tagCalibrate() {
  // Initial idle command. Has a very short timeout period and DAC Data
  // values are not initialized.
  uint8_t thisdata[16] = {0x07, 0x0E, 0x03, 0x21, 0x00,  0x79, 0x01, 0x18, 0x00, 
                      0x02, 0x60, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x01};
  msg_t message;
  int i;

  for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
    spiSend(&SPID1, 16, &thisdata);
    chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
    if(rxbuf[0] == 0x00) {
      if(rxbuf[1] == 0x01) {
        if(rxbuf[2] == 0x02) {
          switch(i) {
            case 0:
              thisdata[13] = 0xFC;
            case 1:
            case 2:
              thisdata[13] += 0x40;
            case 3:
              thisdata[13] += 0x20;
            case 4:
              thisdata[13] += 0x10;
            case 5:
              thisdata[13] += 0x08;
            case 6:
              thisdata[13] += 0x04;
            case 7:
              // settings are good. Do nothing.
        } else if(rxbuf[2] == 0x01) {
          switch(i) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
              thisdata[13] -= 0x80;
            case 2:
              thisdata[13] -= 0x40;
            case 3:
              thisdata[13] -= 0x20;
            case 4:
              thisdata[13] -= 0x10;
            case 5:
              thisdata[13] -= 0x08;
            case 6:
              thisdata[13] -= 0x04;
            case 7:
              thisdata[13] -= 0x04;
    memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
  // Now that we know appropriate tag values set the idle command to the final
  // values we want for further operations.
  thisdata[2]   = 0x02;
  thisdata[9]   = 0x20;
  thisdata[12]  = thisdata[13] - 0x08;
  thisdata[13] += 0x08;
  memcpy(idleCommand, thisdata, sizeof(idleCommand));

// This function takes parameters for ISO 14443 type A protocol only
// data is the NFC command to be sent
// dataSize is length (in bytes) of the NFC command to be sent
// topaz is 0 or 1 based on if topaz format should be used
// splitFrame is 
// crc is 0 or 1 depending on if a CRC needs to be appended
// sigBits is number of signifcant bits in the last byte
// returns uint8_t that is the result code. Full data is copied to returnData
uint8_t sendRecv(uint8_t *data, uint8_t dataSize, uint8_t topaz, uint8_t splitFrame, 
              uint8_t crc, uint8_t sigBits, uint8_t *returnData) {
  uint8_t length = 0;
  msg_t message;
  txbuf[0] = CR95HF_CMD;
  txbuf[1] = 0x04; // SendRecv command
  txbuf[2] = dataSize + 1;
  length += 3;
  for(uint8_t i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
    txbuf[3 + i] = *(data + i);
  length += dataSize;
  txbuf[length] = (topaz << 7) | (splitFrame << 6) | (crc << 5) | sigBits;
  length += 1;

  spiSend(&SPID1, length, &txbuf);

  chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
  memcpy(returnData, rxbuf, 255);
  memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
  memset(txbuf, 0x00, sizeof(txbuf));
  return returnData[0];
  /*switch(rxbuf[0]) {
    case 0x80:
      // decode data
      //memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));
    case 0x90:
      // non integer number of bytes received
      // response to ACK or NACK?
    case 0x86:
      // communication error
    case 0x87:
      // frame wait time out or no tag
    case 0x88:
      // invalid SOF
    case 0x89:
      // receive buffer overflow
    case 0x8A:
      // framing error
    case 0x8B:
      // EGT time out
    case 0x8C:
      // invalid length
    case 0x8D:
      // CRC error
    case 0x8E:
      // reception lost without EOF received
      // ruh roh

void ISO14443AAdjustRegisters() {
  msg_t message;

  uint8_t adjustModAndGain[6] = {0x09, 0x04, 0x68, 0x01, 0x01, 0xD1};
  uint8_t adjustTimerW[6] = {0x09, 0x04, 0x3A, 0x00, 0x58, 0x04};

  spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
  spiSend(&SPID1, 6, &adjustTimerW);
  chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
  if(rxbuf[0] == 0x00) {
    if(rxbuf[1] == 0x00) {
      // success
  memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));

  spiSend(&SPID1, 1, &CR95HF_CMD);
  spiSend(&SPID1, 6, &adjustModAndGain);
  chMBFetch(&cr95hfMailbox, &message, TIME_INFINITE);
  if(rxbuf[0] == 0x00) {
    if(rxbuf[1] == 0x00) {
      // success
  memset(rxbuf, 0x00, sizeof(rxbuf));


// List of NFC Forum NFC-A commands
// SENS_REQ 0x26 - short frame (REQA)
// ALL_REQ 0x52 - short frame (WUPA)
// SDD_REQ 0x93, 0x95 (anti collision CL1 or CL2)
// SEL_REQ 0x93, 0x95 (select CL1 or CL2) // requires CRC
// SLP_REQ 0x50 (halt) // requires CRC

// NFC forum type 2 commands
// READ    0x30
// WRITE   0xA2

// Sends a sens_req (REQA) to the NFC device
// Checks the return value to see what NFCID1 size the device is
// returns 1, 2, or 3 for single, double, or triple. Returns 0 for other.
uint8_t sens_req() {
  uint8_t data = 0x26; 
  uint8_t returnData[255];
  // send the individual bit. No CRC, etc, but it is a short frame (7 bits)
  sendRecv(&data, 1, 0, 0, 0, 7, returnData);

  // check ATQA response to see what bits 7 and 8 are to determine UID size.

  // check it bits 7 and 8 are 0
  if(~(returnData[2] & 1<<7) && ~(returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 00
    // NFCID1 size: single (4 bytes)
    return 1;
  } else if (~(returnData[2] & 1<<7) && (returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 01
    // NFCID1 size: double (7 bytes)
    return 2;
  } else if ((returnData[2] & 1<<7) && ~(returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 10
    // NFCID1 size: triple (10 bytes)
    return 3;
  } else {
    // RFU, so nothing
    return 0;

// Sends an all_req (WUPA) to the NFC device
// Checks the return value to see what NFCID1 size the device is
// returns 1, 2, or 3 for single, double, or triple. Returns 0 for other.
uint8_t all_req() {
  uint8_t data = 0x52; 
  uint8_t returnData[255];
  // send the individual bit. No CRC, etc, but it is a short frame (7 bits)
  sendRecv(&data, 1, 0, 0, 0, 7, returnData);

  // should do error checking here. Make sure the first byte is 0x80
  // check ATQA response to see what bits 7 and 8 are to determine UID size.
  // we could also check returnData[3] to see if it is 0x0C which means it is
  // a type 1 device (basically topaz/broadcom)

  // check it bits 7 and 8 are 0
  if(~(returnData[2] & 1<<7) && ~(returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 00
    // NFCID1 size: single (4 bytes)
    return 1;
  } else if (~(returnData[2] & 1<<7) && (returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 01
    // NFCID1 size: double (7 bytes)
    return 2;
  } else if ((returnData[2] & 1<<7) && ~(returnData[2] & 1<<6)) { // 10
    // NFCID1 size: triple (10 bytes)
    return 3;
  } else {
    // RFU, so nothing
    return 0;

// accepts current anti collision cascade level (1, 2, or 3) and
// if applicable parts of the uid. Returns 1 if the cascade tag is present
// which means that another level of sdd_req needs to be sent.
// returns 0 if sdd_req was unsuccessful
// returns 2 if no cascade tag and sdd_req was successful.
// fills out nficid param with the returned 3 or 4 bytes of NFCID1 
uint8_t sdd_req(uint8_t cascadeLevel, uint8_t *nfcid) {
  uint8_t returnData[255];
  uint8_t data[5] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
  uint8_t dataSize = 0;

  // TODO: make these so they can send parts of the nfcid along with them.
  //       this would help if there ever is a collision of devices.
  switch(cascadeLevel) {
    case 1:
      data[0] = 0x93;
      data[1] = 0x20;
      dataSize = 2;
    case 2:
      data[0] = 0x95;
      data[1] = 0x20;
      dataSize = 2;
    case 3:
      data[0] = 0x97;
      data[1] = 0x20;
      dataSize = 2;
  sendRecv(data, dataSize, 0, 0, 0, 8, returnData);
  // cr95hf error
  if(returnData[0] != 0x80) {
    return 0;
  // cascade tag, only 3 bytes returned
  if(returnData[2] == 0x88) {
    switch(cascadeLevel) {
      case 1:
        nfcid[0] = returnData[3];
        nfcid[1] = returnData[4];
        nfcid[2] = returnData[5];
      case 2:
        nfcid[3] = returnData[3];
        nfcid[4] = returnData[4];
        nfcid[5] = returnData[5];
    return 1;
  } else {
    switch(cascadeLevel) {
      case 1:
        nfcid[0] = returnData[2];
        nfcid[1] = returnData[3];
        nfcid[2] = returnData[4];
        nfcid[3] = returnData[5];
      case 2:
        nfcid[3] = returnData[2];
        nfcid[4] = returnData[3];
        nfcid[5] = returnData[4];
        nfcid[6] = returnData[5];
      case 3:
        nfcid[6] = returnData[2];
        nfcid[7] = returnData[3];
        nfcid[8] = returnData[4];
        nfcid[9] = returnData[5];
    return 2;

// returns 0 for error
// returns 1 for NFCID1 not complete so we need another cascade level
// returns 2 for NFC-DEP support, probably a phone
// returns 3 for type 2 tag
uint8_t sel_req(uint8_t cascadeLevel, uint8_t cascadeTag, uint8_t *nfcid) {
  uint8_t returnData[255];
  uint8_t data[7];

  switch(cascadeLevel) {
    case 1:
      data[0] = 0x93;
      data[1] = 0x70;
      if(cascadeTag == 0) {
        data[2] = nfcid[0];
        data[3] = nfcid[1];
        data[4] = nfcid[2];
        data[5] = nfcid[3];
      } else {
        data[2] = 0x88;
        data[3] = nfcid[0];
        data[4] = nfcid[1];
        data[5] = nfcid[2];
      data[6] = data[2] ^ data[3] ^ data[4] ^ data[5];
    case 2:
      data[0] = 0x95;
      data[1] = 0x70;
      if(cascadeTag == 0) {
        data[2] = nfcid[3];
        data[3] = nfcid[4];
        data[4] = nfcid[5];
        data[5] = nfcid[6];
      } else {
        data[2] = 0x88;
        data[3] = nfcid[3];
        data[4] = nfcid[4];
        data[5] = nfcid[5];
      data[6] = data[2] ^ data[3] ^ data[4] ^ data[5];
    case 3:
      data[0] = 0x97;
      data[1] = 0x70;
      data[2] = nfcid[6];
      data[3] = nfcid[7];
      data[4] = nfcid[8];
      data[5] = nfcid[9];
      data[6] = data[2] ^ data[3] ^ data[4] ^ data[5];

  sendRecv(data, 7, 0, 0, 1, 8, returnData);

  if(returnData[0] != 0x80) {
    // return that it failed
    return 0;
  if(returnData[2] & 1<<2) {
    // NFCID1 not complete, on to the next cascade level!
    return 1;
  if(returnData[2] & 1<<5) {
    // supports NFC-DEP protocol, probably a phone
    return 2;
  if(~(returnData[2] & 1<<5) && ~(returnData[2] & 1<<6)) {
    // type 2 tag
    uint8_t blocks[16];
    type2Read(0x04, blocks);
    return 3;
  // if we made it here it is a type 4a tag which is currently unsupported
  return 0;

void slp_req() {

// type 2 tag read
// block is the starting block to read
// response contains the 16 bytes (4 blocks) that were read if successful
void type2Read(uint8_t block, uint8_t *response) {
  uint8_t returnData[255];
  uint8_t data[2];
  data[0] = 0x30; // read command
  data[1] = block; // block number

  sendRecv(data, 2, 0, 0, 1, 8, returnData);

  if(returnData[0] != 0x80) {
    // error
  if(returnData[1] == 0x04 && (returnData[2] == 0x00 ||
     returnData[2] == 0x01 || returnData[2] == 0x04 ||
     returnData[2] == 0x05)) {
    // NACK sent back, treat as error)
  // copy over the 16 response bytes starting from returnData[2]
  memcpy(response, returnData + 2, 16);
  // return 16 bytes that represent the 4 blocks that were read

// type 2 tag write
// block is the block to be written
// writeData is the data to be written and must be 4 bytes
void type2Write(uint8_t block, uint8_t *writeData) {
  uint8_t returnData[255];
  uint8_t data[6];
  data[0] = 0xA2;
  data[1] = block;
  memcpy(data + 2, writeData, 4);

  sendRecv(data, 6, 0, 0, 1, 8, returnData);

void type4aRATS() {
  uint8_t data[2] = {0xE0, 0x70}; // RATS with accepted frame size of 128 bytes
  uint8_t returnData[255];

  sendRecv(data, 2, 0, 0, 1, 8, returnData);
  if(returnData[0] != 0x80) {
    // error
  if((returnData[3] & 1<<4) &&(returnData[3] & 1<<5) &&(returnData[3] & 1<<6)) {
    // TA(1), TB(1), and TC(1) are all included in this
    // we should do verification here, but that will come later

extern void cr95hfInterrupt(EXTDriver *extp, expchannel_t channel) {
  // add a message to the mailbox for cr95hfMessageThread
  chEvtSignalI(messageThread, (eventmask_t)1);


zed maker
2 projects • 1 follower
