Jorge RamírezAdrian Stevensbryan costanich
Published © MIT

Weather Station Using Public Web Service Using Meadow

Learn how to connect your Meadow to your local network and get current weather conditions from a free public weather web service.

BeginnerFull instructions provided30 minutes1,610

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Meadow F7v2 Micro Development Kit
Wilderness Labs Meadow F7v2 Micro Development Kit
Meadow F7v2 Micro Development kit w/Hack Kit Pro.
Wilderness Labs Meadow F7v2 Micro Development kit w/Hack Kit Pro.
ST7789 TFT SPI Display
LM35 Analog Temperature Sensor

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019


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WifiWeather Fritzing Diagram


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Jorge Ramírez

Jorge Ramírez

74 projects • 74 followers
Developer advocate for Wilderness Labs.
Adrian Stevens

Adrian Stevens

70 projects • 44 followers
bryan costanich

bryan costanich

70 projects • 54 followers
