Tisham Dhar
Published © LGPL

Xadow Hotshoe GPS-IMU

This is a modular Xadow system, can be used as a wearable to track GPS position and orientation, ideally used during a photography session.

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Xadow Hotshoe GPS-IMU

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Xadow MultiSerial
Xadow - SD
Xadow - OLED 0.96''
Xadow - Barometer
Xadow - GPS
Xadow - BLE
Xadow - IMU 9DOF
Xadow - M0 mbed enabled ARM Cortex-M0 board for Rapid Prototyping


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Custom parts and enclosures

Hotshoe Box

3D Printable enclosure for hotshoe mounting.


Chain of Xadow modules

Ilustration of the modular Xadow system. Exact order will depend on packing choice and enclosure


MBed GPS-IMU code for Xadow

This is the code that runs of the Cortex-M0 for sensor fusion, display, logging and data streaming.


Tisham Dhar

Tisham Dhar

13 projects • 59 followers
I am an Electronics Engineer who mostly works with aerial and space based remote sensing projects. I fiddle with home automation and renewable energy projects.
