Tisham Dhar
Published © CC BY-ND

The Red Light - BeagleBone + Myo Controlled Bike Lights

A muscle and motion sensor controlled push bike turn and stop signalling system for safe riding at night.

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The Red Light - BeagleBone + Myo Controlled Bike Lights

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BeagleBone Green and Teensy 3.1

The Teensy 3.1 is connected via the Grove connector to the /dev/ttyO2 port of the BeagleBone Green. Matrix display choices are computed from the Myo raw classifier and sent over serial to the display attached to the real time controller.


Python Myo Raw processing code

This library runs on the beaglebone to received and classify raw myo data

LED Matrix Display

Arduino compatible code aimed at the Teensy 3.1+ series of controllers for LED matrix display of turn and stop lights.


Tisham Dhar
13 projects • 59 followers
I am an Electronics Engineer who mostly works with aerial and space based remote sensing projects. I fiddle with home automation and renewable energy projects.
