Walid Mafuj
Published © GPL3+

Arduino uno RFID security system for PC / laptop

What if you have forgot your Facebook or windows password? But if I told you that you don't have to remember or type your lengthy password

AdvancedFull instructions provided1 hour5,625
Arduino uno RFID security system for PC / laptop

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Flip software

Hand tools and fabrication machines

10 Pc. Jumper Wire Kit, 5 cm Long
10 Pc. Jumper Wire Kit, 5 cm Long


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RFID Windows Log in code

//=====================================Walid Mafuj===================================//
uint8_t buf[8] = { 0 };
#include <SPI.h>
#include <MFRC522.h> // RFID library
#define SS_PIN 10 //RX slave select
#define RST_PIN 9
int gled = 7; // optional
int rled = 4;// optional
MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); // Create MFRC522 instance.
String card_ID=""; // 
String password="Password123" ; // Change It To Your Windows / fb / any Account's Password
String rfid="2222123818";// UID (unique Id Code Of Your Rfid Tag)
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communications with the PC
  SPI.begin();  // Init SPI bus
  mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Init MFRC522 card
void loop() {
  //look for new card
   if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) {
 if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
  return;//if read card serial(0) returns 1, the uid struct contians the ID of the read card.
 for (byte i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++) {
   card_ID += mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i];
// Serial.println(card_ID);
      pressKey("enter"); releaseKey("enter");
     digitalWrite(gled,LOW); delay(200);digitalWrite(gled,HIGH); delay(200);digitalWrite(gled,LOW);
digitalWrite(rled,HIGH);    digitalWrite(rled,LOW); delay(200);digitalWrite(rled,HIGH); delay(200);digitalWrite(rled,LOW);  }      else{ goto cont;}   
boolean isModifier(int keycode) {
    boolean result = false;
    if (keycode >= 224 && keycode <= 231) { // if the keycode is a modifier key
        result = true;
    return result;

void pressModifier(String keyname) {
void pressModifier(int keycode) {
    int modifiermask = 0;
    if (isModifier(keycode)) { // if the keycode represents a modifier key
        modifiermask = getModifierMask(keycode);
        buf[0] = buf[0] | modifiermask;
        Serial.write(buf, 8); // Send key report

void releaseModifier(String keyname) {
void releaseModifier(int keycode) {
    int modifiermask = 0;
    if (isModifier(keycode)) { // if the keycode represents a modifier key
        modifiermask = getModifierMask(keycode);
        buf[0] = buf[0] & (~modifiermask);
        Serial.write(buf, 8); // Send key report
void releaseAllModifiers() {
    buf[0] = B00000000;
    Serial.write(buf, 8); // Send key report

void pressKey(String keyname) {
void pressKey(int keycode) { // TODO: cycle the 6 key spots in the report buffer instead of just using buf[2] each time.
    buf[2] = keycode;
    Serial.write(buf, 8); // Send key report

void releaseKey(String keyname) {
void releaseKey(int keycode) {
    // find the keycode in the report buffer, then set it to zero.
    int i=0;
    for (i=2; i<8; i++) {
        if (buf[i] == keycode) {
            buf[i] = 0;
    Serial.write(buf, 8); // Send key report
void releaseAllKeys() {
    int i=0;
    for (i=2; i<8; i++) {
        buf[i] = 0;
    Serial.write(buf, 8); // Send key report

void pressSequenceOfKeys(const char * keySequence[], int numberOfKeys) {
    // This function can be good for pressing a few keys while holding a modifier down for example.

    int i = 0;
    for (i=0; i<numberOfKeys; i++) {

void typeLiteralString(String string) {
    char charArray[string.length()+1];
    string.toCharArray(charArray, string.length()+1);
    typeLiteralString(charArray, string.length());
void typeLiteralString(char string[], int stringLength) { // stringLength is the length of the printable string without considering the null byte.
    // This function will type the given string exactly as given, automatically pressing left_shift where necessary for capitals and symbols.

    // just in case:

    boolean charNeedsShift = false;
    boolean shiftIsPressed = false;

    int i=0;
    for (i=0; i<stringLength; i++) {
        charNeedsShift = characterNeedsShift(string[i]);
        if (charNeedsShift && !shiftIsPressed) {
            shiftIsPressed = true;
        else if (!charNeedsShift && shiftIsPressed) {
            shiftIsPressed = false;
        pressKey(String(string[i])); // without converting the char in string[i] to a String, arduino would prefer the pressKey(int) function instead of the pressKey(String) function, casting the char to a keycode (int) instead of a keyname (String).
        releaseKey(String(string[i])); // same as previous comment, but with releaseKey().


boolean characterNeedsShift(char character) {
    int needsModifier = false;
    if ( // look up an ascii table and this will make sense.
        (character >= 33 && character <= 38)
        || (character >= 40 && character <= 43)
        || (character == 58)
        || (character == 60)
        || (character >= 62 && character <= 90)
        || (character >= 94 && character <= 95)
        || (character >= 123 && character <= 126)
    ) {
        needsModifier = true;
    return needsModifier;

int getKeycode(String keyname) {
    String key = String(keyname); // Use a copy so that we don't mutate the user's String. Not sure if this is needed, but just in case. TODO: find out.

    int keycode = 0; // keycode of zero means nothing pressed.

    // non-modifier keys
    if      (key == "a") { keycode =  4; }
    else if (key == "b") { keycode =  5; }
    else if (key == "c") { keycode =  6; }
    else if (key == "d") { keycode =  7; }
    else if (key == "e") { keycode =  8; }
    else if (key == "f") { keycode =  9; }
    else if (key == "g") { keycode = 10; }
    else if (key == "h") { keycode = 11; }
    else if (key == "i") { keycode = 12; }
    else if (key == "j") { keycode = 13; }
    else if (key == "k") { keycode = 14; }
    else if (key == "l") { keycode = 15; }
    else if (key == "m") { keycode = 16; }
    else if (key == "n") { keycode = 17; }
    else if (key == "o") { keycode = 18; }
    else if (key == "p") { keycode = 19; }
    else if (key == "q") { keycode = 20; }
    else if (key == "r") { keycode = 21; }
    else if (key == "s") { keycode = 22; }
    else if (key == "t") { keycode = 23; }
    else if (key == "u") { keycode = 24; }
    else if (key == "v") { keycode = 25; }
    else if (key == "w") { keycode = 26; }
    else if (key == "x") { keycode = 27; }
    else if (key == "y") { keycode = 28; }
    else if (key == "z") { keycode = 29; }

    else if (key == "1" || key == "!") { keycode = 30; }
    else if (key == "2" || key == "@") { keycode = 31; }
    else if (key == "3" || key == "#") { keycode = 32; }
    else if (key == "4" || key == "$") { keycode = 33; }
    else if (key == "5" || key == "%") { keycode = 34; }
    else if (key == "6" || key == "^") { keycode = 35; }
    else if (key == "7" || key == "&") { keycode = 36; }
    else if (key == "8" || key == "*") { keycode = 37; }
    else if (key == "9" || key == "(") { keycode = 38; }
    else if (key == "0" || key == ")") { keycode = 39; }

    else if (key == "enter" || key == "return")     { keycode = 40; }
    else if (key == "escape" || key == "")    { keycode = 41; }
    else if (key == "backspace" || key == "") { keycode = 42; }
    else if (key == "tab" || key == "  ")      { keycode = 43; }
    else if (key == "space" || key == " ")      { keycode = 44; }

    else if (key == "-" || key == "_")  { keycode = 45; }
    else if (key == "=" || key == "+")  { keycode = 46; }
    else if (key == "[" || key == "{")  { keycode = 47; }
    else if (key == "]" || key == "}")  { keycode = 48; }
    else if (key == "\\" || key == "|") { keycode = 49; }
    else if (key == ";" || key == ":")  { keycode = 51; }
    else if (key == "'" || key == "\"") { keycode = 52; }
    else if (key == "`" || key == "~")  { keycode = 53; }
    else if (key == "," || key == "<")  { keycode = 54; }
    else if (key == "." || key == ">")  { keycode = 55; }
    else if (key == "/" || key == "?")  { keycode = 56; }

    // TODO: Fix these keycodes. V
    else if (key == "capslock")         { keycode = 58; }

    else if (key == "f1")      { keycode = 59; }
    else if (key == "f2")      { keycode = 60; }
    else if (key == "f3")      { keycode = 61; }
    else if (key == "f4")      { keycode = 62; }
    else if (key == "f5")      { keycode = 63; }
    else if (key == "f6")      { keycode = 64; }
    else if (key == "f7")      { keycode = 65; }
    else if (key == "f8")      { keycode = 66; }
    else if (key == "f9")      { keycode = 67; }
    else if (key == "f10")     { keycode = 68; }
    else if (key == "f11")     { keycode = 69; }
    else if (key == "f12")     { keycode = 70; }

    else if (key == "print_screen")    { keycode = 70; }
    else if (key == "scroll_lock")     { keycode = 71; }
    else if (key == "pause")           { keycode = 72; }
    else if (key == "insert")          { keycode = 73; }
    else if (key == "home")            { keycode = 74; }
    else if (key == "page_up")         { keycode = 75; }
    else if (key == "delete")          { keycode = 76; }
    else if (key == "end")             { keycode = 77; }
    else if (key == "page_down")       { keycode = 78; }

    else if (key == "right_arrow")     { keycode = 79; }
    else if (key == "left_arrow")      { keycode = 80; }
    else if (key == "down_arrow")      { keycode = 81; }
    else if (key == "up_arrow")        { keycode = 82; }

    else if (key == "numlock" || key == "clear")   { keycode = 83; }

    //TODO: keypad and miscellaneous keys if you want them.

    // modifier keys.
    else if (key == "left_control")  { keycode = 224; }
    else if (key == "left_shift")    { keycode = 225; }
    else if (key == "left_alt")      { keycode = 226; }
    else if (key == "left_gui")      { keycode = 227; }

    else if (key == "right_control") { keycode = 228; }
    else if (key == "right_shift")   { keycode = 229; }
    else if (key == "right_alt")     { keycode = 230; }
    else if (key == "right_gui")     { keycode = 231; }

    return keycode;

int getModifierMask(String keyname) {
    return getModifierMask(getKeycode(keyname));
int getModifierMask(int keycode) { // return value of 0 means key is not a modifier.
    int modifiermask = 0;

    // NOTE: these are not the usage keycodes like for other keys, but rather the bit masks.
    if      (keycode == 224) { modifiermask = B00000001; } // left ctrl
    else if (keycode == 225) { modifiermask = B00000010; } // left shift
    else if (keycode == 226) { modifiermask = B00000100; } // left alt
    else if (keycode == 227) { modifiermask = B00001000; } // left gui
    else if (keycode == 228) { modifiermask = B00010000; } // right ctrl
    else if (keycode == 229) { modifiermask = B00100000; } // right shift
    else if (keycode == 230) { modifiermask = B01000000; } // right alt
    else if (keycode == 231) { modifiermask = B10000000; } // right gui

    return modifiermask;


Walid Mafuj

Walid Mafuj

2 projects • 26 followers
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