Leonid Polyakov

Environmental Monitoring with TPS, Azure, and PowerBI

Сollect environmental data with Tibbo Project System devices, process it with Azure Stream Analytics and visualize using Power BI.

BeginnerProtip1.5 hours1,796
Environmental Monitoring with TPS, Azure, and PowerBI

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Tibbo Technology Size 3 Linux Tibbo Project PCB
Tibbo Technology Tibbit #00-3 (Two direct I/O lines, +5V power, ground)
Tibbo Technology Tibbit #18 (Power input)
Optional. Instead, direct 5V on-board power input can be used.
Tibbo Technology Tibbit #10 (Medium-power 5V supply, 12V input)
Optional. Instead, direct 5V on-board power input can be used.
Tibbo Technology Tibbit #30 (Ambient humidity meter)
Tibbo Technology Tibbit #35 (Barometric pressure sensor)
Tibbo Technology Tibbit #28 (Ambient light sensor)
Tibbo Technology Size 3 Tibbo Project Box

Software apps and online services

Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure


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Tibbits Layout


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Leonid Polyakov
1 project • 0 followers
