
Arduino Half-Step Stepper Motor Driver L298N

Using an Arduino MKR and L298N H-bridge to drive a NEMA 17 stepper.

Arduino Half-Step Stepper Motor Driver L298N

Things used in this project


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Arduino MotorShield Rev3 Connection

Connect the Stepper

Data Dump Sheet

Xls sheet to copy-past the measured current data



Stepper Motor example - half step sequence
Motor Shield Stepper Demo for MKR1000
By JV / 2019

Nem17 stepper motor Astrosyn MY5401 - 1.8 degrees/step, Bidir (4 lead), max 0.75Amp per coil -> Sense : 1.65V/Amp => 3.3V / 2 amp
Motor Driver L298 on Arduino Motor Shield Rev3

Function: start stepper left or right by half-step sequence
Runs for a cerctain amount of usteps
Measures current in a monitor array, to detect stalling : stops drive
Starts with a ramp-up speed to mamimize torque

#define DBG
#define  MOTORLOCK  50      // 10* % current amplitude volume  variantion to signal a lock-up. set level higher at higher motorspeed (lower delay)
#define  PEAKFILTER 180     // max peak accepted, to filter out current peaks (wrong measurements?)
#define  MOTORSTART 1200    // ammount of usteps the slow start kicks in : 3 turns

const int DIRA=12;    // IN1 = DIRA, switches one leg Half-BridgeA  
const int BRAKEA=9;   // IN2 = DIRA xNor BRAKEA, switched one leg of BridgeA  => 1= DIRA 0= #DIRA
const int ENA=3;      // ENA = PWMA, enable signal for half Bridge A
const int DIRB=0;     // IN3 = DIRB, switches one leg of Half-BridgeB (!! ex pin 13 on Arduino UNO)
const int BRAKEB=8;   // IN3 = DIRB xNor BRAKEB, switches one leg of Half-BridgeB => 
const int ENB=11;     // ENB = PWMB, enable singnal for Half Bridge B
const int ARRAY=32;           // over current Monitoring Array
const int SARRAY=256;         // long term array for Debugging purposes : data dump
const int Current0 = A0;      // Port for analog current measurement A0 = SenseA

int ShadowArray[SARRAY];
int CounterSh=0;

int CurrentArray0[ARRAY];
int AverageArray0[ARRAY];
int AmplitudeArray0[ARRAY];
int CounterAv=0;;
int CounterAm=0;
int CounterCu=0;
int AvgCurrent=0;
int Lock;

int Sequencer[7][8] ={                  // Sequencer[MotorPin][Value] 8 states
      0,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,    // DIRA = IN1
      1,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,    // BRAKEA  high = follows DIRA, IN2 = #IN1
    100,700,950,700,100,700,950,700,    // ENA PWM, hard coded TCC Timer@24Khz : 1000 = full open 700 = 70% (1/V2)
      1,  1,  0,  0,  0  ,0  ,0  ,1,    // DIRB = IN3
      0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,    // BRAKEB high = follows DIRB, IN4 = #IN3
    950,700,100,700,950,700,100,700,    // ENB PWM, hard coded TCC Timer@24KHz : 1000 = full open 700 = 70% (1/V2)
    700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700     // uSec Delay per 1/8 Phase

void setup() {
  //establish motor direction toggle pins
  pinMode(DIRA, OUTPUT); //CH A 
  pinMode(BRAKEA, OUTPUT); //brake (disable) CH A
  pinMode(DIRB, OUTPUT); //CH B 
  pinMode(BRAKEB, OUTPUT); //brake (disable) CH B
  // pin 3 PWMA out
  // pin 11 PWMB out

  analogReference(AR_DEFAULT); // 3.3V internal reference
  analogReadResolution(10); // 10 bit resolution is ok, gives 0-1024 value on A0 is SenseA -> 1,65V/Amp => ful resolution = 2 Amp
//analogWrite(3,255);    not used due to Highspeed PWM setup with Cortex0-M0
//analogWrite(11,255);   not used due to Highspeed PWM setup with Cortex0-M0

void loop(){ // Example loops


MotorLoop(400,0);  // turns 400 usteps CCW = 1 turn

MotorLoop(1600,1);  // turns 3200 usteps  CW = 4 turns

MotorLoop(4800,0);  // turns 6400 usteps  CW = 12 turns

// motor loop By BITBANGING the Sequence Array, 
// 1 ustep cycle, dir =1 -> CCW, dir = 0 -> CW, 400 usteps = 1 rotation
void MotorLoop(int lps,int dir) {
int t=0;
int v=0;
int level=0;
int dly; 
int tslow= MOTORSTART;
int ttslow=0;

    CounterSh=0;  // initialises array counters
Lock=0;                  // Sense Lock up of motor, clear for start of run
dir=(dir&1)*4;           //make it binary and 0 or 4 (4 shift = half cycle step in the sequence array = 90 degrees )
if(lps <0) lps= 32768;   // -1 loops makes loops maximum

for(t=0;t<lps;++t) {
  digitalWrite(DIRA, Sequencer[0][t%8]);           //DISABLE CH A
  digitalWrite(BRAKEA, Sequencer[1][t%8]);         //Sets direction of CH A
  REG_TCC1_CC1 = Sequencer[2][t%8];                // TCC1 CC1 - on D3  50%
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC1);                  // Wait for synchronization
  digitalWrite(DIRB, Sequencer[3][(t+dir)%8]);     //DISABLE CH B
  digitalWrite(BRAKEB, Sequencer[4][(t+dir)%8]);   //Sets direction of CH B
  REG_TCC1_CC0 = Sequencer[5][(t+dir)%8];          // TCC1 CC0 - on D11 50%
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC0);                  // Wait for synchronization 

  dly = Sequencer[6][t%8]+ tslow/4+ttslow; 
  if ( tslow>0 ) tslow--;                     // tslow counter for slow (re)start

  //  read current, calculate Array : est. 500 microseconds
  if ( (t%8)==2 || (t%8)==6 ){    // measure Half-Bridge CoilA current, only on max amplitudes in cycle 3 and 7
    delayMicroseconds(dly-500);               // shorter delay due to processing part of 500us
    level = analogRead(Current0);;            // read current 
    CurrentArray0[CounterCu]= level;          // move to current monitor window
    ShadowArray[CounterSh]=level;             // move to debug ARRAY
    CounterCu = (CounterCu+1)%ARRAY;          // loop counter
    CounterSh = (CounterSh+1)%SARRAY;         // loop counter
    Lock = (int) CalcArray();                 // calculate array's and check for overshoot
    if ( (Lock > MOTORLOCK) && (t > ARRAY*4) )  t=lps+1;    // stop loop:  if lock has value: stop, ignore first 128 steps (array not filled)
   // else ttslow= Lock;                      // slow down motor a bit when its peaking    

// Update Current array calculations 
int CalcArray(){
int w = 0;

int tmp=0;
int vol=0;

  for (w=0 ; w<ARRAY ; ++w){                                           // loop array and calculate average of the buffer
     AvgCurrent = ( (ARRAY-1)*AvgCurrent + CurrentArray0[w])/ARRAY;    // Calc new average
     AverageArray0[w] = AvgCurrent;
     tmp = abs(CurrentArray0[w]-AvgCurrent)%PEAKFILTER;                // calculate deviation, filter peaks out by modulo operator.
     vol += tmp;                                                       // calculatie volume deviation
   vol=(1000*(vol/ARRAY))/AvgCurrent ; // scale to average per array-sample relative to average (in 10* %)
   AmplitudeArray0[(CounterAm++)%ARRAY] = vol;
   return (vol);  

// power down thew motor, disable all mosfets
void MotorPowerDown() {
  digitalWrite(DIRA, LOW);     //DISABLE CH A
  digitalWrite(BRAKEA, HIGH);   //Sets direction of CH A

  digitalWrite(DIRB, LOW);     //DISABLE CH B
  digitalWrite(BRAKEB, HIGH);   //Sets direction of CH B

// Dump data to serial in xls format semicolon separated
void DumpData() {
int u;
//Dump Array data Shadow
  for (u=0;u<SARRAY;++u) {
  Serial.print(ShadowArray[u]); Serial.println(";");
//Dump Monitor Array data
  Serial.print("Current;Average;VolumeDiff; -Lock;");Serial.print(Lock);Serial.println(";");
  for (u=0;u<ARRAY;++u) {
  Serial.print(CurrentArray0[u]); Serial.print(";");
  Serial.print(AverageArray0[u]); Serial.print(";");
  Serial.print(AmplitudeArray0[u]); Serial.println(";");

// Output PWM 24Khz on digital pin D3  and D11 using timer TCC1 (10-bit resolution)
void setupPWMTimers()
  REG_GCLK_GENDIV = GCLK_GENDIV_DIV(1) |          // Divide the 48MHz clock source by divisor N=1: 48MHz/1=48MHz
                    GCLK_GENDIV_ID(4);            // Select Generic Clock (GCLK) 4
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  REG_GCLK_GENCTRL = GCLK_GENCTRL_IDC |           // Set the duty cycle to 50/50 HIGH/LOW
                     GCLK_GENCTRL_GENEN |         // Enable GCLK4
                     GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_DFLL48M |   // Set the 48MHz clock source
                     GCLK_GENCTRL_ID(4);          // Select GCLK4
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Enable the port multiplexer for the digital pin D3 and D11  **** g_APinDescription() converts Arduino Pin to SAMD21 pin
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[3].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[3].ulPin].bit.PMUXEN = 1;
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[11].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[11].ulPin].bit.PMUXEN = 1;
  // Connect the TCC1 timer to digital output D3 and D11 - port pins are paired odd PMUO and even PMUXE
  // F & E specify the timers: TCC0, TCC1 and TCC2
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[2].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[2].ulPin >> 1].reg = PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_E;  // D3 is on PA11 = odd, use Device E on TCC1/WO[1]
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[11].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[11].ulPin >> 1].reg = PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_F; // D11 is on PA08 = even, use device F on TCC1/WO[0]

  // Feed GCLK4 to TCC0 and TCC1
  REG_GCLK_CLKCTRL = GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN |         // Enable GCLK4 to TCC0 and TCC1
                     GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK4 |     // Select GCLK4
                     GCLK_CLKCTRL_ID_TCC0_TCC1;   // Feed GCLK4 to TCC0 and TCC1
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Dual slope PWM operation: timers countinuously count up to PER register value then down 0
  REG_TCC1_WAVE |= TCC_WAVE_POL(0xF) |           // Reverse the output polarity on all TCC0 outputs
                    TCC_WAVE_WAVEGEN_DSBOTH;     // Setup dual slope PWM on TCC0
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.WAVE);               // Wait for synchronization

  // Each timer counts up to a maximum or TOP value set by the PER register,
  // this determines the frequency of the PWM operation: Freq = 48Mhz/(2*N*PER)
  REG_TCC1_PER = 1000;                            // Set the FreqTcc of the PWM on TCC1 to 24Khz
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.PER);                // Wait for synchronization
  // Set the PWM signal to output , PWM ds = 2*N(TOP-CCx)/Freqtcc => PWM=0 => CCx=PER, PWM=50% => CCx = PER/2
  REG_TCC1_CC1 = 800;                             // TCC1 CC1 - on D3  80%
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC1);                   // Wait for synchronization
  REG_TCC1_CC0 = 800;                             // TCC1 CC0 - on D11 80%
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC0);                   // Wait for synchronization
  // Divide the GCLOCK signal by 1 giving  in this case 48MHz (20.83ns) TCC1 timer tick and enable the outputs
                    TCC_CTRLA_ENABLE;             // Enable the TCC0 output
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.ENABLE);              // Wait for synchronization


Arduino Sketch
Motor Shield Stepper Demo for MKR1000
By JV / 2019

Nem17 stepper motor Astrosyn MY5401 - 1.8 degrees/step, Bidir (4 lead), max 0.75Amp per coil -> Sense : 1.65V/Amp => 3.3V / 2 amp
Motor Driver L298 on Arduino Motor Shield Rev3

Function: start stepper left or right by half-step sequence
Runs for a cerctain amount of usteps
Measures current in a monitor array, to detect stalling : stops drive
Starts with a ramp-up speed to mamimize torque

#define DBG
#define  MOTORLOCK  50      // 10* % current amplitude volume  variantion to signal a lock-up. set level higher at higher motorspeed (lower delay)
#define  PEAKFILTER 180     // max peak accepted, to filter out current peaks (wrong measurements?)
#define  MOTORSTART 1200    // ammount of usteps the slow start kicks in : 3 turns

const int DIRA=12;    // IN1 = DIRA, switches one leg Half-BridgeA  
const int BRAKEA=9;   // IN2 = DIRA xNor BRAKEA, switched one leg of BridgeA  => 1= DIRA 0= #DIRA
const int ENA=3;      // ENA = PWMA, enable signal for half Bridge A
const int DIRB=0;     // IN3 = DIRB, switches one leg of Half-BridgeB (!! ex pin 13 on Arduino UNO)
const int BRAKEB=8;   // IN3 = DIRB xNor BRAKEB, switches one leg of Half-BridgeB => 
const int ENB=11;     // ENB = PWMB, enable singnal for Half Bridge B
const int ARRAY=32;           // over current Monitoring Array
const int SARRAY=256;         // long term array for Debugging purposes : data dump
const int Current0 = A0;      // Port for analog current measurement A0 = SenseA

int ShadowArray[SARRAY];
int CounterSh=0;

int CurrentArray0[ARRAY];
int AverageArray0[ARRAY];
int AmplitudeArray0[ARRAY];
int CounterAv=0;;
int CounterAm=0;
int CounterCu=0;
int AvgCurrent=0;
int Lock;

int Sequencer[7][8] ={                  // Sequencer[MotorPin][Value] 8 states
      0,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,    // DIRA = IN1
      1,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,    // BRAKEA  high = follows DIRA, IN2 = #IN1
    100,700,950,700,100,700,950,700,    // ENA PWM, hard coded TCC Timer@24Khz : 1000 = full open 700 = 70% (1/V2)
      1,  1,  0,  0,  0  ,0  ,0  ,1,    // DIRB = IN3
      0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0,  1,  0,    // BRAKEB high = follows DIRB, IN4 = #IN3
    950,700,100,700,950,700,100,700,    // ENB PWM, hard coded TCC Timer@24KHz : 1000 = full open 700 = 70% (1/V2)
    700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700     // uSec Delay per 1/8 Phase

void setup() {
  //establish motor direction toggle pins
  pinMode(DIRA, OUTPUT); //CH A 
  pinMode(BRAKEA, OUTPUT); //brake (disable) CH A
  pinMode(DIRB, OUTPUT); //CH B 
  pinMode(BRAKEB, OUTPUT); //brake (disable) CH B
  // pin 3 PWMA out
  // pin 11 PWMB out

  analogReference(AR_DEFAULT); // 3.3V internal reference
  analogReadResolution(10); // 10 bit resolution is ok, gives 0-1024 value on A0 is SenseA -> 1,65V/Amp => ful resolution = 2 Amp
//analogWrite(3,255);    not used due to Highspeed PWM setup with Cortex0-M0
//analogWrite(11,255);   not used due to Highspeed PWM setup with Cortex0-M0

void loop(){ // Example loops


MotorLoop(400,0);  // turns 400 usteps CCW = 1 turn

MotorLoop(1600,1);  // turns 3200 usteps  CW = 4 turns

MotorLoop(4800,0);  // turns 6400 usteps  CW = 12 turns

// motor loop By BITBANGING the Sequence Array, 
// 1 ustep cycle, dir =1 -> CCW, dir = 0 -> CW, 400 usteps = 1 rotation
void MotorLoop(int lps,int dir) {
int t=0;
int v=0;
int level=0;
int dly; 
int tslow= MOTORSTART;
int ttslow=0;

    CounterSh=0;  // initialises array counters
Lock=0;                  // Sense Lock up of motor, clear for start of run
dir=(dir&1)*4;           //make it binary and 0 or 4 (4 shift = half cycle step in the sequence array = 90 degrees )
if(lps <0) lps= 32768;   // -1 loops makes loops maximum

for(t=0;t<lps;++t) {
  digitalWrite(DIRA, Sequencer[0][t%8]);           //DISABLE CH A
  digitalWrite(BRAKEA, Sequencer[1][t%8]);         //Sets direction of CH A
  REG_TCC1_CC1 = Sequencer[2][t%8];                // TCC1 CC1 - on D3  50%
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC1);                  // Wait for synchronization
  digitalWrite(DIRB, Sequencer[3][(t+dir)%8]);     //DISABLE CH B
  digitalWrite(BRAKEB, Sequencer[4][(t+dir)%8]);   //Sets direction of CH B
  REG_TCC1_CC0 = Sequencer[5][(t+dir)%8];          // TCC1 CC0 - on D11 50%
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC0);                  // Wait for synchronization 

  dly = Sequencer[6][t%8]+ tslow/4+ttslow; 
  if ( tslow>0 ) tslow--;                     // tslow counter for slow (re)start

  //  read current, calculate Array : est. 500 microseconds
  if ( (t%8)==2 || (t%8)==6 ){    // measure Half-Bridge CoilA current, only on max amplitudes in cycle 3 and 7
    delayMicroseconds(dly-500);               // shorter delay due to processing part of 500us
    level = analogRead(Current0);;            // read current 
    CurrentArray0[CounterCu]= level;          // move to current monitor window
    ShadowArray[CounterSh]=level;             // move to debug ARRAY
    CounterCu = (CounterCu+1)%ARRAY;          // loop counter
    CounterSh = (CounterSh+1)%SARRAY;         // loop counter
    Lock = (int) CalcArray();                 // calculate array's and check for overshoot
    if ( (Lock > MOTORLOCK) && (t > ARRAY*4) )  t=lps+1;    // stop loop:  if lock has value: stop, ignore first 128 steps (array not filled)
   // else ttslow= Lock;                      // slow down motor a bit when its peaking    

// Update Current array calculations 
int CalcArray(){
int w = 0;

int tmp=0;
int vol=0;

  for (w=0 ; w<ARRAY ; ++w){                                           // loop array and calculate average of the buffer
     AvgCurrent = ( (ARRAY-1)*AvgCurrent + CurrentArray0[w])/ARRAY;    // Calc new average
     AverageArray0[w] = AvgCurrent;
     tmp = abs(CurrentArray0[w]-AvgCurrent)&PEAKFILTER;                // calculate deviation, roughly filter the peaks out by modulo
     vol += tmp;                                                       // calculatie volume deviation
   vol=(1000*(vol/ARRAY))/AvgCurrent ; // scale to average per array-sample relative to average (in 10* %)
   AmplitudeArray0[(CounterAm++)%ARRAY] = vol;
   return (vol);  

// power down thew motor, disable all mosfets
void MotorPowerDown() {
  digitalWrite(DIRA, LOW);     //DISABLE CH A
  digitalWrite(BRAKEA, HIGH);   //Sets direction of CH A

  digitalWrite(DIRB, LOW);     //DISABLE CH B
  digitalWrite(BRAKEB, HIGH);   //Sets direction of CH B

// Dump data to serial in xls format semicolon separated
void DumpData() {
int u;
//Dump Array data Shadow
  for (u=0;u<SARRAY;++u) {
  Serial.print(ShadowArray[u]); Serial.println(";");
//Dump Monitor Array data
  Serial.print("Current;Average;VolumeDiff; -Lock;");Serial.print(Lock);Serial.println(";");
  for (u=0;u<ARRAY;++u) {
  Serial.print(CurrentArray0[u]); Serial.print(";");
  Serial.print(AverageArray0[u]); Serial.print(";");
  Serial.print(AmplitudeArray0[u]); Serial.println(";");

// Output PWM 24Khz on digital pin D3  and D11 using timer TCC1 (10-bit resolution)
void setupPWMTimers()
  REG_GCLK_GENDIV = GCLK_GENDIV_DIV(1) |          // Divide the 48MHz clock source by divisor N=1: 48MHz/1=48MHz
                    GCLK_GENDIV_ID(4);            // Select Generic Clock (GCLK) 4
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  REG_GCLK_GENCTRL = GCLK_GENCTRL_IDC |           // Set the duty cycle to 50/50 HIGH/LOW
                     GCLK_GENCTRL_GENEN |         // Enable GCLK4
                     GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_DFLL48M |   // Set the 48MHz clock source
                     GCLK_GENCTRL_ID(4);          // Select GCLK4
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Enable the port multiplexer for the digital pin D3 and D11  **** g_APinDescription() converts Arduino Pin to SAMD21 pin
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[3].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[3].ulPin].bit.PMUXEN = 1;
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[11].ulPort].PINCFG[g_APinDescription[11].ulPin].bit.PMUXEN = 1;
  // Connect the TCC1 timer to digital output D3 and D11 - port pins are paired odd PMUO and even PMUXE
  // F & E specify the timers: TCC0, TCC1 and TCC2
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[2].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[2].ulPin >> 1].reg = PORT_PMUX_PMUXO_E;  // D3 is on PA11 = odd, use Device E on TCC1/WO[1]
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[11].ulPort].PMUX[g_APinDescription[11].ulPin >> 1].reg = PORT_PMUX_PMUXE_F; // D11 is on PA08 = even, use device F on TCC1/WO[0]

  // Feed GCLK4 to TCC0 and TCC1
  REG_GCLK_CLKCTRL = GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN |         // Enable GCLK4 to TCC0 and TCC1
                     GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK4 |     // Select GCLK4
                     GCLK_CLKCTRL_ID_TCC0_TCC1;   // Feed GCLK4 to TCC0 and TCC1
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Dual slope PWM operation: timers countinuously count up to PER register value then down 0
  REG_TCC1_WAVE |= TCC_WAVE_POL(0xF) |           // Reverse the output polarity on all TCC0 outputs
                    TCC_WAVE_WAVEGEN_DSBOTH;     // Setup dual slope PWM on TCC0
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.WAVE);               // Wait for synchronization

  // Each timer counts up to a maximum or TOP value set by the PER register,
  // this determines the frequency of the PWM operation: Freq = 48Mhz/(2*N*PER)
  REG_TCC1_PER = 1000;                            // Set the FreqTcc of the PWM on TCC1 to 24Khz
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.PER);                // Wait for synchronization
  // Set the PWM signal to output , PWM ds = 2*N(TOP-CCx)/Freqtcc => PWM=0 => CCx=PER, PWM=50% => CCx = PER/2
  REG_TCC1_CC1 = 800;                             // TCC1 CC1 - on D3  80%
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC1);                   // Wait for synchronization
  REG_TCC1_CC0 = 800;                             // TCC1 CC0 - on D11 80%
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC0);                   // Wait for synchronization
  // Divide the GCLOCK signal by 1 giving  in this case 48MHz (20.83ns) TCC1 timer tick and enable the outputs
                    TCC_CTRLA_ENABLE;             // Enable the TCC0 output
  while (TCC1->SYNCBUSY.bit.ENABLE);              // Wait for synchronization




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