vinay y.n
Published © GPL3+

Wio WM1110: Quick Start Guide for Seamless Integration

This concise guide provides everything you need to begin with the Wio WM1110, your gateway to seamless LoRaWAN development.

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Wio WM1110: Quick Start Guide for Seamless Integration

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Connection diagram



Use SES For compiling along with the nRF SDK
#include "main_lorawan.h"
#include "lorawan_key_config.h"
#include "smtc_board.h"
#include "smtc_hal.h"
#include "apps_modem_common.h"
#include "apps_modem_event.h"
#include "smtc_modem_api.h"
#include "device_management_defs.h"
#include "smtc_board_ralf.h"
#include "apps_utilities.h"
#include "smtc_modem_utilities.h"

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * --- PRIVATE MACROS-----------------------------------------------------------

float temp = 0, humi = 0;
 * @brief Stringify constants
#define xstr( a ) str( a )
#define str( a ) #a

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * --- PRIVATE CONSTANTS -------------------------------------------------------

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * --- PRIVATE TYPES -----------------------------------------------------------

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * --- PRIVATE VARIABLES -------------------------------------------------------

 * @brief Stack identifier
static uint8_t stack_id = 0;

 * @brief User application data
static uint8_t app_data_buffer[LORAWAN_APP_DATA_MAX_SIZE];

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * --- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS DECLARATION -------------------------------------------

 * @brief   Send an application frame on LoRaWAN port defined by LORAWAN_APP_PORT
 * @param [in] buffer     Buffer containing the LoRaWAN buffer
 * @param [in] length     Payload length
 * @param [in] confirmed  Send a confirmed or unconfirmed uplink [false : unconfirmed / true : confirmed]
static void send_frame( const uint8_t* buffer, const uint8_t length, const bool confirmed );

 * @brief Parse the received downlink
 * @remark Demonstrates how a TLV-encoded command sequence received by downlink can control the state of an LED. It can
 * easily be extended to handle other commands received on the same port or another port.
 * @param [in] port LoRaWAN port
 * @param [in] payload Payload Buffer
 * @param [in] size Payload size
static void parse_downlink_frame( uint8_t port, const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size );

 * @brief Reset event callback
 * @param [in] reset_count reset counter from the modem
static void on_modem_reset( uint16_t reset_count );

 * @brief Network Joined event callback
static void on_modem_network_joined( void );

 * @brief Alarm event callback
static void on_modem_alarm( void );

 * @brief Tx done event callback
 * @param [in] status tx done status @ref smtc_modem_event_txdone_status_t
static void on_modem_tx_done( smtc_modem_event_txdone_status_t status );

 * @brief Downlink data event callback.
 * @param [in] rssi       RSSI in signed value in dBm + 64
 * @param [in] snr        SNR signed value in 0.25 dB steps
 * @param [in] rx_window  RX window
 * @param [in] port       LoRaWAN port
 * @param [in] payload    Received buffer pointer
 * @param [in] size       Received buffer size
static void on_modem_down_data( int8_t rssi, int8_t snr, smtc_modem_event_downdata_window_t rx_window, uint8_t port,
                                const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size );

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * --- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS DEFINITION ---------------------------------------------

 * @brief Main application entry point.
int main( void )
hal_debug_init( );
    hal_i2c_master_init( );
    hal_gpio_init_out( SENSOR_POWER, HAL_GPIO_SET );
    hal_mcu_wait_ms( 10 ); // wait power on   
    SHT41Init( );
    static apps_modem_event_callback_t smtc_event_callback = {
        .adr_mobile_to_static  = NULL,
        .alarm                 = on_modem_alarm,
        .almanac_update        = NULL,
        .down_data             = on_modem_down_data,
        .join_fail             = NULL,
        .joined                = on_modem_network_joined,
        .link_status           = NULL,
        .mute                  = NULL,
        .new_link_adr          = NULL,
        .reset                 = on_modem_reset,
        .set_conf              = NULL,
        .stream_done           = NULL,
        .time_updated_alc_sync = NULL,
        .tx_done               = on_modem_tx_done,
        .upload_done           = NULL,

    /* Initialise the ralf_t object corresponding to the board */
    ralf_t* modem_radio = smtc_board_initialise_and_get_ralf( );

    /* Disable IRQ to avoid unwanted behaviour during init */
    hal_mcu_disable_irq( );

    /* Init board and peripherals */
    hal_mcu_init( );
    smtc_board_init_periph( );

    /* Init the Lora Basics Modem event callbacks */
    apps_modem_event_init( &smtc_event_callback );

    /* Init the modem and use apps_modem_event_process as event callback, please note that the callback will be called
     * immediately after the first call to modem_run_engine because of the reset detection */
    smtc_modem_init( modem_radio, &apps_modem_event_process );

    /* Re-enable IRQ */
    hal_mcu_enable_irq( );

    HAL_DBG_TRACE_MSG( "\n" );
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "###### ===== LoRa Basics Modem LoRaWAN Class A/C demo application ==== ######\n\n" );

    /* LoRa Basics Modem Version */
    apps_modem_common_display_lbm_version( );

    /* Configure the partial low power mode */
    hal_mcu_partial_sleep_enable( APP_PARTIAL_SLEEP );

    while( 1 )
        /* Execute modem runtime, this function must be called again in sleep_time_ms milliseconds or sooner. */
        uint32_t sleep_time_ms = smtc_modem_run_engine( );
        SHT41GetTempAndHumi( &temp, &humi );
//HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "temp = %.1f, humi = %.1f\r\n", temp, humi );

        hal_mcu_set_sleep_for_ms( sleep_time_ms );

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * --- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS DEFINITION --------------------------------------------

static void on_modem_reset( uint16_t reset_count )
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Application parameters:\n" );
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "  - LoRaWAN uplink Fport = %d\n", LORAWAN_APP_PORT );
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "  - DM report interval   = %d\n", APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE );
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "  - Confirmed uplink     = %s\n", ( LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON == true ) ? "Yes" : "No" );

    apps_modem_common_configure_lorawan_params( stack_id );

    ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_join_network( stack_id ) );

static void on_modem_network_joined( void )
    ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_alarm_start_timer( APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE ) );

    ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_adr_set_profile( stack_id, LORAWAN_DEFAULT_DATARATE, adr_custom_list ) );

static void on_modem_alarm( void )
    smtc_modem_status_mask_t modem_status;
    uint32_t                 charge        = 0;
    uint8_t                  app_data_size = 0;

    /* Schedule next packet transmission */
    ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_alarm_start_timer( APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE ) );
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_PRINTF( "smtc_modem_alarm_start_timer: %d s\n\n", APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE );

    ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_get_status( stack_id, &modem_status ) );
    modem_status_to_string( modem_status );

    app_data_buffer[app_data_size++] = temp;
    app_data_buffer[app_data_size++] = humi;

    send_frame( app_data_buffer, app_data_size, LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON );

static void on_modem_tx_done( smtc_modem_event_txdone_status_t status )
    static uint32_t uplink_count = 0;

    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Uplink count: %d\n", ++uplink_count );

static void on_modem_down_data( int8_t rssi, int8_t snr, smtc_modem_event_downdata_window_t rx_window, uint8_t port,
                                const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t size )
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Downlink received:\n" );
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "  - LoRaWAN Fport = %d\n", port );
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "  - Payload size  = %d\n", size );
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "  - RSSI          = %d dBm\n", rssi - 64 );
    HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "  - SNR           = %d dB\n", snr >> 2 );

    switch( rx_window )
        HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "  - Rx window     = %s\n", xstr( SMTC_MODEM_EVENT_DOWNDATA_WINDOW_RX1 ) );
        HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "  - Rx window     = %s\n", xstr( SMTC_MODEM_EVENT_DOWNDATA_WINDOW_RX2 ) );
        HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "  - Rx window     = %s\n", xstr( SMTC_MODEM_EVENT_DOWNDATA_WINDOW_RXC ) );

    if( size != 0 )
        HAL_DBG_TRACE_ARRAY( "Payload", payload, size );

static void send_frame( const uint8_t* buffer, const uint8_t length, bool tx_confirmed )
    uint8_t tx_max_payload;
    int32_t duty_cycle;

    /* Check if duty cycle is available */
    ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_get_duty_cycle_status( &duty_cycle ) );
    if( duty_cycle < 0 )
        HAL_DBG_TRACE_WARNING( "Duty-cycle limitation - next possible uplink in %d ms \n\n", duty_cycle );

    ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_get_next_tx_max_payload( stack_id, &tx_max_payload ) );
    if( length > tx_max_payload )
        HAL_DBG_TRACE_WARNING( "Not enough space in buffer - send empty uplink to flush MAC commands \n" );
        ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_request_empty_uplink( stack_id, true, LORAWAN_APP_PORT, tx_confirmed ) );
        HAL_DBG_TRACE_INFO( "Request uplink\n" );
        ASSERT_SMTC_MODEM_RC( smtc_modem_request_uplink( stack_id, LORAWAN_APP_PORT, tx_confirmed, buffer, length ) );

/* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */


vinay y.n
27 projects • 46 followers
An electronic product engineer with 8 years of experience in the field. The passion for electronics began as a hobby 11 years ago.
