Sumit Kumar
Published © MIT

Unlock Passwords with TinyML-based Digit Recognition

Perform the MNIST digit recognition on passwords using the TinyML approach on a tiny MCU.

IntermediateFull instructions provided6 hours742

Things used in this project

Hardware components

M5Stack Core2 ESP32 IoT Development Kit
M5Stack Core2 ESP32 IoT Development Kit
The MCU is an ESP32 model D0WDQ6-V3 and has dual core Xtensa® 32-bit 240Mhz LX6 processors that can be controlled separately. Wi-Fi are supported as standard and it includes an on board 16MB Flash and 8MB PSRAM, USB TYPE-C interface for charging, downloading of programs and serial communication, a 2.0-inch integrated capacitive touch screen, and a built-in vibration motor.

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Neuton Tiny ML Neuton


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Sumit Kumar

Sumit Kumar

32 projects • 96 followers
19 y/o. My daily routine involves dealing with electronics, code, distributed storage and cloud APIs.
