Danny van den Brande
Published © CC BY-SA

IR Remote Home Control Using the KY-022

Hello again!, I created a home control using the HX1838 IR Remote and the KY-022 IR Receiver. I added some relays to it.

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IR Remote Home Control Using the KY-022

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//Author: Danny van den Brande. ArduinoSensors.nl
//Do what ever you want with this code!
//Again a Multifuntional code, you can control your whole home with it if you want. I made a simple example on how to do this. Good luck!
#include <IRremote.h> //Important to have the library installed! https://codebender.cc/library/IRremote
int IRreceiver = 4; 
int Relay = 5; 
// You can add a 8 channel relay to, to control your home from 1 remote control for example. Just change the leds and buzzer to Relays.
// i already set extra relays in the code so all you need to do is add them. Right now we have 10 11 and 12 USED, you can add 3 more relays.
int Relay1 = 10;
int Relay2 = 11;
int Relay3 = 12;
int RedLed = 6;
int GreenLed = 7;
int BlueLed = 8;
int Buzzer = 9;
int OnOrOFF[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; //If you add a button, then add a ,0 here for each button you add.

//Here we Define the buttons, if you are using a different remote then the HX1838 that i used open serial monitor and press the desired buttons.
//change the numbers you see in the serial monitor here below, and asign a button to that number..
#define Button1  48703 // button 1 
#define Button2  58359 // button 2
#define Button3  539 // button 3
#define Button4  25979 // button 4
#define Button5  15547 // button 5
#define Button6  59295 // button 6
#define Button7  65015 // button 7
#define Button8  5499 // button 8
#define AllonOff  19899 // Play/Pauze on the HX1838 Switches Off or On everything.
IRrecv irrecv(IRreceiver);
decode_results results;
void setup()
  pinMode (Relay, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (Relay1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (Relay2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (Relay3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (BlueLed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (RedLed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (GreenLed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (Buzzer, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
    unsigned int value = results.value;
    switch(value) {
      // HERE YOU SET THE BUTTONS, you can add more buttons just copy new sections.
      // Just copy what is between "case Button1 and case button 2. make sure you also change if(OnOrOFF[1]<--(change the number to 10 in this case.) Because button 9 (the AllonOff button)
      // is number 9 right right now, which is asigned to the Pauze/Play button on the remote control. If you place another button after that it would be Button 11, and so on.
//      case Button10: This would be the next button.
//         if(OnOrOFF[10] == 1) {        //<--- Just copy this section and paste it below the latest button.
//            digitalWrite(BlueLed, LOW);   // OFF
//            OnOrOFF[10] = 0;          
//         } else {                      
//             digitalWrite(BlueLed, HIGH); // ON
//             OnOrOFF[10] = 1;          
//         }
//          break;  <-- make sure you copy this to.
       case Button1:
         if(OnOrOFF[1] == 1) {        
            digitalWrite(BlueLed, LOW);   // OFF
            OnOrOFF[1] = 0;          
         } else {                      
             digitalWrite(BlueLed, HIGH); // ON
             OnOrOFF[1] = 1;          
       case Button2:
         if(OnOrOFF[2] == 1) {
            digitalWrite(RedLed, LOW);
            OnOrOFF[2] = 0;
         } else {
             digitalWrite(RedLed, HIGH);
             OnOrOFF[2] = 1;
       case Button3:
         if(OnOrOFF[3] == 1) {
            digitalWrite(GreenLed, LOW);
            OnOrOFF[3] = 0;
         } else {
             digitalWrite(GreenLed, HIGH);
             OnOrOFF[3] = 1;
       case Button4:
         if(OnOrOFF[4] == 1) {
            digitalWrite(Buzzer, LOW);
            OnOrOFF[4] = 0;
         } else {
             digitalWrite(Buzzer, HIGH);
             OnOrOFF[4] = 1;
       case Button5:
         if(OnOrOFF[5] == 1) {
            digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);                       // START OF RELAYS
            OnOrOFF[5] = 0;
         } else {
             digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH);
             OnOrOFF[5] = 1;
       case Button6:
         if(OnOrOFF[6] == 1) {
            digitalWrite(Relay1, LOW);
            OnOrOFF[6] = 0;
         } else {
             digitalWrite(Relay1, HIGH);
             OnOrOFF[6] = 1;
       case Button7:
         if(OnOrOFF[7] == 1) {
            digitalWrite(Relay2, LOW);
            OnOrOFF[7] = 0;
         } else {
             digitalWrite(Relay2, HIGH);
             OnOrOFF[7] = 1;
      case Button8:
         if(OnOrOFF[8] == 1) {
            digitalWrite(Relay3, LOW);
            OnOrOFF[8] = 0;
         } else {
             digitalWrite(Relay3, HIGH);
             OnOrOFF[8] = 1;
       case AllonOff:  
         if(OnOrOFF[9] == 1) {
            digitalWrite(Buzzer, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Relay1, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Relay2, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Relay3, LOW);
            digitalWrite(GreenLed, LOW);
            digitalWrite(RedLed, LOW);
            digitalWrite(BlueLed, LOW);
            OnOrOFF[9] = 0;
         } else {
             digitalWrite(Buzzer, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(Relay1, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(Relay2, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(Relay3, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(GreenLed, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(RedLed, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(BlueLed, HIGH);
             OnOrOFF[9] = 1;
          //<<--- this is the spot where you paste a new button.    


Danny van den Brande

Danny van den Brande

36 projects • 108 followers
"Hello world."
