naveen manwani
Published © GPL3+

Using Grove Touch Sensor To Control Grove LED

How to connect and use Grove Touch Sensor to control Grove LED socket kit.

BeginnerProtip30 minutes2,816
Using Grove Touch Sensor To Control Grove LED

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino 101
Arduino 101
Seeed Studio grove starter kit for arduino/genuino 101

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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connection pin of LED socket kit on Base Shield

it will show the connection of led socket kit on pin D7 over Grove Base Shield

connection of Grove_Touch Sensor on Grove Base Shield

connecting Grove Grove_Touch Sensor on pin D3 over Grove Base Shield
which is mounted on Arduino/Genuino 101

complete connection setup

Working setup


To control Grove_LED socket kit through Grove_TouchSensor

// this demo will show you how to use Grove - touch sensor to control a LED
// when the touch sensor was  touched, the led will on 
// otherwise led off
// Grove - Touch sensor connect to D3
// Grove - LED connect to D7

const int pinTouch = 3;                        // pin of button define here
const int pinLed    = 7;                        // pin of led define here

void setup()
    pinMode(pinTouch, INPUT);                  // set button INPUT
    pinMode(pinLed, OUTPUT);                    // set led OUTPUT

void loop()
    if(digitalRead(pinTouch))                     // when button is pressed
        digitalWrite(pinLed, HIGH);             // led on
        digitalWrite(pinLed, LOW);


naveen manwani

naveen manwani

9 projects • 9 followers
Electronics & Communication Engineer,machine learning and deep learning enthusiast | Fellowship,Mentor @ coursera
