Tyler SmithlineLeo Jiang
Published © GPL3+

Robotic arm obstacle course

We programmed a Thermo Scientific CRS Robot arm to complete three tasks.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)20 hours142
Robotic arm obstacle course

Things used in this project

Software apps and online services

Code Composer Studio
Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio


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Final Project Code

#include "math.h"
#include "F28335Serial.h"

#define PI          3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define TWOPI       6.283185307179586476925286766559
#define HALFPI      1.5707963267948966192313216916398
#define GRAV        9.81
#define num_points  32 // Need to update this every time we add points
#define d_speed     0.2

// These two offsets are only used in the main file user_CRSRobot.c  You just need to create them here and find the correct offset and then these offset will adjust the encoder readings
float offset_Enc2_rad = -0.4454;
float offset_Enc3_rad = 0.2436;
//float offset_Enc2_rad = 0.0;
//float offset_Enc3_rad = 0.0;

// Your global varialbes.

long mycount = 0;

#pragma DATA_SECTION(whattoprint, ".my_vars")
float whattoprint = 0.0;
#pragma DATA_SECTION(toPrint, ".my_vars")
float toPrint = 0.0;

#pragma DATA_SECTION(theta1array, ".my_arrs")
float theta1array[100];
#pragma DATA_SECTION(theta2array, ".my_arrs")
float theta2array[100];

long arrayindex = 0;
int UARTprint = 0;

float printtheta1motor = 0;
float printtheta2motor = 0;
float printtheta3motor = 0;

float motortheta1 = 0;
float motortheta2 = 0;
float motortheta3 = 0;

// Assign these float to the values you would like to plot in Simulink
float Simulink_PlotVar1 = 0;
float Simulink_PlotVar2 = 0;
float Simulink_PlotVar3 = 0;
float Simulink_PlotVar4 = 0;

float thetaddot = 0;

float J1 = 0.0167;
float J2 = 0.03;
float J3 = 0.0128;

float a2 = 0;
float a3 = 0;

float a0 = 0;
float a1 = 0;

float t = 0.0;
int home_traj = 0;

float Omega1 = 0;
float Omega2 = 0;
float Omega3 = 0;

float Viscous_positive1 = 0.22;
float Viscous_negative1 = 0.22;
float Coulomb_positive1 = 0.3637;
float Coulomb_negative1 = -0.2948;

float Viscous_positive2 = 0.2500;
float Viscous_negative2 = 0.287;
float Coulomb_positive2 = 0.45;
float Coulomb_negative2 = -0.47;

float Viscous_positive3 = 0.1922;
float Viscous_negative3 = 0.2132;
float Coulomb_positive3 = 0.440;
float Coulomb_negative3 = -0.440;

float u_fric1 = 0.0;
float u_fric2 = 0.0;
float u_fric3 = 0.0;

float v_co_1 = 3.6;
float v_co_2 = 3.6;
float v_co_3 = 3.3;

float p1 = 0.03;
float p2 = 0.0128;
float p3 = 0.0076;
float p4 = 0.0753;
float p5 = 0.0298;

float at2 = 0.0;
float at3 = 0.0;
float qd = 0;
float qddot = 0;
float qdddot = 0;

float sintheta1=0;
float sintheta32 = 0;
float costheta32 = 0;

//float kp1f = 300;
//float kp2f = 300;
//float kp3f = 160;
//float kd1f = 1.6;
//float kd2f = 1.9;
//float kd3f = 1.9;

float Theta1_old = 0;
float Omega1_old1 = 0;
float Omega1_old2 = 0;

float Theta2_old = 0;
float Omega2_old1 = 0;
float Omega2_old2 = 0;

float Theta3_old = 0;
float Omega3_old1 = 0;
float Omega3_old2 = 0;

float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float z = 0;

float KPx = 500.0;
float KPy = 500.0;
float KPz = 500.0;

float KDx = 10.0;
float KDy = 10.0;
float KDz = 10.0;

float x_dot = 0.0;
float y_dot = 0.0;
float z_dot = 0.0;

float xd_dot = 0.0;
float yd_dot = 0.0;
float zd_dot = 0.0;

// Initialize variables to keep track of old vals
float x_old = 0;
float x_dot_old = 0;
float x_dot_old2 = 0;

float y_old = 0;
float y_dot_old = 0;
float y_dot_old2 = 0;

float z_old = 0;
float z_dot_old = 0;
float z_dot_old2 = 0;

float xd = 0;
float yd = 0;
float zd = 0;

float Fx = 0.0;
float Fy = 0.0;
float Fz = 0.0;

float JF1 = 0.0;
float JF2 = 0.0;
float JF3 = 0.0;

float ff = 0.8;
float Kt = 6.0;
float FZcmd = 0.0;
float JFZ1 = 0.0;
float JFZ2 = 0.0;
float JFZ3 = 0.0;

float R11 = 0;
float R12 = 0;
float R13 = 0;
float R21 = 0;
float R22 = 0;
float R23 = 0;
float R31 = 0;
float R32 = 0;
float R33 = 0;
float RT11 = 0;
float RT12 = 0;
float RT13 = 0;
float RT21 = 0;
float RT22 = 0;
float RT23 = 0;
float RT31 = 0;
float RT32 = 0;
float RT33 = 0;

float cosz = 0;
float sinz = 0;
float cosx = 0;
float sinx = 0;
float cosy = 0;
float siny = 0;

float thetaz = 0;
float thetax = 0;
float thetay = 0;

float FxN= 0;
float FyN= 0;
float FzN= 0;

float xn = 0;
float yn = 0;
float zn = 0;

float xw = 0;
float yw = 0;
float zw = 0;
float xdw = 0;
float ydw = 0;
float zdw = 0;

float KPxn = 500.0;
float KPyn = 500.0;
float KPzn = 500.0;

float KDxn = 50.0;
float KDyn = 50.0;
float KDzn = 50.0;

float dirx = 0.0;
float diry = 0.0;
float dirz = 0.0;

float xa = 0.137;
float ya = 0.0;
float za = 0.422;

float xb = 0.4;
float yb = -0.1;
float zb = 0.3;

float speed = 0.15;
float t_start = 0.0;
float t_total = 0.0;
int state = 0; //0 is heading to b, 1 is heading to a
int i = 0; // Current point index
int end = 0;

typedef struct steptraj_s {
    long double b[5];
    long double a[5];
    long double xk[5];
    long double yk[5];
    float qd_old;
    float qddot_old;
    int size;
} steptraj_t;

typedef struct points {
    float xb;
    float yb;
    float zb;
    float thetaz;
    int mode;
} point;

// Mode 0: Normal speed, no weakening
// Mode 1: Waiting 1 second
// Mode 2: Weakening in x and y

// To ensure correct position of zigzag, both ends should be 20.5cm from the edge of the table

point my_points [num_points] =
    {{0.137, 0.00, 0.422, 0.0, 0}, // Zero Position
    {0.260, 0.00, 0.500, 0.0, 0}, // Zero DH Position
    {0.0289, 0.3498, 0.250, 0.0, 0}, // Above hole
    {0.0289, 0.3497, 0.1350, 0.0, 2},// In hole
    {0.0289, 0.3497, 0.1350, 0.0, 1},// In hole
    {0.0289, 0.3498, 0.1890, 0.0, 2}, // Return to Above Hole
    {0.173, 0.1136, 0.475, 0.0, 0}, // Going around cardboard box
    {0.375, 0.115, 0.21, 0.0, 0}, // Start of zig-zag
    {0.39, 0.09, 0.21, 50.0, 6}, // First point in zig-zag, P1 after linear stretch
    {0.40, 0.069, 0.21, 0.0, 6}, // P2, Before Curve 1
    {0.405, 0.065, 0.21, 0.0, 6}, // P3
    {0.404, 0.0605, 0.21, 0.0, 6}, // P4
    {0.402, 0.056, 0.21, 0.0, 6}, // P5
    {0.397, 0.053, 0.21, 0.0, 6}, // P6
    {0.390, 0.050, 0.21, 0.0, 6}, // P7
    {0.328, 0.0625, 0.21, 0.0, 0}, // P8, Before Curve 2
    {0.321, 0.060, 0.21, 0.0, 0}, // P9
    {0.317, 0.05, 0.21, 0.0, 0}, // P10
    {0.316, 0.043, 0.21, 0.0, 0}, // P11
    {0.3185, 0.0374, 0.21, 0.0, 0}, // P12
    {0.374, -0.02, 0.21, 0.0, 0}, // P13, out of curve
    {0.395, -0.055, 0.277, 0.0, 0}, // Lifted up after curve
    {0.242, 0.187, 0.375, 0.0, 0}, // Above Egg
    {0.242, 0.187, 0.31, 0.0, 0}, // Closer to Egg
    {0.242, 0.187, 0.29, 0.0, 3}, // Applying z force to egg
    {0.242, 0.187, 0.29, 0.0, 4}, // Holding on top of egg
    {0.137, 0.00, 0.422, 0.0, 1}, // Return to Zero DH Position
    {0.137, 0.00, 0.422, 0.0, 5} // Stay at Zero DH Position

// This function is called every 1 ms
void lab(float theta1motor,float theta2motor,float theta3motor,float *tau1,float *tau2,float *tau3, int error) {

    //Motor torque limitation(Max: 5 Min: -5)

    // save past states
    if ((mycount%50)==0) {

        theta1array[arrayindex] = theta1motor;
        theta2array[arrayindex] = theta2motor;

        if (arrayindex >= 100) {
            arrayindex = 0;
        } else {


    if ((mycount%500)==0) {
        UARTprint = 1;
        GpioDataRegs.GPBTOGGLE.bit.GPIO34 = 1; // Blink LED on Control Card
        GpioDataRegs.GPBTOGGLE.bit.GPIO60 = 1; // Blink LED on Emergency Stop Box

    // Print motor angles from encoders
    printtheta1motor = theta1motor;
    printtheta2motor = theta2motor;
    printtheta3motor = theta3motor;

    Omega1 = (theta1motor - Theta1_old)/0.001;
    Omega1 = (Omega1 + Omega1_old1 + Omega1_old2)/3.0;
    Theta1_old = theta1motor;
//    //order matters here. Because we are saving the old value first before overriding it
    Omega1_old2 = Omega1_old1;
    Omega1_old1 = Omega1;
    Omega2 = (theta2motor - Theta2_old)/0.001;
    Omega2 = (Omega2 + Omega2_old1 + Omega2_old2)/3.0;
    Theta2_old = theta2motor;
    //order matters here. Because we are saving the old value first before overriding it
    Omega2_old2 = Omega2_old1;
    Omega2_old1 = Omega2;
    Omega3 = (theta3motor - Theta3_old)/0.001;
    Omega3 = (Omega3 + Omega3_old1 + Omega3_old2)/3.0;
    Theta3_old = theta3motor;
    //order matters here. Because we are saving the old value first before overriding it
    Omega3_old2 = Omega3_old1;
    Omega3_old1 = Omega3;

    if (Omega1 > 0.1) {
     u_fric1 = Viscous_positive1*Omega1 + Coulomb_positive1;
    } else if (Omega1 < -0.1) {
     u_fric1 = Viscous_negative1*Omega1 + Coulomb_negative1;
    } else {
     u_fric1 = v_co_1*Omega1;

    if (Omega2 > 0.05) {
     u_fric2 = Viscous_positive2*Omega2 + Coulomb_positive2;
    } else if (Omega2 < -0.05) {
     u_fric2 = Viscous_negative2*Omega2 + Coulomb_negative2;
    } else {
     u_fric2 = v_co_2*Omega2;

    if (Omega3 > 0.05) {
     u_fric3 = Viscous_positive3*Omega3 + Coulomb_positive3;
    } else if (Omega3 < -0.05) {
     u_fric3 = Viscous_negative3*Omega3 + Coulomb_negative3;
    } else {
     u_fric3 = v_co_3*Omega3;

    // Final Project Trajectory Generation Following Point List
    t = mycount * 0.001;

    xa = my_points[i].xb;
    ya = my_points[i].yb;
    za = my_points[i].zb;
    xb = my_points[i+1].xb;
    yb = my_points[i+1].yb;
    zb = my_points[i+1].zb;

    thetaz = 0.0;

    // Set parameters based on desired movement mode
    if (my_points[i+1].mode == 0) {  // Mode 0: Normal speed, no weakening
        speed = d_speed;
        KPx = 500.0;
        KPy = 500.0;
        KPz = 500.0;
        KDx = 10.0;
        KDy = 10.0;
        KDz = 10.0;
        FZcmd = 0.0;
    } else if (my_points[i+1].mode == 1) {   // Mode 1: Waiting 1 second
        speed = 0.0;
        KPx = 500.0;
        KPy = 500.0;
        KPz = 500.0;
        KDx = 10.0;
        KDy = 10.0;
        KDz = 10.0;
        FZcmd = 0.0;
    } else if (my_points[i+1].mode == 2) {   // Mode 2: Weakening in x and y
        speed = d_speed;
        KPx = 50.0;
        KPy = 50.0;
        KPz = 500.0;
        KDx = 1.0;
        KDy = 1.0;
        KDz = 10.0;
        FZcmd = 0.0;
    } else if (my_points[i+1].mode == 3) {   // Mode 3: Z down force
        speed = 0.05;
        KPx = 500.0;
        KPy = 500.0;
        KPz = 500.0;
        KDx = 10.0;
        KDy = 10.0;
        KDz = 10.0;
        FZcmd = -13.0;
    } else if (my_points[i+1].mode == 4) {   // Mode 4: Z down force and wait for egg
        speed = 0.0;
        KPx = 500.0;
        KPy = 500.0;
        KPz = 500.0;
        KDx = 10.0;
        KDy = 10.0;
        KDz = 10.0;
        FZcmd = -13.0;
    } else if (my_points[i+1].mode == 5) {   // Mode 5: Z down force and wait for egg
        speed = 0.0;
        KPx = 500.0;
        KPy = 500.0;
        KPz = 500.0;
        KDx = 10.0;
        KDy = 10.0;
        KDz = 10.0;
        FZcmd = 0.0;
    } else if (my_points[i+1].mode == 6) {   // Mode 6: Impedance control to soften x
        speed = d_speed;
        KPx = 250.0;
        KPy = 250.0;
        KPz = 500.0;
        KDx = 5.0;
        KDy = 5.0;
        KDz = 10.0;
        FZcmd = 0.0;
//        thetaz = -atan2((xa-xb),(ya-yb));

    //rotation to new frame
    cosz = cos(thetaz);
    sinz = sin(thetaz);
    cosx = cos(thetax);
    sinx = sin(thetax);
    cosy = cos(thetay);
    siny = sin(thetay);
    RT11 = R11 = cosz*cosy-sinz*sinx*siny;
    RT21 = R12 = -sinz*cosx;
    RT31 = R13 = cosz*siny+sinz*sinx*cosy;
    RT12 = R21 = sinz*cosy+cosz*sinx*siny;
    RT22 = R22 = cosz*cosx;
    RT32 = R23 = sinz*siny-cosz*sinx*cosy;
    RT13 = R31 = -cosx*siny;
    RT23 = R32 = sinx;
    RT33 = R33 = cosx*cosy;

    dirx = xb - xa;
    diry = yb - ya;
    dirz = zb - za;
    if (my_points[i+1].mode == 1) {
        t_total = 0.5;
    } else if (my_points[i+1].mode == 4) {
        t_total = 2;
    } else if (my_points[i+1].mode == 5) {
        t_total = 50;
    } else {
        t_total = sqrt(dirx*dirx + diry*diry + dirz*dirz)/speed;
    xdw = dirx * (t-t_start) / t_total + xa;
    ydw = diry * (t-t_start) / t_total + ya;
    zdw = dirz * (t-t_start) / t_total + za;

    if((t-t_start) > t_total) {
        if (i < num_points-1) {
            i = i + 1;
            t_start = t;
        } else {
            end = 1;


    //Task Space PD Control rotation
    xd = RT11*xdw+RT12*ydw+RT13*zdw;
    yd = RT21*xdw+RT22*ydw+RT23*zdw;
    zd = RT31*xdw+RT32*ydw+RT33*zdw;

    xw = (127.0*cos(theta1motor)*(cos(theta3motor) + sin(theta2motor)))/500.0;
    yw= (127.0*sin(theta1motor)*(cos(theta3motor) + sin(theta2motor)))/500.0;
    zw = (127.0*cos(theta2motor))/500.0 - (127.0*sin(theta3motor))/500.0 + 127.0/500.0;

    x = RT11*xw+RT12*yw+RT13*zw;
    y = RT21*xw+RT22*yw+RT23*zw;
    z = RT31*xw+RT32*yw+RT33*zw;

    x_dot = (x - x_old)/0.001;
    x_dot = (x_dot + x_dot_old + x_dot_old2)/3.0;
    x_old = x;
    x_dot_old2 = x_dot_old;
    x_dot_old = x_dot;

    y_dot = (y - y_old)/0.001;
    y_dot = (y_dot + y_dot_old + y_dot_old2)/3.0;
    y_old = y;
    y_dot_old2 = y_dot_old;
    y_dot_old = y_dot;

    z_dot = (z - z_old)/0.001;
    z_dot = (z_dot + z_dot_old + z_dot_old2)/3.0;
    z_old = z;
    z_dot_old2 = z_dot_old;
    z_dot_old = z_dot;

    Fx = KPxn*(xd-x) + KDxn*(xd_dot - x_dot);
    Fy = KPyn*(yd-y) + KDyn*(yd_dot - y_dot);
    Fz = KPzn*(zd-z) + KDzn*(zd_dot - z_dot);

    //rotation back to the world
    FxN= R11*Fx+R12*Fy+R13*Fz;
    FyN= R21*Fx+R22*Fy+R23*Fz;
    FzN= R31*Fx+R32*Fy+R33*Fz;

    JF1 = (-0.254*sin(theta1motor)*(cos(theta3motor)+sin(theta2motor)))*FxN
            + (0.254*cos(theta1motor)*(cos(theta3motor)+sin(theta2motor)))*FyN + 0*FzN;
    JF2 = (0.254*cos(theta1motor)*(cos(theta2motor)-sin(theta3motor)))*FxN
            + (0.254*sin(theta1motor)*(cos(theta2motor)-sin(theta3motor)))*FyN
            - 0.254*(cos(theta3motor)+sin(theta2motor))*FzN;
    JF3 = - 0.254*sin(theta3motor)*cos(theta1motor)*FxN - 0.254*sin(theta1motor)*sin(theta3motor)*FyN
            - 0.254*cos(theta3motor)*FzN;

    if (end == 1) {
        FZcmd = 12;

    JFZ1 = 0*FZcmd/Kt;
    JFZ2 = -0.254*(cos(theta3motor)+sin(theta2motor))*FZcmd/Kt;
    JFZ3 = -0.254*cos(theta3motor)*FZcmd/Kt;

    if (end == 1) {
        *tau1 = JFZ1;
        *tau2 = JFZ2;
        *tau3 = JFZ3;
    } else {
        *tau1 = JF1 + ff*u_fric1 + JFZ1;
        *tau2 = JF2 + ff*u_fric2 + JFZ2;
        *tau3 = JF3 + ff*u_fric3 + JFZ3;

    // When we want to move it by hand
//    *tau1 = 0;
//    *tau2 = 0;
//    *tau3 = 0;

    // When we want to plot error
    Simulink_PlotVar1 = xd-x;
    Simulink_PlotVar2 = yd-y;
    Simulink_PlotVar3 = zd-z;
//    Simulink_PlotVar4 = theta1d;

    // When we want to plot actual vs desired angles
//    Simulink_PlotVar1 = theta1motor;
//    Simulink_PlotVar2 = theta2motor;
//    Simulink_PlotVar3 = theta3motor;
//    Simulink_PlotVar4 = theta1d;



void printing(void){
//    serial_printf(&SerialA, "%.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f %.2f %.2f | %.2f %.2f %.2f  \n\r",printtheta1motor*180/PI,printtheta2motor*180/PI,printtheta3motor*180/PI, x,y,z, motortheta1*180/PI, motortheta2*180/PI, motortheta3*180/PI, theta1*180/PI, theta2*180/PI, theta3*180/PI);
//    serial_printf(&SerialA, "tau2: %.2f tau3: %.2f \n\r", ptau2, ptau3);

final project repo


Tyler Smithline

Tyler Smithline

2 projects • 1 follower
Leo Jiang

Leo Jiang

2 projects • 0 followers
